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Hi everyone,

My lab is considering a way to give participants their Inquisit link through an app that we are developing. The app developers asked if Inquisit has "webhooks", so that once the experiment is over, the webhook will return the user back to the app.

Does anyone know if Inquisit has webhooks? I have been unable to find out through my millisecond and forum search.

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jxb - 10/29/2019
Hi everyone,

My lab is considering a way to give participants their Inquisit link through an app that we are developing. The app developers asked if Inquisit has "webhooks", so that once the experiment is over, the webhook will return the user back to the app.

Does anyone know if Inquisit has webhooks? I have been unable to find out through my millisecond and forum search.


Technically no, but you can have Inquisit Web redirect to a URL (including query parameters) at the end of the experiment;

Inquisit Web typically shares basic information (e.g. participant identifier) with 3rd party survey platforms this way (see https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v5/html/howto/interopsurveys.htm ), but if you redirect to your web app's webhook URL, that might be sufficient for your purposes. In case your app is supposed to receive and process the participants' data as well, you can host a data upload service and have your Inquisit script's HTTP POST to that URL (see https://www.millisecond.com/products/inquisit5/webhosting.aspx under "Hosting Data Upload Service").

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By setting a "finish page" as Dave suggests, Inquisit Web will call the url you specify at the end of the test run. 

To launch your app, your app can register a url scheme (e.g., "myapp") so that it becomes the handler for urls of that scheme. You can then use that scheme in your finish page url (e.g., myapp://example.com?subjectid=12343). Instead of opening in the browser, the "finish page" will open your app instead.

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