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Hi! I have a study with randomization to one of two trainings and a control condition. Each training / control is preceded by an essay. In the training conditions, everything shows up properly. In the control condition, it skips the essay and moves on to the training part. I'm not sure why this is the case; I copied the control condition into a separate script and it worked.
Any ideas would be really helpful and greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
What I think the relevant pieces are copied below: <expt> /blocks = [1=Subject_ID; 2= Instruct_choice; 3=ListA; 4= Positive_Essay1; 5= Positive_SurveyEssay; 6 = Positive_Essay2; 7=Positive_ROCpractice; 8=Positive_ROCpracticetrials; 9=Positive_ROC_ListA; 10=Positive_ROC_ListA2; 11=endROC; 12=Instruct_choice2; 13=ListA; 14=final_end] /subjects = (1 of 3) /groupassignment = random </expt> <expt> /blocks = [1=Subject_ID; 2= Instruct_choice; 3=ListA; 4= Negative_Essay1; 5= Negative_SurveyEssay; 6 = Negative_Essay2; 7=Negative_ROCpractice; 8=Negative_ROCpracticetrials; 9=Negative_ROC_ListA; 10=Negative_ROC_ListA2; 11=endROC; 12=Instruct_choice2; 13=ListA; 14=final_end] /subjects = (2 of 3) /groupassignment = random </expt> <expt> /blocks = [1=Subject_ID; 2= Instruct_choice; 3=ListA; 4=Neutral_Essay1; 5=Neutral_SurveyEssay; 6=Neutral_Essay2; 7=ROCpractice; 8=ROCpracticetrials; 9=ROC_ListA; 10=ROC_ListA2; 11=endROC; 12=Instruct_choice2; 13=ListA; 14=final_end] /subjects = (3 of 3) /groupassignment = random </expt>
<block Neutral_Essay1> /trials = [1= Neutral_Essay1;2= Neutral_EssayText1; 3 = Neutral_EssayText2; 4= Neutral_EssayText3] </block>
<trial Neutral_Essay1> /stimulustimes = [1=Neutral_Essay1] / pretrialpause = 500 /validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<trial Neutral_EssayText1> /stimulustimes = [1=Neutral_EssayText1] / pretrialpause = 500 /validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<block Neutral_Essay2> /trials = [1= Neutral_Essay2] </block>
<trial Neutral_Essay2> /stimulustimes = [1 = Neutral_EndEssay] /pretrialpause = 500 /timeout = 30000 /correctresponse = (" ") </trial>
<trial Neutral_EssayText2> /stimulustimes = [1=Neutral_EssayText2] / pretrialpause = 500 /validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<trial Neutral_EssayText3> /stimulustimes = [1=Neutral_EssayText3] / pretrialpause = 500 /validresponse = (" ") </trial>
<picture Neutral_Essay1> /items = Neutral_Essay_items /select = sequence (1,2,3) /position = (50,50) </picture>
<item Neutral_Essay_items> /1 = "Neutral_Essay01.jpg" </item>
<text Neutral_EssayText1> /items = Neutral_Essay_Text1 /size = (940, 880) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = sequence / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 25) </text>
<text Neutral_EssayText2> /items = Negative_Essay_Text2 /size = (940, 880) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = sequence / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 25) </text>
<text Neutral_EssayText3> /items = Negative_Essay_Text3 /size = (940, 880) /position = (50, 50) /halign = center /select = sequence / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 25) </text> <item Neutral_Essay_Text1> /1 = "......" </item>
<item Neutral_Essay_Text2> /1 = "......" </item>
<item Neutral_Essay_Text3> /1= "....." </item>
<survey Neutral_Surveyessay> /pages = [1=Neutral_Essaysurvey1; 2 = Neutral_Essaysurvey2] /finishlabel = "Finish" /nextlabel = "Next" /backlabel = "Back" </survey>
<surveypage Neutral_Essaysurvey1> /caption = "Please answer the following questions." / questions = [1=q1,q2,q3] </surveypage>
<surveypage Neutral_Essaysurvey2> /caption = "Please answer the following questions." / questions = [1=q4,q5,q6] </surveypage>
<textbox q1> /caption = "....?" / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<textbox q2> /caption = "....?" / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<textbox q3> /caption = "....?" / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<textbox q4> /caption = "....?" / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<textbox q5> /caption = "....?" / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<textbox q6> /caption = "....." / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14) </textbox>
<picture Neutral_EndEssay> /items = Neutral_EndEssayitem /select = 1 /position = (50,50) </picture>
<item Neutral_EndEssayitem> /1 = "Neutral_Essay04.jpg" </item>