Issue with subsequent stimulus disappearing after valid response

Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 200
Dave - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
saudrain - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Hi there,

I know a similar issue has been posted before, but the solutions I found don't seem to be working for me, so I apologize if this is redundant. 

When I make a valid response during my trial (during enc_response), the subsequent ISI/fixation disappears before it is supposed to. I believe the issue stems from trying to display a stimulus after the response within a given trial, is this not possible?

I have it set up such that there is a variable ISI duration at the end of the trial with a fixation cross, which is to appear after the response screen. Making a valid response is quitting my subsequent stimulus presentation (the fixation), but leaving the variable duration of the trial intact (just a white screen). 

I have ensured that erase = false for all stimuli, and that responseinterrupt=trial, so the stimuli should remain on screen for the duration of the trial. 

Just for context, I suspect having my variable ISI at the end of the trial may be the issue. I tried to make a variable ISI by using the ontrialbegin attribute previously as described in other threads but it wasn't working the way that I wanted it to, which we can revisit if this is indeed the issue. 

I've added the portions of my script that I believe are relevant below, I would really appreciate any advice!


<trial trials_enc1>
/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI; 4601=fixation]
/ ontrialend = [trial.trials_enc1.resetstimulusframes()]
/ trialduration = rand(5600,6600)
/ inputdevice = keyboard 
/ beginresponsetime=2600
/ validresponse = (2, 3, 10, 11)
/ responseinterrupt=trial


<picture background_enc1>
/ items = background_enc1
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = sequence (1-80)

<item background_enc1>
/1 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/2  = "beach1.jpeg"
/3 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/4 = "beach1.jpeg"
/5 = "beach2.jpeg"
/6 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/7 = "beach2.jpeg"
/8 = "beach1.jpeg"
/9 = "beach2.jpeg"
/10 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/11 = "beach1.jpeg"
/12 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/13 = "beach1.jpeg"
/14 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/15 = "beach1.jpeg"
/16 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/17 = "beach1.jpeg"
/18 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/19 = "beach1.jpeg"
/20 = "beach2.jpeg"
/21 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/22 = "beach1.jpeg"
/23 = "beach2.jpeg"
/24 = "beach1.jpeg"
/25 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/26 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/27 = "beach1.jpeg"
/28 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/29 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/30 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/31 = "beach2.jpeg"
/32 = "beach1.jpeg"
/33 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/34 = "beach1.jpeg"
/35 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/36 = "beach1.jpeg"
/37 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/38 = "beach1.jpeg"
/39 = "beach2.jpeg"
/40 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/41 = "beach2.jpeg"
/42 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/43 = "beach2.jpeg"
/44 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/45 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/46 = "beach1.jpeg"
/47 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/48 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/49 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/50 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/51 = "beach2.jpeg"
/52 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/53 = "beach1.jpeg"
/54 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/55 = "beach2.jpeg"
/56 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/57 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/58 = "beach2.jpeg"
/59 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/60 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/61 = "beach2.jpeg"
/62 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/63 = "beach2.jpeg"
/64 = "beach1.jpeg"
/65 = "beach2.jpeg"
/66 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/67 = "beach2.jpeg"
/68 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/69 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/70 = "beach2.jpeg"
/71 = "beach1.jpeg"
/72 = "beach2.jpeg"
/73 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/74 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/75 = "beach2.jpeg"
/76 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/77 = "beach1.jpeg"
/78 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/79 = "beach2.jpeg"
/80 = "kitchen1.jpeg"

<picture target_enc1>
/ items = target_enc1
/ size = (25%, 25%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ select = sequence (1-80)

