Why doesn't this script loop?

Nick Riches
Nick Riches
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I have a very basic query. My script doesn't loop through items. Below is a very simple Minimal Worked Example. It should loop through the sentences, but only displays 1. Thanks


<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences
/ select = text.question.currentindex

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1 = trial]

<expt expt>
/ blocks = [1 = block]

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Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017

I have a very basic query. My script doesn't loop through items. Below is a very simple Minimal Worked Example. It should loop through the sentences, but only displays 1. Thanks


<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences
/ select = text.question.currentindex

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1 = trial]

<expt expt>
/ blocks = [1 = block]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

is not supposed to "loop" through sentences. A given stimulus object like <text sentence> will select one and only one item per trial, displaying the element repeatedly during the trial will not lead to a new selection. If you wish to display three different items during a trial, you need three different stimulus objects -- e.g. <text sentence_a> to <text sentence_c> -- and have your trial display all three.

Nick Riches
Nick Riches
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Dave - Monday, November 20, 2017
Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017

I have a very basic query. My script doesn't loop through items. Below is a very simple Minimal Worked Example. It should loop through the sentences, but only displays 1. Thanks


<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences
/ select = text.question.currentindex

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1 = trial]

<expt expt>
/ blocks = [1 = block]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

is not supposed to "loop" through sentences. A given stimulus object like <text sentence> will select one and only one item per trial, displaying the element repeatedly during the trial will not lead to a new selection. If you wish to display three different items during a trial, you need three different stimulus objects -- e.g. <text sentence_a> to <text sentence_c> -- and have your trial display all three.

Thanks. I'm afraid I don't understand. This is identical to one of the walk-through examples: the IAT script (snippets shown below). A series of items are defined and these are plugged into the text object. Then a trial object is created, in which the property 'items' references the text object. This successfully loops through the items. As far as I can see, my example has exactly the same structure as this, but it doesn't loop. There must be something wrong which causes it not to loop.
<text pleasant>
/ items = pleasant

<item pleasant>
/ 1 = "   HONOR   "
/ 2 = "   LUCKY   "
/ 3 = "   DIAMOND   "
/ 4 = "   LOYAL   "
/ 5 = "   FREEDOM   "
/ 6 = "   RAINBOW   "
/ 7 = "   LOVE   "
/ 8 = "   HONEST   "
/ 9 = "   PEACE   "
/10 = "   HEAVEN   "

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingstimuli.htm)
<trial pleasant> 
/ stimulusframes = [1=pleasant]
/ validresponse = ("a", "5")
/ correctresponse = ("5")

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingtrials.htm)

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Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 20, 2017
Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017

I have a very basic query. My script doesn't loop through items. Below is a very simple Minimal Worked Example. It should loop through the sentences, but only displays 1. Thanks


<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences
/ select = text.question.currentindex

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1 = trial]

<expt expt>
/ blocks = [1 = block]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

is not supposed to "loop" through sentences. A given stimulus object like <text sentence> will select one and only one item per trial, displaying the element repeatedly during the trial will not lead to a new selection. If you wish to display three different items during a trial, you need three different stimulus objects -- e.g. <text sentence_a> to <text sentence_c> -- and have your trial display all three.

Thanks. I'm afraid I don't understand. This is identical to one of the walk-through examples: the IAT script (snippets shown below). A series of items are defined and these are plugged into the text object. Then a trial object is created, in which the property 'items' references the text object. This successfully loops through the items. As far as I can see, my example has exactly the same structure as this, but it doesn't loop. There must be something wrong which causes it not to loop.
<text pleasant>
/ items = pleasant

<item pleasant>
/ 1 = "   HONOR   "
/ 2 = "   LUCKY   "
/ 3 = "   DIAMOND   "
/ 4 = "   LOYAL   "
/ 5 = "   FREEDOM   "
/ 6 = "   RAINBOW   "
/ 7 = "   LOVE   "
/ 8 = "   HONEST   "
/ 9 = "   PEACE   "
/10 = "   HEAVEN   "

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingstimuli.htm)
<trial pleasant> 
/ stimulusframes = [1=pleasant]
/ validresponse = ("a", "5")
/ correctresponse = ("5")

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingtrials.htm)


<trial pleasant> 
/ stimulusframes = [1=pleasant]

is supposed to display the stimulus "pleasant" -- a single item will be shown per trial.

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]

But you seem to expect the above to display "sentence" three times, each time showing a different item.
That is not the case, as I explained above.

If you were to run <trial trial> three times in a row, you would get three different items -- one per instance of the trial.

Nick Riches
Nick Riches
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Posts: 19, Visits: 69
Dave - Monday, November 20, 2017
Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017
Dave - Monday, November 20, 2017
Nick Riches - Monday, November 20, 2017

I have a very basic query. My script doesn't loop through items. Below is a very simple Minimal Worked Example. It should loop through the sentences, but only displays 1. Thanks


<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences
/ select = text.question.currentindex

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1 = trial]

<expt expt>
/ blocks = [1 = block]

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

is not supposed to "loop" through sentences. A given stimulus object like <text sentence> will select one and only one item per trial, displaying the element repeatedly during the trial will not lead to a new selection. If you wish to display three different items during a trial, you need three different stimulus objects -- e.g. <text sentence_a> to <text sentence_c> -- and have your trial display all three.

Thanks. I'm afraid I don't understand. This is identical to one of the walk-through examples: the IAT script (snippets shown below). A series of items are defined and these are plugged into the text object. Then a trial object is created, in which the property 'items' references the text object. This successfully loops through the items. As far as I can see, my example has exactly the same structure as this, but it doesn't loop. There must be something wrong which causes it not to loop.
<text pleasant>
/ items = pleasant

<item pleasant>
/ 1 = "   HONOR   "
/ 2 = "   LUCKY   "
/ 3 = "   DIAMOND   "
/ 4 = "   LOYAL   "
/ 5 = "   FREEDOM   "
/ 6 = "   RAINBOW   "
/ 7 = "   LOVE   "
/ 8 = "   HONEST   "
/ 9 = "   PEACE   "
/10 = "   HEAVEN   "

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingstimuli.htm)
<trial pleasant> 
/ stimulusframes = [1=pleasant]
/ validresponse = ("a", "5")
/ correctresponse = ("5")

(see http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/tutorials/simpleiat/iatcreatingtrials.htm)


<trial pleasant> 
/ stimulusframes = [1=pleasant]

is supposed to display the stimulus "pleasant" -- a single item will be shown per trial.

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1-3 = noreplace(sentence)]

But you seem to expect the above to display "sentence" three times, each time showing a different item.
That is not the case, as I explained above.

If you were to run <trial trial> three times in a row, you would get three different items -- one per instance of the trial.

Okay. I see now. The series needs to be specified for the block object, not the trial object. The following code works...

<item sentences>
/ 1 = "A dog is a canine"
/ 2 = "A cat is a feline"
/ 3 = "A bear is ursine"

<item questions>
/ 1 = ""
/ 2 = "Did this sentence mention a cat?"
/ 3 = ""

<text sentence>
/ items = sentences

<text question>
/ items = questions

<trial trial>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = sentence]
/ validresponse = ("Y", "N")

<block block>
/ trials = [1-3 = trial]


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