Running Inquisit 5 script on Inquisit 3?

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I am writing to ask if it is possible to run a script I wrote on Inquisit 5 on Inquisit 3, and if not, what might need to be changed?

Thank you!
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inquisituser22 - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
I am writing to ask if it is possible to run a script I wrote on Inquisit 5 on Inquisit 3, and if not, what might need to be changed?

Thank you!

No, it's not possible to run an Inquisit 5 script under Inquisit 3 -- the Inquisit 5 script will make use of many syntax features that simply do not exist in Inquisit 3. You'd have to strip all of these out and replace them with Inquisit 3 syntax-compliant equivalents (insofar as any exist -- for some things there are none).

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Dave - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
inquisituser22 - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
I am writing to ask if it is possible to run a script I wrote on Inquisit 5 on Inquisit 3, and if not, what might need to be changed?

Thank you!

No, it's not possible to run an Inquisit 5 script under Inquisit 3 -- the Inquisit 5 script will make use of many syntax features that simply do not exist in Inquisit 3. You'd have to strip all of these out and replace them with Inquisit 3 syntax-compliant equivalents (insofar as any exist -- for some things there are none).

Ok thank you for letting me know. I see a few old message board threads with people converting their Inquisit 4 scripts to Inquisit 3. Do you have any resources you would recommend for this? I realize I could upgrade the license, though because I am tight on funds I am thinking of trying to first convert to Inquisit 4, then Inquisit 3.

Thank you for your help!
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inquisituser22 - Thursday, June 21, 2018
Dave - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
inquisituser22 - Wednesday, June 20, 2018
I am writing to ask if it is possible to run a script I wrote on Inquisit 5 on Inquisit 3, and if not, what might need to be changed?

Thank you!

No, it's not possible to run an Inquisit 5 script under Inquisit 3 -- the Inquisit 5 script will make use of many syntax features that simply do not exist in Inquisit 3. You'd have to strip all of these out and replace them with Inquisit 3 syntax-compliant equivalents (insofar as any exist -- for some things there are none).

Ok thank you for letting me know. I see a few old message board threads with people converting their Inquisit 4 scripts to Inquisit 3. Do you have any resources you would recommend for this? I realize I could upgrade the license, though because I am tight on funds I am thinking of trying to first convert to Inquisit 4, then Inquisit 3.

Thank you for your help!

There are too many changes to provide a comprehensive list, but here are the most salient ones you're going to run into:
- Inquisit 3 does not allow for multiple <values> and <expressions> elements in a script. You need to consolidate them into a single one each. I.e. if a script has

<values a>
/ a1 = "something"
/ a2 = "more of something"


<values b>
/ b1 = "something else"

you need to merge that to

/ a1 = "something"
/ a2 = "more of something"
/ b1 = "something else"

for things to work under Inquisit 3.

- Inquisit 3 has no <parameters> element. You can use <values> instead.
- The /validresponse and /correcresponse attributes are more limited under Inquisit 3, stuff like

<trial sometrial>
/ validresponse = (values.key1, values.key2)

won't work under Inquisit 3, you need to use /isvalidresponse and /iscorrectresponse instead, i.e. the above becomes

<trial sometrial>
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.sometrial.response == values.key1 || trial.sometrial.response == values.key2]

- <list> elements do not exist in Inquisit 3, for some things you can use <counter> elements instead, but they are far more limited. In particular, there are no equivalents to <list> elements' mean, median, sum, etc. properties.
- <summarydata> does not exist in Inquisit 3 syntax, you can only have a  long-format raw data file (<data> element).
- There are no /animation or /onprepare attributes in Inquisit 3.
- There are no increment += and decrement -= operators in Inquisit 3, i.e. things like

values.myvalue += 10

need to be expressed as

values.myvalue = values.myvalue + 10

under Inquisit 3.

That should hopefully get you started and a good way through the conversion. If you get stuck on any particular part, let me know and then I can either provide some useful pointers on how to make that piece of syntax Inquisit 3-compatible or tell you if it's simply not possible -- some subset of procedures simply cannot be converted down to Inquisit 3 because the necessary syntax features just aren't there.

Edited 7 Years Ago by Dave

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