<item target_enc1>
/1 = "can_opener.jpeg"
/2  = "wetsuit.jpeg"
/3 = "lawnmower2.jpeg"
/4 = "spatula.jpeg"
/5 = "cookpot4.jpeg"
/6 = "nintendo_controller.jpeg"
/7 = "sunscreen.jpeg"
/8 = "bathingsuit.jpeg"
/9 = "bird4.jpeg"
/10 = "muffins.jpeg"
/11 = "polarbearcub.jpeg"
/12 = "cooking_pot.jpeg"
/13 = "shrimp.jpeg"
/14 = "mug.jpeg"
/15 = "crab.jpeg"
/16 = "fork_lift.jpeg"
/17 = "surfboard.jpeg"
/18 = "octopus.jpeg"
/19 = "trumpet1.jpeg"
/20 = "tongs.jpeg"
/21 = "oven_mitts.jpeg"
/22 = "dentures.jpeg"
/23 = "rubix.jpeg"
/24 = "tin_foil.jpeg"
/25 = "sun_visor.jpeg"
/26 = "boxing_gloves.jpeg"
/27 = "crib4.jpeg"
/28 = "trafficcone.jpeg"
/29 = "spaghetti_jar.jpeg"
/30 = "paper_towel.jpeg"
/31 = "giraffe.jpeg"
/32 = "flippers.jpeg"
/33 = "hawaii_shirt.jpeg"
/34 = "kettle.jpeg"
/35 = "pale_and_shovel.jpeg"
/36 = "kayak2.jpeg"
/37 = "eggpan.jpeg"
/38 = "skeleton.jpeg"
/39 = "steeringwheel.jpeg"
/40 = "cruise_ship.jpeg"
/41 = "fire_hydrant.jpeg"
/42 = "rollingpin.jpeg"
/43 = "pina_colada.jpeg"
/44 = "spaghetti_rake.jpeg"
/45 = "hammock.jpeg"
/46 = "cling_wrap.jpeg"
/47 = "lion.jpeg"
/48 = "stethoscope.jpeg"
/49 = "sailboat.jpeg"
/50 = "flipflops.jpeg"
/51 = "pan.jpeg"
/52 = "blender.jpeg"
/53 = "inner_tube.jpeg"
/54 = "sandwich.jpeg"
/55 = "beach_chair.jpeg"
/56 = "billiard_balls.jpeg"
/57 = "butter_knife.jpeg"
/58 = "fish.jpeg"
/59 = "sink_strainer.jpeg"
/60 = "colander2.jpeg"
/61 = "starfish.jpeg"
/62 = "seashell2.jpeg"
/63 = "seahorse.jpeg"
/64 = "dish_rack.jpeg"
/65 = "chesspiece.jpeg"
/66 = "anchor.jpeg"
/67 = "sponge.jpeg"
/68 = "dumbbell1.jpeg"
/69 = "knife_block.jpeg"
/70 = "lobster.jpeg"
/71 = "killer_whale.jpeg"
/72 = "beach_lounge.jpeg"
/73 = "wine_glass.jpeg"
/74 = "type_writer.jpeg"
/75 = "butter_dish.jpeg"
/76 = "chef_hat.jpeg"
/77 = "manta_ray.jpeg"
/78 = "bowl_of_cereal.jpeg"
/79 = "clownfish.jpeg"
/80 = "bowls.jpeg"

<text enc_response>
/ items = ("
How related?

1 = Very Unrelated  2 = Somewhat Unrelated  9 = Somewhat Related  0 = Very Related")
/ color = (0, 0, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255,255,255)
/ fontstyle=("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ size =(100%,100%)
/ hjustify=center
/ valign=center
/ halign=center
/ erase = false

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = (0, 0, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255,255,255)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false

<picture ISI>
/ items = ISI
/ size = (110%, 110%)
/ erase = false

<item ISI>
/1 ="ISI.jpeg"

<picture blank>
/ items = blank
/ size = (110%, 110%)
/ erase = false

<item blank>
/1 ="blank.jpeg"

I cannot seem to reproduce this -- in other words, the fixation cross is displayed fine for me, regardless of when the response occurs. A few minor things:


/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI; 4601=fixation]

doesn't really make sense, as you will not get a 1ms delay between ISI and fixation (no display is fast enough to allow for that), both stimuli will be displayed at the same time, so effectively you have

/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI, fixation]


Do you observe any difference between

/ responseinterrupt=trial


/ responseinterrupt=frames



If you suspect the random trial duration is the problem, does changing things to

/ randomtrialduration = 0

<trial trials_enc1>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.randomtrialduration = round(rand(5600,6600); ]
/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI, fixation]
/ ontrialend = [trial.trials_enc1.resetstimulusframes()]
/ trialduration = values.randomtrialduration
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ beginresponsetime=2600
/ validresponse = (2, 3, 10, 11)
/ responseinterrupt=frames

make any difference?


