Present randomly a certain number of specific stimuli (prime).

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 51
I'm using the AMP task (affective misattribution procedure), where I must present 20 trials of one kind of image (primeA), 20 trials of another kind (primeB) and some neutral stimuli. When I run the script, the differents stimuli are presented different number of times between them, instead the quantity that I need. I got this result with this code:
<block test>
/ bgstim = (attributeAlabel, attributeBlabel)
/ trials = [1 = instructions; 2-61 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB, primeNeutral)]

To get the proportion between primes (20/20) I wrote this code (that presents 4 randomized trials of stimuli primeA and stimuli primeB, followed by one neutral, 10 times): 

<block test>
/ bgstim = (attributeAlabel, attributeBlabel)
/ trials = [
1 = instructions; 2 = getReady; 
3-6 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 7 = primeNeutral; 
8-11 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 12 = primeNeutral; 
13-16 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 17 = primeNeutral;
18-21 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 22 = primeNeutral;
23-26 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 27 = primeNeutral;
28-31 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 32 = primeNeutral;
33-36 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 37 = primeNeutral;
38-41 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 42 = primeNeutral;
43-46 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA, primeB); 47 = primeNeutral;
48-51 = noreplacenorepeat(primeA,primeB); 52 = primeNeutral;
/ recorddata = true

But still, the stimuli are not fully randomized. Is there any way to make that code simpler, guaranteeing at the end the number of presentation of all kind of stimuli?


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