[Please help] Fail to upload htm_file to Inquisit Web 5

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AAAleung - Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Hi, In my script I have included a few htmlpage elements for better control of the instructions format. Things can be perfectly displayed when scripts are running in Inquisit 5 Lab. Each XXXX.htm comes with a XXXXhtm_file folder(which include the images within my htmlpage) in the local drive. When I try to upload my scripts to Inquisit Web, I could only upload the .htm file but not the respective htm_file folder. What should I do? How can I upload the whole folder ?Else how could I display the images in my htmlpage elements instructions ??Thanks a lot!!!

This sounds like you're creating those HTMLs with a word processor like Micrrosoft Word. That's not a good idea, generally. Word creates terrible HTML code, and unnecessarily puts files in subfolders. Your best bet is to use a dedicated HTML editor like Kompozer to create your HTML files.

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In my script I have included a few htmlpage elements for better control of the instructions format.
Things can be perfectly displayed when scripts are running in Inquisit 5 Lab.
Each XXXX.htm comes with a XXXXhtm_file folder(which include the images within my htmlpage) in the local drive.
When I try to upload my scripts to Inquisit Web, I could only upload the .htm file but not the respective htm_file folder.

What should I do? How can I upload the whole folder ?
Else how could I display the images in my htmlpage elements instructions ??

Thanks a lot!!!


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