Hello, is there a way for me to add a prevkey and nextkey in a trial?
I created instructions using text and trials because for some of the instructions I want it to timeout (without giving a response), others I want to be able to do only the next key (like a welcome page), and others I need both a previous key and next key. These instructions also include pictures, and the order of the instruction screens isn't in a way where I could bunch them together based on whether they use a prev. or next key, because it goes back in forth in some cases. Therefore, I don't think using pages and the instruct element is appropriate in this case.
I have included code for the instructions. The code below isn't usable because it recognizes left and right arrow key to move, but only to move forward. So the distinctions that I have made for bidirectional (prev. and next) vs. continue (next key) aren't possible. Do you have any solutions? I would greatly appreciate your help!
Thank you
<text arrow_key_bidirectional>
/ items = ("Use the left arrowkey to go back, and the right arrowkey to continue.")
/ size = (95%,30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",2%)
/ position = (50%,97%)
<text arrow_key_continue>
/ items = ("Use the right arrowkey to continue.")
/ size = (95%,30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",2%)
/ position = (50%,97%)
<text welcome>
/ items = (" Welcome to the experiment! We are interested in studying how groups of individuals make decisions.
This study involves answering questions about yourself and making decisions.")
/ size = (95%,30%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<text instruct1>
/items = ("placeholder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text instruct2>
/ items = ("placeholder")
/ size = (95%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<text instruct3>
/items = ("placeholder")
/position = (50%,20%)
<picture shape_grid>
/items = ("shape_grid.jpg")
/position = (50%,60%)
/size = (50%,50%)
<text instruct4>
/items = ("placeholder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text instruct5>
/ items = ("placeholder.")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,20%)
<picture overlapping_choices_grid>
/items = ("overlapping_choices_grid.jpg")
/position = (50%,60%)
/size = (40%,40%)
<text instruct6>
/items = ("placeholder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,20%)
<picture different_choices_grid>
/items = ("different_choices_grid.jpg")
/position = (50%,50%)
/size = (40%,40%)
<text instruct7>
/items = ("placeholder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text instruct8>
/items = ("placehlder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,20%)
<picture shape_grid_letters>
/ items = ("shape_grid_letters.jpg")
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/size = (40%,40%)
<text instruct9>
/ items = ("placeholder")
/ size = (95%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<picture please_respond_faster>
/ items = ("please_respond_faster.jpg")
/position = (50%,60%)
/size = (40%,40%)
<text instruct10>
/items = ("placeholder.")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text preparing_to_load_partner>
/ items = ("placeholder")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text loading_partner>
/ items = ("Loading partner...")
/size = (95%,30%)
/position = (50%,50%)
<text successfully_found_partner>
/ items = ("placeholder")
/ size = (95%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<text ready_to_begin>
/ items = ("The task will begin when you are ready.")
/ size = (95%, 30%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
<trial welcome>
/ stimulusframes = [1=welcome, arrow_key_continue]
/ validresponse = (205)
/ recorddata = false
<trial instruct1>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct1,arrow_key_continue]
/validresponse = (205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct2>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct2,arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct3>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct3,shape_grid, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct4>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct4, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct5>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct5, overlapping_choices_grid, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct6>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct6, different_choices_grid, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct7>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct7, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct8>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct8, shape_grid_letters, arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct9>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct9,please_respond_faster,arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial instruct10>
/stimulusframes = [1=instruct10,arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<trial preparing_to_load_partner>
/ stimulusframes = [1=preparing_to_load_partner, arrow_key_continue]
/ validresponse = (205)
/ recorddata = false
<trial loading_partner>
/ stimulusframes = [1=loading_partner]
/ timeout = 30000
/ recorddata = false
<trial successfully_found_partner>
/ stimulusframes = [1=successfully_found_partner, arrow_key_continue]
/ validresponse = (205)
/ recorddata = false
<trial ready_to_begin>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ready_to_begin,arrow_key_bidirectional]
/validresponse = (203, 205)
/recorddata = false
<block welcome>
/ trials = [1=welcome]
<block instructions>
/ trials = [1=instruct1, instruct2, instruct3, instruct4, instruct5, instruct6, instruct7, instruct8, instruct9, instruct10]
<block preparing_to_load_partner>
/ trials = [1=preparing_to_load_partner]
<block loading_partner>
/ trials = [1=loading_partner]
<block successfully_found_partner>
/ trials = [1=successfully_found_partner]
<block ready_to_begin>
/ trials = [1=ready_to_begin]
<block fulltrial>
/ trials = [1-15=choice1]
<expt cochoice>
/ blocks = [1=welcome; 2=mturkid; 3=consent; 4=instructions; 5=preparing_to_load_partner; 6=loading_partner; 7=successfully_found_partner; 8=ready_to_begin; 9=fulltrial]
/ onexptend = [values.completed = 1]