Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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+xThank you Dave, this worked very well. Is there a way for participants to see the end screen before it completely skips the entire script ? Do it exactly as in your original script in this thread: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost25094.aspxYou direct people to some "page" (i.e. a <trial> or <surveypage>) indicating their choice, for those answering female, that, in essence, is your "end screen". Call the script.abort(true) function in that <trial> /ontrialend, and the whole set of scripts will terminate only after female participants saw their "end screen."
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5,
Visits: 18
+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this? This is how the conditions are labeled and organized, I added my question and command to the "sid1_consent.exp" <batch condition01> / subjects = (1 of 6) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "sid1_consent.exp" / file = "sid1_self_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_pleasant_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_mf_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_measures.exp" </batch> I see -- how to go about this, then, depends on the Inquisit version you're using to run this. You posted in the Inquisit 3 forum, and if that's the version you're using, then there is no solution other than to ask the gender question in each individual script and then skip the blocks in that script accordingly. If you're using a newer version -- Inquisit 4 or 5 --, you can use the script.abort() function to terminate the entire <batch> based on the response to the gender question. See e.g.: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic15923.aspx Thank you so much Dave, We currently only have the Inquisit 3 version on our desktops, but this study is ultimately going to go on our inquisit web through Mturk, is there a way to program it so that I can take the steps you suggested above and run it online ? Yes, you can use either Inquisit 4 Lab or Inquisit 5 Lab (an unregistered version is sufficient) to do the coding. You should use the same version you'll be using to ultimately run things on the web. I.e., if the study will be administered through Inquisit 4 Web, use Inquisit 4 Lab for the code adjustments and testing. If the study will be run under Inquisit 5 Web, use Inquisit 5 Lab instead. Thank you Dave, this worked very well. Is there a way for participants to see the end screen before it completely skips the entire script ?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 105K
+x+x+x+x+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this? This is how the conditions are labeled and organized, I added my question and command to the "sid1_consent.exp" <batch condition01> / subjects = (1 of 6) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "sid1_consent.exp" / file = "sid1_self_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_pleasant_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_mf_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_measures.exp" </batch> I see -- how to go about this, then, depends on the Inquisit version you're using to run this. You posted in the Inquisit 3 forum, and if that's the version you're using, then there is no solution other than to ask the gender question in each individual script and then skip the blocks in that script accordingly. If you're using a newer version -- Inquisit 4 or 5 --, you can use the script.abort() function to terminate the entire <batch> based on the response to the gender question. See e.g.: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic15923.aspx Thank you so much Dave, We currently only have the Inquisit 3 version on our desktops, but this study is ultimately going to go on our inquisit web through Mturk, is there a way to program it so that I can take the steps you suggested above and run it online ? Yes, you can use either Inquisit 4 Lab or Inquisit 5 Lab (an unregistered version is sufficient) to do the coding. You should use the same version you'll be using to ultimately run things on the web. I.e., if the study will be administered through Inquisit 4 Web, use Inquisit 4 Lab for the code adjustments and testing. If the study will be run under Inquisit 5 Web, use Inquisit 5 Lab instead.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5,
Visits: 18
+x+x+x+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this? This is how the conditions are labeled and organized, I added my question and command to the "sid1_consent.exp" <batch condition01> / subjects = (1 of 6) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "sid1_consent.exp" / file = "sid1_self_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_pleasant_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_mf_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_measures.exp" </batch> I see -- how to go about this, then, depends on the Inquisit version you're using to run this. You posted in the Inquisit 3 forum, and if that's the version you're using, then there is no solution other than to ask the gender question in each individual script and then skip the blocks in that script accordingly. If you're using a newer version -- Inquisit 4 or 5 --, you can use the script.abort() function to terminate the entire <batch> based on the response to the gender question. See e.g.: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic15923.aspx Thank you so much Dave, We currently only have the Inquisit 3 version on our desktops, but this study is ultimately going to go on our inquisit web through Mturk, is there a way to program it so that I can take the steps you suggested above and run it online ?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 105K
+x+x+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this? This is how the conditions are labeled and organized, I added my question and command to the "sid1_consent.exp" <batch condition01> / subjects = (1 of 6) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "sid1_consent.exp" / file = "sid1_self_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_pleasant_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_mf_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_measures.exp" </batch> I see -- how to go about this, then, depends on the Inquisit version you're using to run this. You posted in the Inquisit 3 forum, and if that's the version you're using, then there is no solution other than to ask the gender question in each individual script and then skip the blocks in that script accordingly. If you're using a newer version -- Inquisit 4 or 5 --, you can use the script.abort() function to terminate the entire <batch> based on the response to the gender question. See e.g.: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic15923.aspx
