I've got a couple of issues. The first is that when I download summary data from inquisit, I want to have one line per subject with only the headings once at the top.
1 723 83
2 567 89
But I am getting the heading interrupting each line of data - I've attached the data file. I haven't attached the experiment script as I don't think it's my scripts. To test this I tried to download data that I'd previously collected on an old experiment (which came out with just one heading as in the example above) and the same thing happened. Has there been some change in how to download the data? Any ideas gratefully received - I can attach the script if useful (but it's horribly long).
The second issue is for a different script (attached). I'm trying to present one radiobuttons question per page, so I have used one surveypage for each radiobuttons question and then put these 18 surveypages in a block. I'd like to give participants the option to go back and change their answer - I thought this was done by just doing 'showbackbutton=true' but it doesn't work.
I've got for each question a radiobutton q:
<radiobuttons ADHD1>
/ caption = "Failed to give close attention to details or made careless mistakes in my work"
/ options = ("Never or rarely", "Sometimes", "Often", "Very often")
/ optionvalues = ("0", "1", "2", "3")
/ position = (35,40)
/ orientation = horizontalequal
and a surveypage:
<surveypage ADHD1>
/ questions = [1=ADHD1]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showbackbutton = true
/ backlabel = "Back to change answer"
/ nextlabel = "Next question"
/ backbuttonposition = (20, 20)
/ ontrialend = [
Then the block:
<block ADHD>
/ trials = [1=trial.ADHD_intro; 2=surveypage.ADHD1; 3=surveypage.ADHD2; 4=surveypage.ADHD3; 5=surveypage.ADHD4; 6=surveypage.ADHD5; 7=surveypage.ADHD6; 8=surveypage.ADHD7; 9=surveypage.ADHD8; 10=surveypage.ADHD9;
11=surveypage.ADHD10; 12 = surveypage.ADHD11; 13=surveypage.ADHD12; 14=surveypage.ADHD13; 15=surveypage.ADHD14; 16=surveypage.ADHD15; 17=surveypage.ADHD16; 18=surveypage.ADHD17; 19=surveypage.ADHD18]
It's not crucial to have a back button, but I would in an ideal world. Also, is there any way to specify the location of the 'Continue' button after each question - it's in the bottom right but I'd prefer it in the center.
Thanks in advance,