I've been having trouble with participants being able to scroll down all the way on survey pages to click the "next" button to get to the next page. They thus are frozen on that page and have to quit. So for example, they might see a screen like this:
But be unable to scroll down any further to click the next button. This issue has come up a number of different times on different survey pages. I'll post the script for the survey page above:
/demographicpageinstructions = "Please select the answers that apply best. Remember that you are free to skip questions you would rather not answer.
<radiobuttons Education>
/caption = "Please indicate your highest level of education:"
/ options = ("Less than high school", "High school graduation or some university", "University graduation","Masters degree", "Doctoral or Professional Degree","I prefer not to answer this question")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6")
/ size = (90%,10%)
<dropdown PersonalIncome>
/caption = "Please indicate your current yearly income:"
/options = (
"Less than $15,000",
"$15,001 to $25,000",
"$25,001 to $35,000",
"$35,001 to $50,000",
"$50,001 to $75,000",
"$75,001 to $100,000",
"$100,001 to $150,000",
"Over $150,000","I prefer not to answer this question")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")
/ size = (90%,10%)
<radiobuttons PoliOrient1>
/caption = "Please rate your political orientation on the following scale:"
/ options = ( "Not conservative at all","Slighly conservative","Moderately conservative","Very conservative", "Extremely conservative","I prefer not to answer this question")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6")
/ size = (90%,10%)
<radiobuttons PoliOrient2>
/caption = "Please rate your political orientation on the following scale:"
/ options = ( "Not liberal at all","Slighly liberal","Moderately liberal","Very liberal", "Extremely liberal","I prefer not to answer this question")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6")
/ size = (90%,10%)
<surveypage Demographics1>
/caption ="<%parameters.demographicpageinstructions%>"
/ txcolor = black
/questions = [1 = Education, PersonalIncome, PoliOrient1, PoliOrient2]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ showbackbutton = false
<survey DemoArch>
/pages = [1 = FeltUndArch1; 2=FeltUndArch2; 3=FeltUndArch3; 4 = FeltUndArch4; 5=FeltUndArch5; 6=FeltUndArch6; 7= Demographics1; 8 = Demographics2; 9=Demographics3; 10 = Demographics4; 11=Demographics5; 12=Demographics6; 13=Demographics7; 14=Demographics8]
Any idea what might be causing it/how to fix?