Dealing with different remote user devices

Liz Shulman
Liz Shulman
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 60
Hi there,
I am adapting the alcohol dot probe and go/no-go tasks from the library to use in an MTurk study.  I have a couple questions.
1. If the participant is using a phone or other touchscreen, how do I deal with orientation?  It would be better if the participant held the phone horizontally when completing the dot probe since the image pairs are presented side by side.  Can I lock the presentation orientation to be horizontal for phones/tablets?

2. In the original dot probe script, the probe is a character ("X") in white front against a black background and the participant responds with a key press ('e' or 'o') to indicate whether it is in the right or left position.  For touchscreen, the participant would tap on or near the probe.  I would want to record the x,y coordinates of the tap and then specify a range of correct responses in two-dimensional space (e.g., any value within 15% of the screen from the center of the probe). Ideally, I would want the script to record the exact x,y, coordinates of the tap location AND calculate whether it falls within the range that qualifies as "correct". Can you provide an example of script that does this?  

Thank you!
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Lizeroo - 8/22/2019
Hi there,
I am adapting the alcohol dot probe and go/no-go tasks from the library to use in an MTurk study.  I have a couple questions.
1. If the participant is using a phone or other touchscreen, how do I deal with orientation?  It would be better if the participant held the phone horizontally when completing the dot probe since the image pairs are presented side by side.  Can I lock the presentation orientation to be horizontal for phones/tablets?

2. In the original dot probe script, the probe is a character ("X") in white front against a black background and the participant responds with a key press ('e' or 'o') to indicate whether it is in the right or left position.  For touchscreen, the participant would tap on or near the probe.  I would want to record the x,y coordinates of the tap and then specify a range of correct responses in two-dimensional space (e.g., any value within 15% of the screen from the center of the probe). Ideally, I would want the script to record the exact x,y, coordinates of the tap location AND calculate whether it falls within the range that qualifies as "correct". Can you provide an example of script that does this?  

Thank you!

Re. #1, orientation is locked to landscape (horizontal) on iOS devices by default. Only if you wanted to lock it to portrait, you would have to make use of canvas settings (see ).

Re. #2, first, on touch-only input devices, Inquisit automatially displays on-screen buttons at the bottom of the screen for scripts that are designed for keyboard input. I.e., the dot probe script would display buttons labelled "E" and "O" on the left and right side of the screen, and you don't specifically have to adapt the script for touch-screen use.

If you want to do that, though, simply define the probe stimulus element's /size such that it covers your 15% tolerance area fully. Define the stimulus as valid response and any tap within the area covered by its size will be accepted. To record the exact tap coordinates in addition, record the <trial>'s responsex and responsey properties ( ).

Edited 6 Years Ago by Dave
Liz Shulman
Liz Shulman
Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)Expert (1.2K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 60
Dave - 8/22/2019
Lizeroo - 8/22/2019
Hi there,
I am adapting the alcohol dot probe and go/no-go tasks from the library to use in an MTurk study.  I have a couple questions.
1. If the participant is using a phone or other touchscreen, how do I deal with orientation?  It would be better if the participant held the phone horizontally when completing the dot probe since the image pairs are presented side by side.  Can I lock the presentation orientation to be horizontal for phones/tablets?

2. In the original dot probe script, the probe is a character ("X") in white front against a black background and the participant responds with a key press ('e' or 'o') to indicate whether it is in the right or left position.  For touchscreen, the participant would tap on or near the probe.  I would want to record the x,y coordinates of the tap and then specify a range of correct responses in two-dimensional space (e.g., any value within 15% of the screen from the center of the probe). Ideally, I would want the script to record the exact x,y, coordinates of the tap location AND calculate whether it falls within the range that qualifies as "correct". Can you provide an example of script that does this?  

Thank you!

Re. #1, orientation is locked to landscape (horizontal) on iOS devices by default. Only if you wanted to lock it to portrait, you would have to make use of canvas settings (see ).

Re. #2, first, on touch-only input devices, Inquisit automatially displays on-screen buttons at the bottom of the screen for scripts that are designed for keyboard input. I.e., the dot probe script would display would simply display buttons labelled "E" and "O" on the left and right side of the screen, and you don't specifically have to adapt the script for touch-screen use.

If you want to do that, though, simply define the probe stimulus element's /size such that it covers your 15% tolerance area fully. Define the stimulus as valid response and any tap within the area covered by its size will be accepted. To record the exact tap coordinates in addition, record the <trial>'s responsex and responsey properties ( ).

Thank you for the speedy and helpful response!

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