Delay discounting task

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I'm using delay discounting but my results are quite irregular if I compare them to the k values that can be find in previous works and papers. I'm using the custom script that can be downloaded from the test’s library; I‘m actually deleting all the lines that involve the probability task part 'cause I'm not interested in those results.

To analyse the results I’ve used the indications shown in this paper: “Reed, D. D., Kaplan, B. A., & Brewer, A. T. (2012). A TUTORIAL ON THE USE OF EXCEL 2010 AND EXCEL FOR MAC 2011 FOR CONDUCTING DELAY-DISCOUNTING ANALYSES. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45(2), 375–386.”

So, I kindly have two requests:
1) Can anyone show me a possible pattern of results in a control group so that I can compare them? 
2) If I have indifference points that don’t decrease over time and increasing amount of money, can I solve this problem with a wider range of money rewards?

Thanks a lot,Best Regards


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