How to control when recording starts when using "input device = voicerecord"

Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


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Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.

Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?


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Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.

Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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Posts: 61, Visits: 158
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


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Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


> I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected

No. /trialduration specifies a fixed duration for the trial. The trial will terminate after that time has elapsed, whether a response was given / completed or not.

Only other way I can see is to forego /inputdevice = voicerecord and use /soundcapture instead as in

<trial example>
/ soundcapture = true
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = (57)

In this case, audio should be captured for the entire trial, i.e. a participant can say their piece and when they're done press the space bar to end the trial.

Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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Posts: 61, Visits: 158
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


> I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected

No. /trialduration specifies a fixed duration for the trial. The trial will terminate after that time has elapsed, whether a response was given / completed or not.

Only other way I can see is to forego /inputdevice = voicerecord and use /soundcapture instead as in

<trial example>
/ soundcapture = true
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = (57)

In this case, audio should be captured for the entire trial, i.e. a participant can say their piece and when they're done press the space bar to end the trial.


Thanks for your help here. I'm curious about the voicerecord seems that without the trialduration setting but with the beginresponsetime setting, Inquisit waits after the final stimulus, for an audio response. I like that behavior and would like to keep it if possible but...given that setting, am I able to retain data about the timing of the audio response (in addition to recording the actual response)? I mean, will Inquisit keep data about how quickly after the final stimulus a subject begins his/her utterance? And, I think this is back to my original inquiry, is there a way that I can get Inquist to record for a set amount of time after initial detection of audio? 


Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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Posts: 61, Visits: 158
Musashi Jason - Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


> I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected

No. /trialduration specifies a fixed duration for the trial. The trial will terminate after that time has elapsed, whether a response was given / completed or not.

Only other way I can see is to forego /inputdevice = voicerecord and use /soundcapture instead as in

<trial example>
/ soundcapture = true
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = (57)

In this case, audio should be captured for the entire trial, i.e. a participant can say their piece and when they're done press the space bar to end the trial.


Thanks for your help here. I'm curious about the voicerecord seems that without the trialduration setting but with the beginresponsetime setting, Inquisit waits after the final stimulus, for an audio response. I like that behavior and would like to keep it if possible but...given that setting, am I able to retain data about the timing of the audio response (in addition to recording the actual response)? I mean, will Inquisit keep data about how quickly after the final stimulus a subject begins his/her utterance? And, I think this is back to my original inquiry, is there a way that I can get Inquist to record for a set amount of time after initial detection of audio? 




Sorry, I can't seem to figure out how to edit my post here. I see that there is, in fact, data about the timing of auditory responses recorded as 'latency'. I'm not sure of where this time starts but noneteless it is being recorded. So I guess my main query is about how to extend the recording duration while keeping the 'aduio detection' feature available when using voicerecord without trialduration.


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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
Musashi Jason - Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Musashi Jason - Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


> I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected

No. /trialduration specifies a fixed duration for the trial. The trial will terminate after that time has elapsed, whether a response was given / completed or not.

Only other way I can see is to forego /inputdevice = voicerecord and use /soundcapture instead as in

<trial example>
/ soundcapture = true
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = (57)

In this case, audio should be captured for the entire trial, i.e. a participant can say their piece and when they're done press the space bar to end the trial.


Thanks for your help here. I'm curious about the voicerecord seems that without the trialduration setting but with the beginresponsetime setting, Inquisit waits after the final stimulus, for an audio response. I like that behavior and would like to keep it if possible but...given that setting, am I able to retain data about the timing of the audio response (in addition to recording the actual response)? I mean, will Inquisit keep data about how quickly after the final stimulus a subject begins his/her utterance? And, I think this is back to my original inquiry, is there a way that I can get Inquist to record for a set amount of time after initial detection of audio? 




Sorry, I can't seem to figure out how to edit my post here. I see that there is, in fact, data about the timing of auditory responses recorded as 'latency'. I'm not sure of where this time starts but noneteless it is being recorded. So I guess my main query is about how to extend the recording duration while keeping the 'aduio detection' feature available when using voicerecord without trialduration.



By default, Inquisit will start accepting responses after all stimuli in the stimulus presentation sequence (as given in /stimulustimes) have been displayed. Latency is measure relative to that point. You can override that behavior via /beginresponsetime as explained further up in this thread.

> So I guess my main query is about how to extend the recording duration while keeping the 'aduio detection' feature available.

I don't think there is a way to do that, I'm afraid.

Musashi Jason
Musashi Jason
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Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Monday, May 14, 2018
Dave - Monday, May 14, 2018
Musashi Jason - Sunday, May 13, 2018

I'm slowly plugging away with my familiarization with Inquist 5 but the process includes quite a few false starts. :-/

I am using voicerecord and want to record responses ater presenting two stimuli (first an image (led and followed by masks), and then an audio stimuli)....after which I want voicerecord to record the subject's response utterance. Currently it seems that voicecrecord begins immediately after the first mask (or image) as I can hear the audio stimulus being recorded...from headphones (I guess it's quiet enough to not be sensed as I have the voicekeythreshold at 15....or should that be voicerecordthreshold...?

