mp3 not all playing in full length

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I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

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Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

Please provide the code and the respective mp3 files. In addition, please note that you ought to use the <video> element with MP3s, *not* the <sound> element.

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Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

Please provide the code and the respective mp3 files. In addition, please note that you ought to use the <video> element with MP3s, *not* the <sound> element.

Hello, I attach a zip file which contains the code and some practice files; the system doesn't allow me to upload all files (but you can try the whole experiment here It happens in the practice, too. Please note that I am using <video> and I have already tried different mp3 files. Also, I initially thought the files might not be loud enough but I have since increased their mean loudness level and still no change. Not all files are affected and crucially, it's not always the same files either. Any help you can provide is highly appreciated. Thanks,

Attachments (267 views, 269.00 KB)
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Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

Please provide the code and the respective mp3 files. In addition, please note that you ought to use the <video> element with MP3s, *not* the <sound> element.

Hello, I attach a zip file which contains the code and some practice files; the system doesn't allow me to upload all files (but you can try the whole experiment here It happens in the practice, too. Please note that I am using <video> and I have already tried different mp3 files. Also, I initially thought the files might not be loud enough but I have since increased their mean loudness level and still no change. Not all files are affected and crucially, it's not always the same files either. Any help you can provide is highly appreciated. Thanks,

Thanks for the files and the link. I've made some minor adjustments to the script (attached) which should prevent any cut-offs by giving Inquisit a little more time to prepare the audio. Can you give this a spin and let me know if you're still experiencing any problems?

chineng_nov2017a.iqx (500 views, 13.00 KB)
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Posts: 3, Visits: 5
Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

Please provide the code and the respective mp3 files. In addition, please note that you ought to use the <video> element with MP3s, *not* the <sound> element.

Hello, I attach a zip file which contains the code and some practice files; the system doesn't allow me to upload all files (but you can try the whole experiment here It happens in the practice, too. Please note that I am using <video> and I have already tried different mp3 files. Also, I initially thought the files might not be loud enough but I have since increased their mean loudness level and still no change. Not all files are affected and crucially, it's not always the same files either. Any help you can provide is highly appreciated. Thanks,

Thanks for the files and the link. I've made some minor adjustments to the script (attached) which should prevent any cut-offs by giving Inquisit a little more time to prepare the audio. Can you give this a spin and let me know if you're still experiencing any problems?
Thanks so much! It works on the desktop version now and I am hoping that the web version works, too.
Can I just ask if you've made other modifications other than / validresponse = (0) or / trialduration = 500?
Thanks again!

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 13, 2017
Silke - Monday, November 13, 2017
I am trying to play a number of mp3 files and participants are asked to answer a couple of questions about them. The script runs without error messages, but on some trials, the mp3s don't play in full length (i.e., they sound cut-off). Has anyone else encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it? I tried to set "stimulustimes" to set to the sound item but that didn't work either.

Please provide the code and the respective mp3 files. In addition, please note that you ought to use the <video> element with MP3s, *not* the <sound> element.

Hello, I attach a zip file which contains the code and some practice files; the system doesn't allow me to upload all files (but you can try the whole experiment here It happens in the practice, too. Please note that I am using <video> and I have already tried different mp3 files. Also, I initially thought the files might not be loud enough but I have since increased their mean loudness level and still no change. Not all files are affected and crucially, it's not always the same files either. Any help you can provide is highly appreciated. Thanks,

Thanks for the files and the link. I've made some minor adjustments to the script (attached) which should prevent any cut-offs by giving Inquisit a little more time to prepare the audio. Can you give this a spin and let me know if you're still experiencing any problems?
Thanks so much! It works on the desktop version now and I am hoping that the web version works, too.
Can I just ask if you've made other modifications other than / validresponse = (0) or / trialduration = 500?
Thanks again!

The main change was to delay the start of the audio in the <trial> elements for a little bit:

<trial practice>
/ stimulusframes = [2=practice]

i.e, starting the audio only in the trial's 2nd frame, instead of in the 1st:

<trial practice>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practice]

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