data files not there

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One of our academics cannot find about 24 data files from her experiment.
You can see the data log in the file attached and the three data files that appeared in the data files folder in the screenshot below. The data can't be find under the other accounts either that are associated wit her username.

The experiment was tested at the beginning and it generated a file in the datafiles folder than now disappeared as well.

The only data files that appear there are the one from the 26 of March (3 participants). All the ones that successfully completed that experiment before this date, are not there.

She is the only person having access to the data files.

Any idea of where they are gone and if it is possible to recover them?

Thank you,

dataFiles.jpg (585 views, 56.00 KB)
log.xlsx (354 views, 13.00 KB)
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tecnika - Thursday, May 10, 2018
One of our academics cannot find about 24 data files from her experiment.
You can see the data log in the file attached and the three data files that appeared in the data files folder in the screenshot below. The data can't be find under the other accounts either that are associated wit her username.

The experiment was tested at the beginning and it generated a file in the datafiles folder than now disappeared as well.

The only data files that appear there are the one from the 26 of March (3 participants). All the ones that successfully completed that experiment before this date, are not there.

She is the only person having access to the data files.

Any idea of where they are gone and if it is possible to recover them?

Thank you,


The account logs show that the data files were deleted on March 15 by the user. You can access the logs by going to the "Account Users" page in the account ( ) and then clicking the "View Account Activity Log" link. I'll send you a screen shot of the logs in a private message.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 156, Visits: 790
Dave - Thursday, May 10, 2018
tecnika - Thursday, May 10, 2018
One of our academics cannot find about 24 data files from her experiment.
You can see the data log in the file attached and the three data files that appeared in the data files folder in the screenshot below. The data can't be find under the other accounts either that are associated wit her username.

The experiment was tested at the beginning and it generated a file in the datafiles folder than now disappeared as well.

The only data files that appear there are the one from the 26 of March (3 participants). All the ones that successfully completed that experiment before this date, are not there.

She is the only person having access to the data files.

Any idea of where they are gone and if it is possible to recover them?

Thank you,


The account logs show that the data files were deleted on March 15 by the user. You can access the logs by going to the "Account Users" page in the account ( ) and then clicking the "View Account Activity Log" link. I'll send you a screen shot of the logs in a private message.

Thank you Dave, helpful and quick as usual. 


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