Here is the stimulus line...maybe my error will be obvious here...?

/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)



Use the <trial>'s /beginresponsetime attribute to specify when it should start accepting responses (here: recording audio). You may also want to set the /responseinterrupt mode to frames such as not to terminate the stimulus presentaation sequence once a response is first registered.


Thanks, this gets me on the right track it seems but I think I'm missing someting with the responseinterrupt setting. Is there a way to specify a record time interval in order to make sure the subject's entire response is recorded? For example, I have an audio prompt using the word "snail". When the subject repeats the word "snail" the response is being detected at the beginning of the aspirated fricative 's' and then moves on to the next item without recording the entire response...'snail'. I'm guessing I need to add a timing setting...delay of some sort to my trial?



Try setting up your trial along the following lines

<trial example>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ beginresponsetime = 1700 <-- not sure when you want to start recording, change as needed. 1700 would coincide with the display of correctoption/distractoroption
/ responseinterrupt = frames <-- makes sure any remaining stimuli are displayed / the stimulus presentation is not interrupted by the response
/ trialduration = 3000 <-- set to a long enough value, theoretically the entire time starting from the value specified in /beginresponsetime until the value specified in trialduration should be recorded, i.e. with the values specified here you should get a recording of ~1300 ms duration.


Thank you for your continued support. For some reason, this doesn't seem to work. I mean adding the /trialduration setting. Doing so makes the trial now run automatically without waiting for a recording at all....what have I done wrong? I started with 3250 to give me 1 second for response time but thought maybe that was too short so I changed it to 4250 which should give me 2 seconds for response time, correct? I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected (as that seemed to be how it was working prior to entering the trialduration setting) but it appears to simply run automatically without waiting for there a way to secure a specified amount of time for response time but have that time begin from when sound is detected? Or maybe I simply need to allocate more time for response time....but I'd like the trial not to proceed until the subject has responded....

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0= mask; 500=mypicture; 515=clearscreen; 516=mask; 1015=clearscreen; 1700=correctoption, distractoroption; 2200=mysound]
/ inputdevice = voicerecord
/ beginresponsetime = 2250
/ responseinterrupt = frames
/ trialduration = 4250
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)


> I was operating under the understanding that the 2 seconds would not start until sound was detected

No. /trialduration specifies a fixed duration for the trial. The trial will terminate after that time has elapsed, whether a response was given / completed or not.

Only other way I can see is to forego /inputdevice = voicerecord and use /soundcapture instead as in

<trial example>
/ soundcapture = true
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = (57)

In this case, audio should be captured for the entire trial, i.e. a participant can say their piece and when they're done press the space bar to end the trial.


Thanks for your help here. I'm curious about the voicerecord seems that without the trialduration setting but with the beginresponsetime setting, Inquisit waits after the final stimulus, for an audio response. I like that behavior and would like to keep it if possible but...given that setting, am I able to retain data about the timing of the audio response (in addition to recording the actual response)? I mean, will Inquisit keep data about how quickly after the final stimulus a subject begins his/her utterance? And, I think this is back to my original inquiry, is there a way that I can get Inquist to record for a set amount of time after initial detection of audio? 




Sorry, I can't seem to figure out how to edit my post here. I see that there is, in fact, data about the timing of auditory responses recorded as 'latency'. I'm not sure of where this time starts but noneteless it is being recorded. So I guess my main query is about how to extend the recording duration while keeping the 'aduio detection' feature available when using voicerecord without trialduration.



By default, Inquisit will start accepting responses after all stimuli in the stimulus presentation sequence (as given in /stimulustimes) have been displayed. Latency is measure relative to that point. You can override that behavior via /beginresponsetime as explained further up in this thread.

> So I guess my main query is about how to extend the recording duration while keeping the 'aduio detection' feature available.

I don't think there is a way to do that, I'm afraid.


Thanks for your reply here. I understand how latency is measured now and don't have any issues with it...actually, I would like to keep it in my trail if possible. My confusion is with the inability to set a desired recording duration which incorporates the latency other words, records for a set amount of time (3 seconds, 5 seconds, etc.). I see requests for such a feature here in the forums dating back to 2008 and wonder what solutions those individuals worked out...

If I use beginresponsetime I lose the latency measure, correct? I noticed here on the threads that voicerecord is explained as being used for recording a word or short sentence...but for some reason it does not allow me to record more than a very short one or two syllable word before it moves on to the next trial...Would a threshold setting help to ensure Inquisit doesn't move on even though audio is still being presented for recording? I guess what I'm trying to figure out is what condition Inquisit uses to move forward after detecting audio from voicerecord? Is is a hard coded preset amount of time? I'm guessing that is not the case but am not really sure. If it is something else related to threshold, maybe I can tweak it a bit to get something close to what I'm hoping for...sorry, I'm just thinking outloud a bit here in the hopes that doing so will trigger an idea. :-)



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