Simple script using a list, and giving feedback.

Nick Riches
Nick Riches
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 19, Visits: 69

I'm trying to create a Minimal Worked Example for an experiment which involves conditional branching to give feedback. Code is below. I can get the items to display, and I can record the keypresses, but the conditional branching doesn't work. The aim is to give 'correct' and 'incorrect' feedback according to a series of values specified in a lis (called 'answer'). The problem is that the conditional statements (in wordTrial) do not succeed in calling further trials to give the feedback. This is either a problem with the way items from the list are selected, or with the conditional statements themselves. It all looks perfectly okay to me.

Any feedback greatly welcomed


<text wordText>
/ items = ("dog", "cat")
/ select = sequence

<text questionText>
/ items = ("Is this a dog?", "Is this a lizard?")
/ vposition = 25%
/ select = text.wordText.currentindex

<text correctResponseText>
/ items = ("Correct!")

<text incorrectResponseText>
/ items = ("Incorrect!")

<list answer>
/ items = ("y", "n")
/ selectionmode = sequence

<trial wordTrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = wordText, questionText]
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ branch = [if (trial.wordTrial.response == list.answer.currentvalue)trial.correctResponse]
/ branch = [if (trial.wordTrial.response == list.answer.currentvalue)trial.incorrectResponse]

<trial correctResponse>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = correctResponseText]
/ timeout = 6000

<trial incorrectResponse>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = incorrectResponseText]
/ timeout = 6000

<block wordBlock>
/ trials = [1-2 = wordTrial]

<expt exptBlock>
/ blocks = [1 = wordBlock]


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