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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 24, Visits: 82
Hey there,
now I have another problem with selectionmode. I have 3 conditions (resMas, kitsch and nonresMas)  and in each condition I have a different amout of variables. 
Now I want to show all images of each condition just once and they should be selected randomly. I have tried it with /select = noreplace in the picture-Item and sequence in the block element as you can see in the code. I think the pictures are selected randomly BUT the picture of the kitsch and resMas-condition are shown multiple times.

  Stimulus Items


<item resonant_masterpieces>
/1 = "Freiheit.jpg"
/2 = "Straße_mit_Zypressen_und_Gestrinen.jpg"
/3 = "nachtcafe-place-lamartine-arles.jpg"
/4 = "Geige_und_Trauben.jpg"
/5 = "Selbstbild_Dürer.jpg"
/6 = "asche.jpg"
/7 = "Der_Wanderer_über_dem_Nebelmeer.jpg"
/8 = "Cliffs_on_Rügen.jpg"
/9 = "Weltgericht.jpg"
/10 = "Vision_nach_der_Predigt.jpg"
/11 = "Adele_Bloch-Bauer.jpg"
/12 = "Selbstbildnis-mit-Judenkirschen.jpg"
/13 = "Auf_der_Schaukel.jpg"
/14 = "Brücke_von_Courbevoie.jpg"
/15 = "Toulouse_A_la_Mie.jpg"
/16 = "Absinth.jpg"
/17 = "Woman-in-the-bathtub.jpg"
/18 = "Le_cheval_blanc.jpg"
/19 = "liebe_und_schmerz.jpg"
/20 = "Vanitassymbole.jpg"
/21 = "die_folgen_des_krieges.jpg"
/22 = "die-verkuendigung.jpg"
/23 = "El_Greco_Laocoon.jpg"
/24 = "Frühstück_der_Ruderer.jpg"
/25 = "Erschaffung_Adam.jpg"
/26 = "Rembrandt_Das_Opfer.jpg"
/27 = "Head_of_Goliath.jpg"
/28 = "die_vier_erdteile.jpg"
/29 = "Cotan_Stilleben.jpg"
/30 = "Noli_me_Tangere.jpg"

<item nonresonant_masterpieces>
/1 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\Bild1.jpg"
/2 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\Bild2.jpg"

<item kitsch>
/1 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\kitsch1.jpg"
/2 = "C:\Users\Julia\Inquisit_Masterarbeit\kitsch2.jpg"

<text fixationCross>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 300px)
/ color = (0, 0, 0)

<picture resMas>
/items = resonant_masterpieces
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 50%)
/size = (1620px, 911px)
/select = noreplace

<picture nonresMas>
/items = nonresonant_masterpieces
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 50%)
/size = (1620px, 911px)
/select = noreplace

<picture kitsch>
/items = kitsch
/select = noreplace
/position = (50%, 50%)
/size = (1620px, 911px)
/select = noreplace

<radiobuttons ratingquestionLiking>
/ caption="Wie gefällt Ihnen das Kunstwerk?"
/ options=("Sehr gut", "Gut", "Durchschnittlich", "Weniger", "Gar nicht")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
/ required=true

<radiobuttons ratingquestionUnderstanding>
/ caption="Wie gut verstehen Sie das Kunstwerk?"
/ options=("Sehr gut", "Gut", "Durchschnittlich", "Weniger", "Gar nicht")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
/ required=true

<radiobuttons ratingquestionWTP>
/ caption="Wie groß ist Ihre Bereitschaft Geld dafür zu zahlen, dieses Kunstwerk im Museum zu sehen?"
/ options=("Sehr hoch", "Hoch", "Durschnittlich hoch", "Weniger hoch", "Gar nicht hoch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
/ required=true


<trial resMas>
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixationCross; 2000=resMas]
/branch = [surveypage.ratingPage]
/timeout = 10000
/ pretrialpause=3000

<trial nonresMas>
/ stimulustimes = [0=fixationCross; 2000=nonresMas]
/branch = [surveypage.ratingPage]
/timeout = 10000
/ pretrialpause=3000

<trial kitsch>
/ stimulustimes=[0=fixationCross; 2000=kitsch]
/branch = [surveypage.ratingPage]
/timeout = 10000
/ pretrialpause=3000

<surveypage ratingPage>
/caption = "Please answer the following items to the best of your ability"
/questions=[1=ratingquestionLiking; 2=ratingquestionUnderstanding; 3=ratingquestionWTP]
/caption = "Bitte beantworten Sie folgende Fragen über das zuletzt gezeigte Bild:"

<block EXP>
/trials = [1-34 = sequence(resMas, nonresMas, kitsch)]

/blocks = [1 = EXP]

Can somebody help?

Best regards 


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