Group: Forum Members
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Hello everyone!
I find myself in need of some help designing an experiment in Inquisit 5, and I was hoping I can get the necessary feedback here. Keep in mind, I am a complete newbie to Inquisit. Basically, I am running a linguistic experiment where the participants are faced with contexts (3-4 sentence texts) and a target sentence, and they have to indicate on a 7-point Likert scale how natural the sentence sounds in that context. The two contexts are necessary because they are meant to prime different interpretations of the same sentence. What I would like to do is to code the experiment in such a way that every participant sees every target item only once, but whether a participant sees any given target item paired with context 1 or context 2 is random. I also do not know how to ensure that a participants sees an equal number of "context 1-s" and "context 2-s".
Any help would be greatly appreciated!