Neither <picture background_enc1> nor <picture target_enc1> appear to be set to /erase = false. This *may* be the problem.


Finally, which version are you using currently and is your installation up to date?

The issue was indeed fixed with a software update and by adding erase to the background and target stimuli.

Thanks for your advice, and for replying so quickly!!
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 104K
saudrain - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Hi there,

I know a similar issue has been posted before, but the solutions I found don't seem to be working for me, so I apologize if this is redundant. 

When I make a valid response during my trial (during enc_response), the subsequent ISI/fixation disappears before it is supposed to. I believe the issue stems from trying to display a stimulus after the response within a given trial, is this not possible?

I have it set up such that there is a variable ISI duration at the end of the trial with a fixation cross, which is to appear after the response screen. Making a valid response is quitting my subsequent stimulus presentation (the fixation), but leaving the variable duration of the trial intact (just a white screen). 

I have ensured that erase = false for all stimuli, and that responseinterrupt=trial, so the stimuli should remain on screen for the duration of the trial. 

Just for context, I suspect having my variable ISI at the end of the trial may be the issue. I tried to make a variable ISI by using the ontrialbegin attribute previously as described in other threads but it wasn't working the way that I wanted it to, which we can revisit if this is indeed the issue. 

I've added the portions of my script that I believe are relevant below, I would really appreciate any advice!


<trial trials_enc1>
/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI; 4601=fixation]
/ ontrialend = [trial.trials_enc1.resetstimulusframes()]
/ trialduration = rand(5600,6600)
/ inputdevice = keyboard 
/ beginresponsetime=2600
/ validresponse = (2, 3, 10, 11)
/ responseinterrupt=trial


<picture background_enc1>
/ items = background_enc1
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = sequence (1-80)

<item background_enc1>
/1 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/2  = "beach1.jpeg"
/3 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/4 = "beach1.jpeg"
/5 = "beach2.jpeg"
/6 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/7 = "beach2.jpeg"
/8 = "beach1.jpeg"
/9 = "beach2.jpeg"
/10 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/11 = "beach1.jpeg"
/12 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/13 = "beach1.jpeg"
/14 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/15 = "beach1.jpeg"
/16 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/17 = "beach1.jpeg"
/18 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/19 = "beach1.jpeg"
/20 = "beach2.jpeg"
/21 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/22 = "beach1.jpeg"
/23 = "beach2.jpeg"
/24 = "beach1.jpeg"
/25 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/26 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/27 = "beach1.jpeg"
/28 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/29 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/30 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/31 = "beach2.jpeg"
/32 = "beach1.jpeg"
/33 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/34 = "beach1.jpeg"
/35 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/36 = "beach1.jpeg"
/37 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/38 = "beach1.jpeg"
/39 = "beach2.jpeg"
/40 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/41 = "beach2.jpeg"
/42 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/43 = "beach2.jpeg"
/44 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/45 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/46 = "beach1.jpeg"
/47 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/48 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/49 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/50 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/51 = "beach2.jpeg"
/52 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/53 = "beach1.jpeg"
/54 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/55 = "beach2.jpeg"
/56 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/57 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/58 = "beach2.jpeg"
/59 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/60 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/61 = "beach2.jpeg"
/62 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/63 = "beach2.jpeg"
/64 = "beach1.jpeg"
/65 = "beach2.jpeg"
/66 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/67 = "beach2.jpeg"
/68 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/69 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/70 = "beach2.jpeg"
/71 = "beach1.jpeg"
/72 = "beach2.jpeg"
/73 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/74 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/75 = "beach2.jpeg"
/76 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/77 = "beach1.jpeg"
/78 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/79 = "beach2.jpeg"
/80 = "kitchen1.jpeg"

<picture target_enc1>
/ items = target_enc1
/ size = (25%, 25%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ select = sequence (1-80)

