My lab and I are currently trying to run an EMG experiment where we present faces to participants and measure facial muscle responses.
The study is a 2 x 2 x 3, with two emotions (happy/angry), model gender (1=F, 2 =M), and facial intensity level (1, 2, 3). Every participant will see different models representing each condition (i.e., 4x happy/F/30% images), and will make a mouse click response when they see the face to try and guess the emotion being displayed, as well as having their muscle movements measured.
We are interested in sending a different marker to Labchart every time a specific combination of factors is displayed via Inquisit. Currently, our trials are set up as 'angry' faces and 'happy' faces, and the data about the gender/intensity of the image being shown is coded separately as expressions, and recorded during the trial. The script is based on the facial display of emotions task script.
I have been reading other forum posts about similar experiments involving markers (
https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic23095.aspx) but I'm still not sure how you would indicate that a specific condition of a trial is being shown, rather than a trial type (so, instead of sending a marker at the start of happy/angry trials to say the image was happy/angry, sending a different mark per image to indicate trial type AND gender AND intensity level.
My script is attached below.
Thank you in advance for your help!!