I am trying to set up an LDT task as a prime for a follow-up task and I need the word/non-word segment to follow a specific order that was created outside of Inquisit. In short I don't want Inquisit to randomize the order or combination of that section. I am having a difficult time figuring out how to do this.
In essence, you enter the items and/or item numbers into the script in the predetermined order and then you simply set the respective <text> and/or <list> elements responsible for stimulus selection to sequential selection, i.e. /select = sequence.
Thank you for the feed back, but now I am receiving an error message ("The stimulustimes attribute specifies the stimulus presentation sequence for trials in terms of time in milliseconds") when I attempt to run the test trial.
<text ready>
/ items = ("*")
<trial ldtcategory>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = ready, 300 = list.ITEMS]
/ trialduration = 8400
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/beginresponsetime = 0
I tried as a 300=ITEMS, 300=text.ITEMS (which went through without an error message for awhile but only the first item in the list appeared)
I think it is safe to say I am new with Inquisit.
It is impossible for me to tell you the reason for the error based on such a limited code snippet. At a minimum, you ought to include the code for the referenced elements, i.e. <list ITEMS> and/or <text ITEMS>. Given that, as you say, you are fairly new to Inquisit, giving the tutorials included in the documentation a look might be a good idea. That will definitely help you to better understand and modify any existing code.
That said, let's dissect things a little bit. In the original LDT script, <trial ldtcategory> displays a <text> stimulus called "category":
<trial ldtcategory>
/ stimulustimes = [0=ready;
700=category; 950=blank]
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/beginresponsetime = 700
/ ontrialend = [
list.catwords.insertitem(trial.ldtcategory.correct, 1);
list.overallaccuracy.insertitem(trial.ldtcategory.correct, 1);
if (trial.ldtcategory.correct) {
list.catwords_correctRT.insertitem(trial.ldtcategory.latency, 1);
list.overallRT.insertitem(trial.ldtcategory.latency, 1);
This is the <text category> element
<text category>
/ items =
and it use the following items in <item category>:
<item category>
/ 1 = "category1"
/ 2 = "category2"
/ 3 = "category3"
/ 4 = "category4"
/ 5 = "category5"
/ 6 = "category6"
/ 7 = "category7"
/ 8 = "category8"
/ 9 = "category9"
/ 10 = "category10"
/ 11 = "category11"
/ 12 = "category12"
/ 13 = "category13"
Now, if you want those items to be sampled in a fixed order instead of randomly, you simply set <text category> to sequential selection:
<text category>
/ items =
/ select = sequence</text>
The item "category1" will then be displayed in the 1st instance of <trial ldtcategory>. The item "category2" will be displayed in the 2nd instance of <trial ldtcategory> and so forth.