<item target_enc1>
/1 = "can_opener.jpeg"
/2  = "wetsuit.jpeg"
/3 = "lawnmower2.jpeg"
/4 = "spatula.jpeg"
/5 = "cookpot4.jpeg"
/6 = "nintendo_controller.jpeg"
/7 = "sunscreen.jpeg"
/8 = "bathingsuit.jpeg"
/9 = "bird4.jpeg"
/10 = "muffins.jpeg"
/11 = "polarbearcub.jpeg"
/12 = "cooking_pot.jpeg"
/13 = "shrimp.jpeg"
/14 = "mug.jpeg"
/15 = "crab.jpeg"
/16 = "fork_lift.jpeg"
/17 = "surfboard.jpeg"
/18 = "octopus.jpeg"
/19 = "trumpet1.jpeg"
/20 = "tongs.jpeg"
/21 = "oven_mitts.jpeg"
/22 = "dentures.jpeg"
/23 = "rubix.jpeg"
/24 = "tin_foil.jpeg"
/25 = "sun_visor.jpeg"
/26 = "boxing_gloves.jpeg"
/27 = "crib4.jpeg"
/28 = "trafficcone.jpeg"
/29 = "spaghetti_jar.jpeg"
/30 = "paper_towel.jpeg"
/31 = "giraffe.jpeg"
/32 = "flippers.jpeg"
/33 = "hawaii_shirt.jpeg"
/34 = "kettle.jpeg"
/35 = "pale_and_shovel.jpeg"
/36 = "kayak2.jpeg"
/37 = "eggpan.jpeg"
/38 = "skeleton.jpeg"
/39 = "steeringwheel.jpeg"
/40 = "cruise_ship.jpeg"
/41 = "fire_hydrant.jpeg"
/42 = "rollingpin.jpeg"
/43 = "pina_colada.jpeg"
/44 = "spaghetti_rake.jpeg"
/45 = "hammock.jpeg"
/46 = "cling_wrap.jpeg"
/47 = "lion.jpeg"
/48 = "stethoscope.jpeg"
/49 = "sailboat.jpeg"
/50 = "flipflops.jpeg"
/51 = "pan.jpeg"
/52 = "blender.jpeg"
/53 = "inner_tube.jpeg"
/54 = "sandwich.jpeg"
/55 = "beach_chair.jpeg"
/56 = "billiard_balls.jpeg"
/57 = "butter_knife.jpeg"
/58 = "fish.jpeg"
/59 = "sink_strainer.jpeg"
/60 = "colander2.jpeg"
/61 = "starfish.jpeg"
/62 = "seashell2.jpeg"
/63 = "seahorse.jpeg"
/64 = "dish_rack.jpeg"
/65 = "chesspiece.jpeg"
/66 = "anchor.jpeg"
/67 = "sponge.jpeg"
/68 = "dumbbell1.jpeg"
/69 = "knife_block.jpeg"
/70 = "lobster.jpeg"
/71 = "killer_whale.jpeg"
/72 = "beach_lounge.jpeg"
/73 = "wine_glass.jpeg"
/74 = "type_writer.jpeg"
/75 = "butter_dish.jpeg"
/76 = "chef_hat.jpeg"
/77 = "manta_ray.jpeg"
/78 = "bowl_of_cereal.jpeg"
/79 = "clownfish.jpeg"
/80 = "bowls.jpeg"

<text enc_response>
/ items = ("
How related?

1 = Very Unrelated  2 = Somewhat Unrelated  9 = Somewhat Related  0 = Very Related")
/ color = (0, 0, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255,255,255)
/ fontstyle=("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ size =(100%,100%)
/ hjustify=center
/ valign=center
/ halign=center
/ erase = false

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ color = (0, 0, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255,255,255)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 30pt)
/ erase = false

<picture ISI>
/ items = ISI
/ size = (110%, 110%)
/ erase = false

<item ISI>
/1 ="ISI.jpeg"

<picture blank>
/ items = blank
/ size = (110%, 110%)
/ erase = false

<item blank>
/1 ="blank.jpeg"

I cannot seem to reproduce this -- in other words, the fixation cross is displayed fine for me, regardless of when the response occurs. A few minor things:


/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI; 4601=fixation]

doesn't really make sense, as you will not get a 1ms delay between ISI and fixation (no display is fast enough to allow for that), both stimuli will be displayed at the same time, so effectively you have

/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI, fixation]


Do you observe any difference between

/ responseinterrupt=trial


/ responseinterrupt=frames



If you suspect the random trial duration is the problem, does changing things to

/ randomtrialduration = 0

<trial trials_enc1>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.randomtrialduration = round(rand(5600,6600); ]
/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI, fixation]
/ ontrialend = [trial.trials_enc1.resetstimulusframes()]
/ trialduration = values.randomtrialduration
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ beginresponsetime=2600
/ validresponse = (2, 3, 10, 11)
/ responseinterrupt=frames

make any difference?


