Avoid participants clicking

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 22, Visits: 49
Hi everyone!

I have created a script for an experiment in which participants are shown a series of 20 images of squares with 20 dots inside of each of them. The squares are divided by a vertical line and participants should answer in which side there are more dots. The images are shown for only one second, for they are not supposed to count the dots to give the answer.

Subjects are rewarded in different ways according to the answer they give. For example, if they answer that the left side has more dots, they receive 1 cent. But if they answer the right side has more dots, they receive 5 cents. In the end of the experiment, they will receive the amount of money they have earned during the 20 trials.

I have been able to implement that. The problem is that, when people click in one of the options (left side or right side) more the once, they are being rewarded for as many times they have clicked in each item, when they were supposed to be rewarded just once per trial. For example, if a person clicks ten times in the left option before submitting the answer, in the next screen he or she will receive 10 cents instead of just 1. 

Does anyone know how to solve this? I have attached the script below. 

Teste.iqx (362 views, 11.00 KB)

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JessicaEMFarias - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
JessicaEMFarias - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Dave - 8/14/2019 [/b] + x...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] Dave - 8/14/2019 [/b] + x...
JessicaEMFarias - 5 Years Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] JessicaEMFarias - 8/14/2019 [/b] +...
Dave - 5 Years Ago

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