Varying response formats in a trial function

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 12

In the current experiment there should be 2 blocks each consisting block addressing 4 of the 8 probes. Within a block the 4 probes should be presented within 4 subblocks. Each subblock consists of 1 probe, 1 target, 4 irrelevant items and 6 filler items (2 familiar, 4 unfamiliar). Participants should respond with a left key button or familiar to all targets and familiar filler items. A right key button or unfamiliar is required for all probes, irrelevants and unfamiliar items. 
The 2 blocks should be randomized as well as the subblocks.
Within a subblock all items should be presented in random order with 2 restricions:
1) a filler item can never be followed by another filler item
2) each filler item proceeds each of the irrelevants, target and probe items

My problem is the following, how can i achieve this restricted randomization? Is there a way to differentiate the response formats to different items in a list within a trial function?

I sincerely thank you for any help!
If anything is not clear, I would be more than happy to answer.

I added the script in the attachment. 

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