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HI! I am writing an Inquisit script that presents a sound stimuli and at the same time records the responses of the participants (voice recording). The recording works relatively well when the trial is very short (e.g., 10 sec) although not always, but it does not record at all when the trial is 1 minute or longer (I need 9 minutes recording). It typically crashes or works (i.e., the stimuli is presented) but nothing is recorded. We tried different solutions, and in different computers. My question is whether Inquisit 4 supports longer voice recordings, and if yes can you help me identify what is the problem? Thank you very much.
<clock timer2> / mode = timer/ resetrate = block/ erase = false / txcolor = yellow / txbgcolor = black / timeout = 540000 / position = (50%, 10%) / format = "mm:ss" </clock>
<sound SoundFILE> /items = ("file.wav") /playthrough = false </sound>
<response Someresponse / mode = anyresponse / srsignal = sound / rwwidth = 540000 </response>
<trial SomeTrial> /stimulustimes = [0 = SoundFILE; 0 = timer2;] /response = Someresponse /inputdevice = voicerecord /beginresponsetime = 0 /trialduration = 540000 /responseinterrupt = trial /recorddata = true </trial>
<block ImrsImage> /trials = [1=SomeTrial] </block>