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Hi there! I have a question about the OSPAN task. In our design, participants will be doing the n-back and OSPAN tasks, then proceeding to a Qualtrics questionnaire. As they will be rating their affect and stress in the questionnaire, we wish to remove the score report they see at the end (but keep the feedback throughout) in case their score impacts their responses on the questionnaire. I have managed to remove the 'score report' section* in Inquisit Lab (and the other 2 references to it** in the script) and the task seems to be working just fine; I just wish to verify that this won't impact how the data is saved. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts!
*This is the section I am referring to. (we are administering the task in French) <text scorereport> / items = ("~tRésultats pour Sujet #<%script.subjectid%>~r~r OSPAN Score Absolut:~t<%values.ospan%> OSPAN Total des réponses correctes:~t<%values.totalcorrectletters%>~r~r Math Total des erreurs:~t<%values.mathtotalerrors%> Math erreurs de vitesse:~t<%values.mathspeederrors%> Math erreurs de précision:~t<%values.mathaccerrors%>~r~r") / size = (80%, 80%) / position = (52%, 50%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text>
**also removed 2= scorereport from the <block InstrFinal> section and the <trial score_report> component under SCORING.
Thanks for all your help thus far, and thanks in advance! :)