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Hi to anyone that can save me from a doomed assignment..
I merely am looking to create a script for the following..
pre-instructions of : "You are about partake in a body scan task. Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration. Press SPACEBAR to proceed"
followed by a blank/background screen with an audio file playing through until it finishes, and that is literally as simple as it gets.
I know how to use inquisit, but am seriously struggling - the sound files refuse to work (cannot find the files even though they are within the designated folder, i keep everything together to load external files as usual^^)
I have indeed tried video attribute too, It still does not want to load the file (cannot load media file)
Im using V 5, and windows the name of the mp3 files is called mindfulness.mp3
Just a simple script to execute all of this would save me basically
Kind Regards Anthony