Recording responses on a touchscreen vs a regular computer

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 18, Visits: 68
Hi there,

I have a question about the way that responses are saved on different devices. For example, we are administering the n-back task. If participants are using a touchscreen device, presumably they need to then 'touch' the relevant key (such as 'A' for a target, 'space' to proceed, etc.). However, what happens if a participant is using a desktop computer, or a laptop that has a touchscreen capability as well, and uses the mouse to click the 'A', 'space', etc? Will their responses to the n-back still be recorded, or is it necessary to press the key 'A' to record the response? Thank you! 

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juliasmith - Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Hi there,

I have a question about the way that responses are saved on different devices. For example, we are administering the n-back task. If participants are using a touchscreen device, presumably they need to then 'touch' the relevant key (such as 'A' for a target, 'space' to proceed, etc.). However, what happens if a participant is using a desktop computer, or a laptop that has a touchscreen capability as well, and uses the mouse to click the 'A', 'space', etc? Will their responses to the n-back still be recorded, or is it necessary to press the key 'A' to record the response? Thank you! 

Inquisit will attempt to detect what kind of device it is running on and act accordingly: If the computer has a touch screen BUT a physical keyboard is present / can be detected, Inquisit will only accept input from the keyboard.


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