Neither <picture background_enc1> nor <picture target_enc1> appear to be set to /erase = false. This *may* be the problem.


Finally, which version are you using currently and is your installation up to date?

Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)Expert (1.3K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10, Visits: 200
Hi there,

I know a similar issue has been posted before, but the solutions I found don't seem to be working for me, so I apologize if this is redundant. 

When I make a valid response during my trial (during enc_response), the subsequent ISI/fixation disappears before it is supposed to. I believe the issue stems from trying to display a stimulus after the response within a given trial, is this not possible?

I have it set up such that there is a variable ISI duration at the end of the trial with a fixation cross, which is to appear after the response screen. Making a valid response is quitting my subsequent stimulus presentation (the fixation), but leaving the variable duration of the trial intact (just a white screen). 

I have ensured that erase = false for all stimuli, and that responseinterrupt=trial, so the stimuli should remain on screen for the duration of the trial. 

Just for context, I suspect having my variable ISI at the end of the trial may be the issue. I tried to make a variable ISI by using the ontrialbegin attribute previously as described in other threads but it wasn't working the way that I wanted it to, which we can revisit if this is indeed the issue. 

I've added the portions of my script that I believe are relevant below, I would really appreciate any advice!


<trial trials_enc1>
/ stimulustimes = [0=background_enc1; 500=target_enc1; 2500=blank; 2600=enc_response; 4600=ISI; 4601=fixation]
/ ontrialend = [trial.trials_enc1.resetstimulusframes()]
/ trialduration = rand(5600,6600)
/ inputdevice = keyboard 
/ beginresponsetime=2600
/ validresponse = (2, 3, 10, 11)
/ responseinterrupt=trial


<picture background_enc1>
/ items = background_enc1
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = sequence (1-80)

<item background_enc1>
/1 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/2  = "beach1.jpeg"
/3 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/4 = "beach1.jpeg"
/5 = "beach2.jpeg"
/6 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/7 = "beach2.jpeg"
/8 = "beach1.jpeg"
/9 = "beach2.jpeg"
/10 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/11 = "beach1.jpeg"
/12 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/13 = "beach1.jpeg"
/14 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/15 = "beach1.jpeg"
/16 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/17 = "beach1.jpeg"
/18 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/19 = "beach1.jpeg"
/20 = "beach2.jpeg"
/21 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/22 = "beach1.jpeg"
/23 = "beach2.jpeg"
/24 = "beach1.jpeg"
/25 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/26 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/27 = "beach1.jpeg"
/28 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/29 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/30 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/31 = "beach2.jpeg"
/32 = "beach1.jpeg"
/33 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/34 = "beach1.jpeg"
/35 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/36 = "beach1.jpeg"
/37 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/38 = "beach1.jpeg"
/39 = "beach2.jpeg"
/40 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/41 = "beach2.jpeg"
/42 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/43 = "beach2.jpeg"
/44 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/45 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/46 = "beach1.jpeg"
/47 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/48 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/49 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/50 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/51 = "beach2.jpeg"
/52 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/53 = "beach1.jpeg"
/54 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/55 = "beach2.jpeg"
/56 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/57 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/58 = "beach2.jpeg"
/59 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/60 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/61 = "beach2.jpeg"
/62 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/63 = "beach2.jpeg"
/64 = "beach1.jpeg"
/65 = "beach2.jpeg"
/66 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/67 = "beach2.jpeg"
/68 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/69 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/70 = "beach2.jpeg"
/71 = "beach1.jpeg"
/72 = "beach2.jpeg"
/73 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/74 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/75 = "beach2.jpeg"
/76 = "kitchen2.jpeg"
/77 = "beach1.jpeg"
/78 = "kitchen1.jpeg"
/79 = "beach2.jpeg"
/80 = "kitchen1.jpeg"

<picture target_enc1>
/ items = target_enc1
/ size = (25%, 25%)
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/79 = "clownfish.jpeg"
/80 = "bowls.jpeg"

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How related?

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