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Guys, could please someone help me out, I'm absolutely clueless after checkig many sources for hours:
I have two item sets, one possessing four items, the other one just one. I want to run the script and present the total amount of items (5) or even multiple times of 5 (10,15,20,...); where each item should be presented an exact equal amount of times. Thus, if the experiment consists of: - one block, total five trials --> each item presented once - one block, total ten trials --> each item presented once
This is not working with the following script; the items simply appear at random amounts of time. Do you know why? <defaults> / screencolor = (0, 0, 0) / font = ("Arial", -30, 700, 0, 34) / txcolor = (255, 255, 255) / txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0) / validkeys = ("e","i") / halign = center </defaults>
<expt> / blocks = [1 = 1] </expt>
<text first_item> / items = ("1","2","3","4") / select = noreplace </text>
<text second_item> / items = ("HI") / select = noreplace </text>
<trial first_item> / trialcode = "first_item" / inputdevice = keyboard / correctresponse = ("i") / stimulustimes = [0 = first_item] / timeout = 1500 / responsetime = 0 / posttrialpause = noreplace(250, 500, 750) </trial>
<trial second_item> / trialcode = "second_item" / inputdevice = keyboard / correctresponse = ("e") / stimulustimes = [0 = second_item] / timeout = 1500 / responsetime = 0 / posttrialpause = noreplace(250, 500, 750) </trial>
<block 1> / screencolor = (0, 0, 0) / trials = [1-5 = noreplace(first_item,second_item)]; </block>
Combining the two item sets into one is not an option because their trials need to be separated, given that their correct response key is different.
Thanks for any help, greatly appreciated!!