Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17,
Visits: 41
Hi - I am just trying to work out how to code a correct response for when a certain dropsource is put into a certain droptarget (for example, if "picture A" was in pos1, and "picture B" was in pos2). Is there a way to code multiple correct responses for each time a specific dropsource is placed in the correct droptarget within the same trial?
Thanks in advance.
<trial trial> / stimulustimes = [0 = pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4,pos5,pos6,A,B,C,D,E,F] / inputdevice = dragdrop </trial>
<picture A> / items = ("A.jpg") / position = (25,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<picture B> / items = ("B.jpg") / position = (35,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<picture C> / items = ("C.jpg") / position = (45,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<picture D> / items = ("D.jpg") / position = (55,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<picture E> / items = ("F.jpg") / position = (65,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<picture F> / items = ("F.jpg") / position = (75,20) / dropsource = true </picture>
<shape pos1> / hposition = 25 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>
<shape pos2> / hposition = 35 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>
<shape pos3> / hposition = 45 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>
<shape pos4> / hposition = 55 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>
<shape pos5> / hposition = 65 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>
<shape pos6> / hposition = 75 / vposition = 60 / shape = rectangle / droptarget = true / size = (170,170) / color = grey </shape>