RE: Sound Files

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Hi to anyone that can save me from a doomed assignment..

I merely am looking to create a script for the following.. 

pre-instructions of : "You are about partake in a body scan task. Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration. Press SPACEBAR to proceed"

followed by a blank/background screen with an audio file playing through until it finishes, and that is literally as simple as it gets.

I know how to use inquisit, but am seriously struggling - the sound files refuse to work (cannot find the files even though they are within the designated folder, i keep everything together to load external files as usual^^)

I have indeed tried video attribute too, It still does not want to load the file (cannot load media file)

Im using V 5, and windows
the name of the mp3 files is called mindfulness.mp3

Just a simple script to execute all of this would save me basically

Kind Regards

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AnthonyFCollins - Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Hi to anyone that can save me from a doomed assignment..

I merely am looking to create a script for the following.. 

pre-instructions of : "You are about partake in a body scan task. Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration. Press SPACEBAR to proceed"

followed by a blank/background screen with an audio file playing through until it finishes, and that is literally as simple as it gets.

I know how to use inquisit, but am seriously struggling - the sound files refuse to work (cannot find the files even though they are within the designated folder, i keep everything together to load external files as usual^^)

I have indeed tried video attribute too, It still does not want to load the file (cannot load media file)

Im using V 5, and windows
the name of the mp3 files is called mindfulness.mp3

Just a simple script to execute all of this would save me basically

Kind Regards

<block myblock>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ trials = [1=soundtrial]

<trial soundtrial>
/ stimulusframes = [2=mysound]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 500

<video mysound>
/ items = ("mindfulness.mp3")
/ playthrough = true

<page intro>
^^You are about partake in a body scan task.
^^Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration.
^^^^Press SPACEBAR to proceed

/ nextkey = (57)

Should be all there is to it. If Inquisit tells you, however, that it cannot locate the sound file(s), there is likely something wrong, i.e. the file isn't located where it's supposed to be (right alongside the script) or isn't named as given in the script (check for typos or double extensions, "mindfulness.mp3.mp3").

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Dave - Wednesday, February 21, 2018
AnthonyFCollins - Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Hi to anyone that can save me from a doomed assignment..

I merely am looking to create a script for the following.. 

pre-instructions of : "You are about partake in a body scan task. Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration. Press SPACEBAR to proceed"

followed by a blank/background screen with an audio file playing through until it finishes, and that is literally as simple as it gets.

I know how to use inquisit, but am seriously struggling - the sound files refuse to work (cannot find the files even though they are within the designated folder, i keep everything together to load external files as usual^^)

I have indeed tried video attribute too, It still does not want to load the file (cannot load media file)

Im using V 5, and windows
the name of the mp3 files is called mindfulness.mp3

Just a simple script to execute all of this would save me basically

Kind Regards

<block myblock>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ trials = [1=soundtrial]

<trial soundtrial>
/ stimulusframes = [2=mysound]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 500

<video mysound>
/ items = ("mindfulness.mp3")
/ playthrough = true

<page intro>
^^You are about partake in a body scan task.
^^Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration.
^^^^Press SPACEBAR to proceed

/ nextkey = (57)

Should be all there is to it. If Inquisit tells you, however, that it cannot locate the sound file(s), there is likely something wrong, i.e. the file isn't located where it's supposed to be (right alongside the script) or isn't named as given in the script (check for typos or double extensions, "mindfulness.mp3.mp3").

Hi Dave
Thank you so much your time is genuinely appreciated... I am going to implement this now. I did try and convert the file to WAV in my FL studio (fruity loops), in case inquisit doesnt like mp3 format. But I am going to try this thank you so much again, I'll post shortly to confirm this has worked!

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Posts: 3, Visits: 32
Dave - Wednesday, February 21, 2018
AnthonyFCollins - Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Hi to anyone that can save me from a doomed assignment..

I merely am looking to create a script for the following.. 

pre-instructions of : "You are about partake in a body scan task. Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration. Press SPACEBAR to proceed"

followed by a blank/background screen with an audio file playing through until it finishes, and that is literally as simple as it gets.

I know how to use inquisit, but am seriously struggling - the sound files refuse to work (cannot find the files even though they are within the designated folder, i keep everything together to load external files as usual^^)

I have indeed tried video attribute too, It still does not want to load the file (cannot load media file)

Im using V 5, and windows
the name of the mp3 files is called mindfulness.mp3

Just a simple script to execute all of this would save me basically

Kind Regards

<block myblock>
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ trials = [1=soundtrial]

<trial soundtrial>
/ stimulusframes = [2=mysound]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 500

<video mysound>
/ items = ("mindfulness.mp3")
/ playthrough = true

<page intro>
^^You are about partake in a body scan task.
^^Please sit back, relax and make yourself comfortable and follow the narration.
^^^^Press SPACEBAR to proceed

/ nextkey = (57)

Should be all there is to it. If Inquisit tells you, however, that it cannot locate the sound file(s), there is likely something wrong, i.e. the file isn't located where it's supposed to be (right alongside the script) or isn't named as given in the script (check for typos or double extensions, "mindfulness.mp3.mp3").
Hey there again
I have implemented the code and it works a treat, not at first though, I realised the error comes down to ensuring that the actual sound file in the folder does not have .mp3 at the end (thus just mindfulness), and just add the .mp3 at the end of the sound file within inquisit - I was adding .mp3 at the end of both the sound file and within the script in order to facilitate correspondence! But now it works thank you so much!


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