Modifying the Subliminal Priming Task Code

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We are seeking help in coding Inquist for our study. Essentially, we would like to add more groups of primes and targets to the current Subliminal Priming Task code from the Millisecond Test Library.

Currently, the file has one list element containing two primes and two list elements containing different types of target words, and each prime is paired with each target word. We would like to change this such that there is:
  1. Five groups of primes instead of one group with two primes (number of primes in each group have yet to be determined),
  2. Five list elements of target words instead of two, and
  3. We hope that each prime will be randomly paired with each target in this 5x5 design.

We copied and pasted items, but we are unsure if this has been done correctly. Furthermore, we are unsure how to interpret the algorithm that orders the presentation pairings. Is our student design feasible and could someone please give us some advice?

Thank you!

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joannalo - Sunday, October 21, 2018

We are seeking help in coding Inquist for our study. Essentially, we would like to add more groups of primes and targets to the current Subliminal Priming Task code from the Millisecond Test Library.

Currently, the file has one list element containing two primes and two list elements containing different types of target words, and each prime is paired with each target word. We would like to change this such that there is:
  1. Five groups of primes instead of one group with two primes (number of primes in each group have yet to be determined),
  2. Five list elements of target words instead of two, and
  3. We hope that each prime will be randomly paired with each target in this 5x5 design.

We copied and pasted items, but we are unsure if this has been done correctly. Furthermore, we are unsure how to interpret the algorithm that orders the presentation pairings. Is our student design feasible and could someone please give us some advice?

Thank you!

> We hope that each prime will be randomly paired with each target in this 5x5 design.

If you need to pair each target with each prime, you need to use <list> elements to encode all the prime-target combinations. You then need to sample from those combinations. There are plenty of examples for this in the forums -- you'll have to do something along those lines as well. See e.g. or


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