timer - not working anymore in Inquisit 5

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We have found another script that worked fine in Inquisit 4 and not in Inquisit5. See example below:
In Inquisit 5 the timer seems stopping and then proceeding until the end quickly... differently on Inquisit 4 it was going second per second.

** trials **
<trial present>
/stimulustimes = [1=cross; 480=wipe; 500=someStimulus;]
/response = timeout(2000)

<trial recall>
/stimulustimes = [1=wipe, timer; 5000=wipe]
/timeout = 5100
/posttrialpause = 500

Any clue why this happens?
Are there any differences in script that you are aware of from Inquisit 4 and 5?

Thank you,

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ebroggin - Thursday, December 14, 2017

We have found another script that worked fine in Inquisit 4 and not in Inquisit5. See example below:
In Inquisit 5 the timer seems stopping and then proceeding until the end quickly... differently on Inquisit 4 it was going second per second.

** trials **
<trial present>
/stimulustimes = [1=cross; 480=wipe; 500=someStimulus;]
/response = timeout(2000)

<trial recall>
/stimulustimes = [1=wipe, timer; 5000=wipe]
/timeout = 5100
/posttrialpause = 500

Any clue why this happens?
Are there any differences in script that you are aware of from Inquisit 4 and 5?

Thank you,


This, then, is probably some kind of bug. There may well be a workaround, but I'd have to see more of the code to say for sure. Can you post something that's both runnable / self-contained as well as accurately reflects the actual structure? For example, it isn't clear to me whether <trial recall> in your above snippet is supposed to take any input. Thanks.


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