is it possible to change the stimuli presented at the calibration to make them suitable for infants? I have noticed that the srresearch plugin offers this option, but I cannot see any "calibrationstimulus" for the tobii eyetracker.
Thank you,
the Tobii is a TX-300
If I am not mistaken, the /calibrationstimulus attribute applies globally to the <eyetracker> element and should work with the Tobii tracker as well.
/ plugin = "tobii"
/ calibrationstimulus = "test.jpg"
/ calibrationmode = "HV9"
Hi Dave,
Unfortunately it doesn't work...only the usual green dot appears and it's not compatible with studies on infants. Is it possible to change the green dot with a dynamic stimulus (e.g. a gif file)?
Here below the script
/ plugin = "tobii"
/ fixationwindowlength = 15
/ aoidurationthreshold = 100
/ aoihitcountthreshold = 6
/ minfixationtime = 50
/ maxfixationtime = 100
/ calibrationmode = "HV5"
/ calibrationstimulus = "kitten4.jpg"
/ columns = (date, time, groupid, subjectid, timestamp, marker, focuspixelx, focuspixely, focusfixationpixelx, focusfixationpixely)