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5,
Visits: 18
+x+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this? This is how the conditions are labeled and organized, I added my question and command to the "sid1_consent.exp" <batch condition01> / subjects = (1 of 6) / groupassignment = groupnumber / file = "sid1_consent.exp" / file = "sid1_self_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_pleasant_couple_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_mf_iat.exp" / file = "sid1_measures.exp" </batch>
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5,
Visits: 18
+x+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female. Thank you David, I am very new with this software and I have inherited this particular study that has been successfully ran for months now. There are four different portions to this particular study and they have all been created in deparate .exp files. Including the consent form section. All participants see the consent form first regardless of the order of the rest of the .exp components. I thought it would be easiest to include the gender question in the consent file since everyone sees it before the welcome screen and it would help sort out those who are not eligible to take the study. I was able to use the /skip command to skip the rest of the consent form once they answer the gender question, but since this is only part 1/4 of the rest of the study, does that mean I have to keep asking for their gender in every .exp file ? Is there an easier way to do this?
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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+xHi all, I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females. I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey. Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ? So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text> <text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text> <text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text> <text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text> <text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text> *********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial> <trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial> <trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block> <block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block> <block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> Thank you ! It seems to me you already have everything in place -- in the fully study / script, simply /skip the <block>s you do not wish to run if the response to the gender trial is female.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5,
Visits: 18
Hi all,
I am trying to restart an exisiting study but would like to have only male participants take it since I have already gathered enough data on females.
I want to include a gender question to confirm that they identify as male but need a command to direct females to the end of the survey and for males to continue with the rest of the survey.
Can anyone shine some light into what to do or if this is possible ?
So far I have this for the gender question and confirmation but not sure where to go from here
GENDER ******************************************************************************************* *********************************************************************** Instruction Text *********************************************************************** <text gender> / items = ("What is your gender?") / hposition = 50% / vposition = 20% / vjustify = center </text>
<text male> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 50% / vjustify = center </text>
<text clickmale> / items = ("Male") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.male.hposition / vposition = text.male.vposition / vjustify = center </text>
<text female> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (black) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = 50% / vposition = 60% / vjustify = center </text>
<text clickfemale> / items = ("Female") / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.00%, true) / erase = false / txcolor = (white) / txbgcolor = (grey) / size = (18%,4%) / hposition = text.female.hposition / vposition = text.female.vposition / vjustify = center </text>
<text end1> / items = ("I clicked male") </text>
<text end2> / items = ("I clicked female") </text>
*********************************************************************** Trial (Openended) *********************************************************************** <trial gender> / stimulusframes = [1=gender,male,female] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (male,female) / responsemessage = (male,clickmale,500) / responsemessage = (female,clickfemale,500) </trial>
<trial end1> / stimulusframes = [1=end1] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end1) </trial>
<trial end2> / stimulusframes = [1=end2] / position = (50%, 80%) / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (end2) </trial> *********************************************************************** Block *********************************************************************** <block gender> / trials = [1=gender] </block>
<block end1> / trials = [1=end1] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Female"] </block>
<block end2> / trials = [1=end2] / skip = [trial.gender.response == "Male"] </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt gender branch> / blocks = [1=gender; 2=end1; 3=end2] </expt> *********************************************************************** Defaults *********************************************************************** <defaults> / screencolor = (255, 255, 255) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / posttrialpause = 200 / quitcommand =(Ctrl+Alt+18) </defaults> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *not specified* *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey>
Thank you !