videos not running in certain PCs - no errors shown

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 156, Visits: 790
Hi Dave,

a student reported that her script that was working fine on both her desktop computer and her touchscreen laptop, stop working in another computer that he wanted to use for his experiments. I have tried myself and the script is running fine on my PC but on a couple of others the videos do not play.
Inquisit does not show any error and when the experiment is aborted there is no data file.
I have tried also a basic video script (that just uploads the video and the same happened).
They are short videos of 1-2 seconds and with 50 frames per seconds. The codec for mp4 is installed in all PC were the script is not working and I also tried to convert the files in wmv but the same happened. The PCs are Dell desktop computer with windows 7 64 bits if it matters. We tried also to change the monitor (they were all 60 Hz).  Do you know why this happens and how to make it work?                

Also he reported that in few computer the mp4 video was not a such good quality as it was in other computers. Hopefully this will be solved using wmv files instead of mp4 files, but it will be interesting to know why this is happening.

Many thanks


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tecnika - 7 Years Ago
Dave - 7 Years Ago
tecnika - 7 Years Ago
Dave - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Dave - Wednesday, February 14, 2018 [/b]...
tecnika - 7 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] tecnika - Thursday, February 15, 2018 [/b]...
Dave - 7 Years Ago

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