Can't remove URL on Participants recruitment setting

Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 52
Dave - Monday, February 18, 2019
ArifahAd - Monday, February 18, 2019

I entered a URL on the Participants page setting: "List my study on the Millisecond participant recruitment page (optional)".  But now when I delete it and press Save I get a message saying "A URL is required to list your study on the Millisecond recruitment page"
So basically I can't remove the setting and get the study off the participant recruitment page.

Are you able to fix this?



You can leave the URL as-is or set it to something arbitrary (such as the experiemtn's lauch page), and merely remove the headline, as in

The study should no longer be displayed on the recruiting page then. Alternatively, you can take the entire study down by clicking the "Unregister" button next to the study as listed on the "Web experiments" page in your account. That, too, will remove it from the recruitment page. (This will remove the study materials -- script, etc. -- from the server, it will not remove any data that was collected by that study.)

Seems odd that you can't delete it ... i.e return the field to its original blank or null state... Perhaps there should be a warning on the page that it can't be blank once it's filled in.
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
ArifahAd - Monday, February 18, 2019

I entered a URL on the Participants page setting: "List my study on the Millisecond participant recruitment page (optional)".  But now when I delete it and press Save I get a message saying "A URL is required to list your study on the Millisecond recruitment page"
So basically I can't remove the setting and get the study off the participant recruitment page.

Are you able to fix this?



You can leave the URL as-is or set it to something arbitrary (such as the experiemtn's lauch page), and merely remove the headline, as in

The study should no longer be displayed on the recruiting page then. Alternatively, you can take the entire study down by clicking the "Unregister" button next to the study as listed on the "Web experiments" page in your account. That, too, will remove it from the recruitment page. (This will remove the study materials -- script, etc. -- from the server, it will not remove any data that was collected by that study.)

Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)Expert (1.4K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 16, Visits: 52

I entered a URL on the Participants page setting: "List my study on the Millisecond participant recruitment page (optional)".  But now when I delete it and press Save I get a message saying "A URL is required to list your study on the Millisecond recruitment page"
So basically I can't remove the setting and get the study off the participant recruitment page.

Are you able to fix this?



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