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Hey there! I'm writing an inquisit script that does the following: Picture of three different conditions should be presented randomly. After each picture, the same surveypage (consisting out of three questions) should be presented. in the moment I have the following code:
************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** Stimulus Items
************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************
<item resonant_masterpieces> /1 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\The_Persistence_of_Memory.jpg" /2 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\Mona_Lisa.jpg" </item>
<item nonresonant_masterpieces> /1 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\Bild1.jpg" /2 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\Bild2.jpg" </item>
<item kitsch> /1 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\kitsch1.jpg" /2 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\kitsch2.jpg" </item>
<picture resMas> /items = resonant_masterpieces /select = noreplace /position = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture nonresMas> /items = nonresonant_masterpieces /select = noreplace /position = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture kitsch> /items = kitsch /select = noreplace /position = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<text ratingLikingText> / items = ("Wie gefällt Ihnen das Kunstwerk?") / txcolor = (0, 0, 255) / txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255) </text>
<likert ratingquestionLiking> / stimulusframes=[1=ratingLikingText] / anchors=[1="excellent"; 2="good"; 3="satisfactory"; 4="bad"; 5="aweful"] / position=(50, 90) </likert>
<text ratingUnderstandingText> / items = ("Wie gut verstehen Sie das Kunstwerk?") / txcolor = (0, 0, 255) / txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255) </text>
<likert ratingquestionUnderstanding> / stimulusframes=[1=ratingUnterstandingText] / anchors=[1="excellent"; 2="good"; 3="satisfactory"; 4="bad"; 5="aweful"] / position=(50, 90) </likert>
<text ratingWTPText> / items = ("WTP?") / txcolor = (0, 0, 255) / txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255) </text>
<likert ratingquestionWTP> / stimulusframes=[1=ratingWTPText] / anchors=[1="excellent"; 2="good"; 3="satisfactory"; 4="bad"; 5="aweful"] / position=(50, 90) </likert>
************************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************************** TRIALS ************************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************************
<trial resMas> / stimulusframes = [1=resMas] / timeout = 5000 </trial>
<trial nonresMas> / stimulusframes = [1=nonresMas] / timeout = 5000 </trial>
<trial kitsch> / stimulusframes = [1=kitsch] / timeout = 5000 </trial>
<surveypage ratingPage> /caption = "Please answer the following items to the best of your ability" / questions=[1=ratingquestionLiking; 2=ratingquestionUnterstanding; 3=ratingquestionWTP] </surveypage>
<block PSE> /trials = [1-6 = noreplace(resMas, nonresMas, kitsch)] </block>
<expt> /blocks = [1 = PSE] </expt>
As you can see, the stimuli (picutures) are already presented in a random order, but know I don't know how I can insert after every picture the surveypage.
Can anybody help!?
Best regards