Convert Dual Task N-Back to VISUAL ONLY (no sound)?

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Dave - Wednesday, May 2, 2018
drtb - Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Whoa, thanks so much for the amazing and speedy reply! This is extremely helpful, thank you so much. I tweaked it a bit to make the letters a bit bigger and in the middle, which meant I had to change some of the positioning of the fixation cross and debug elements (attached).

Unrelated / somewhat related -- any guidance available for converting some of these traditional dual response type tests to be compatible with touchscreens or hybrid-type devices (Windows tablets)? Thinking just something really simple like making two touch-response buttons (one for square, other for letter). Also applies to some of the other tests in the library (e.g., letter and number sequencing, stroop, etc.). Any quick tips for how to throw something like this in? If it's relevant, we're using Dell Venue 11 Pros running 64bit Windows 10 Enterprise.

Theoretically, the Inquisit should automatically detect it's running running on a touch-only device (i.e. no physical keyboard attached) and then display buttons on-screen in lieu of the keyboard keys.

If, however, you want to modify the scripts explicitly, you can simply create <text> or <shape> elements to serve as on-screen buttons, display them just like any other stimuli via the <trial>s' /stimulustimes or -frames and define those objects as the responses with /inputdevice set to mouse or touchscreen. See e.g.

for an example.

Awesome, thank you so much!!!
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drtb - Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Whoa, thanks so much for the amazing and speedy reply! This is extremely helpful, thank you so much. I tweaked it a bit to make the letters a bit bigger and in the middle, which meant I had to change some of the positioning of the fixation cross and debug elements (attached).

Unrelated / somewhat related -- any guidance available for converting some of these traditional dual response type tests to be compatible with touchscreens or hybrid-type devices (Windows tablets)? Thinking just something really simple like making two touch-response buttons (one for square, other for letter). Also applies to some of the other tests in the library (e.g., letter and number sequencing, stroop, etc.). Any quick tips for how to throw something like this in? If it's relevant, we're using Dell Venue 11 Pros running 64bit Windows 10 Enterprise.

Theoretically, the Inquisit should automatically detect it's running running on a touch-only device (i.e. no physical keyboard attached) and then display buttons on-screen in lieu of the keyboard keys.

If, however, you want to modify the scripts explicitly, you can simply create <text> or <shape> elements to serve as on-screen buttons, display them just like any other stimuli via the <trial>s' /stimulustimes or -frames and define those objects as the responses with /inputdevice set to mouse or touchscreen. See e.g.

for an example.

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Whoa, thanks so much for the amazing and speedy reply! This is extremely helpful, thank you so much. I tweaked it a bit to make the letters a bit bigger and in the middle, which meant I had to change some of the positioning of the fixation cross and debug elements (attached).

Unrelated / somewhat related -- any guidance available for converting some of these traditional dual response type tests to be compatible with touchscreens or hybrid-type devices (Windows tablets)? Thinking just something really simple like making two touch-response buttons (one for square, other for letter). Also applies to some of the other tests in the library (e.g., letter and number sequencing, stroop, etc.). Any quick tips for how to throw something like this in? If it's relevant, we're using Dell Venue 11 Pros running 64bit Windows 10 Enterprise.

dualtasknback.iqx (651 views, 53.00 KB)
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drtb - Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Hello all,

We would like to use the Dual Task N Back from the test library, but we will be using it in an environment where audio cues will not be possible/wanted. Therefore, I'm trying to see if--instead of the vocal number cue (i.e., using the sound files)--we can just display the text of the number somewhere on the screen. It doesn't necessarily have to pop up in the same place as the blue boxes (in fact, probably better if it doesn't). Any suggestions on how to edit the code so we can do this?

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Change the three <sound> elements in the script to <text> elements. /position and otherwise configure them as desired (font size, color, etc.).

<text startletter>
/ items = lettersounds
/ select = a_startcounter
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = white
/ txbgcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

<text nontargetletter>
/ items = lettersounds
/ select = a_nontargetcounter
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = white
/ txbgcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

<text targetletter>
/ items = lettersounds
/ select = a_targetcounter
/ position = (50%, 5%)
/ txcolor = white
/ txbgcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

Then do a search and replace in the script: replace "sound." with "text.".

Lastly, change <item lettersounds> to:

<item lettersounds>
/ 1 = "C"
/ 2 = "D"
/ 3 = "G"
/ 4 = "K"
/ 5 = "P"
/ 6 = "Q"
/ 7 = "T"
/ 8 = "V"

dualtasknback.iqx (648 views, 53.00 KB)
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 37
Hello all,

We would like to use the Dual Task N Back from the test library, but we will be using it in an environment where audio cues will not be possible/wanted. Therefore, I'm trying to see if--instead of the vocal number cue (i.e., using the sound files)--we can just display the text of the number somewhere on the screen. It doesn't necessarily have to pop up in the same place as the blue boxes (in fact, probably better if it doesn't). Any suggestions on how to edit the code so we can do this?

Thanks in advance!


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