What type of person am I looking for to fill a job opportunity?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 49, Visits: 123
Hello all. I hope this type of post is allowed, but I need some advice. 

I am at a research center at a large university. Our budget has a position for one "programmer" to handle our data collection needs. Most of our data collection these days uses Inquisit so we need someone who is interested and capable of programming in Inquisit or learning to. However, we also need a jack-of-all-trades to develop our demographic databases and act as help desk support for the research assistants when something goes wrong with Inquisit or the demographic databases or whatever on the laptops they take with them out into the field. 

I come to you, my fellow Inquisit users to ask, "What type of person am I looking for?" I feel like it's hard to find a jack-of-all-trades in general and specifically for this situation. Computer-science types have seemed inclined to get bored or feel like Inquisit is a sidetrack from the primary skills they've developed. Our research is in education so I've searched the web for Educational Technology positions thinking that they would be intrinsically interested in our research and also might have the technical aptitude we need, but they all seem to focus on online courses and teaching. Are there any other possibilities that I'm not thinking of? 

Any advice or suggestions would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance.


Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)Supreme Being (144K reputation)
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Hi Jeff,
My sense is that most people come to these forums to resolve specific support issues, so not sure if this question will get a lot of visibility here. However, if you're having trouble finding good Inquisit programmers, you can always hire Millisecond to do your programming.
We're experienced, we know the platform well, we're very fast, we do high quality work, and our rates are reasonable. We work with many researchers in many different domains. Some projects are one-off, but in many cases we're involved in multiple phases of a line of investigation. If you have ideas in the hopper, feel free to contact us (sales@millisecond.com) to get an idea of pricing for your project.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 49, Visits: 123
seandr - Friday, February 16, 2018
Hi Jeff,
My sense is that most people come to these forums to resolve specific support issues, so not sure if this question will get a lot of visibility here. However, if you're having trouble finding good Inquisit programmers, you can always hire Millisecond to do your programming.
We're experienced, we know the platform well, we're very fast, we do high quality work, and our rates are reasonable. We work with many researchers in many different domains. Some projects are one-off, but in many cases we're involved in multiple phases of a line of investigation. If you have ideas in the hopper, feel free to contact us (sales@millisecond.com) to get an idea of pricing for your project.

That makes sense, but I figured I throw  the hail mary anyway. :) I'll get in touch about your pricing.  Thanks, Sean. 



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