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PFA the simplified code for my problem.
Basically I have a stimulusframe and a textbook in my surveypage. Response is required in the textbox. When the user tries to move forward by clicking next without filling the textbook, the stimulus frame disappears. I want to retain the screen until the textbook is filled.
Please tell me the a solution which will require the least change in my script. PS - Save any dummy pic named "anypic.png" in the same folder as this iqx to run the script.
<picture anypic> / items = ("anypic.png") /size = (50%,50%) / vposition = 30 / valign = Center </picture>
<values> / price = 100 </values>
<text variable_text> / items = ("The quoted price for this painting is <% values.price %>.") / position = (10%, 60%) / halign = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </text>
<textbox reader> / caption = "If you wanted to buy this painting, what amount would you offer (in dollars) for this painting?" / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) / position = (10%, 75%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </textbox>
<surveypage readerpage> / caption = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / questions = [1=reader] / stimulusframes = [1=anypic;2=variable_text] / itemspacing = 0.5% / showquestionnumbers = false / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<survey bid> /pages = [1=readerpage] /screencolor = white /txcolor = black </survey>
<expt bid> / blocks = [1=bid] </expt>
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+xPFA the simplified code for my problem. Basically I have a stimulusframe and a textbook in my surveypage. Response is required in the textbox. When the user tries to move forward by clicking next without filling the textbook, the stimulus frame disappears. I want to retain the screen until the textbook is filled. Please tell me the a solution which will require the least change in my script. PS - Save any dummy pic named "anypic.png" in the same folder as this iqx to run the script. <picture anypic> / items = ("anypic.png") /size = (50%,50%) / vposition = 30 / valign = Center </picture> <values> / price = 100 </values> <text variable_text> / items = ("The quoted price for this painting is <% values.price %>.") / position = (10%, 60%) / halign = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </text> <textbox reader> / caption = "If you wanted to buy this painting, what amount would you offer (in dollars) for this painting?" / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) / position = (10%, 75%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </textbox> <surveypage readerpage> / caption = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / questions = [1=reader] / stimulusframes = [1=anypic;2=variable_text] / itemspacing = 0.5% / showquestionnumbers = false / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <survey bid> /pages = [1=readerpage] /screencolor = white /txcolor = black </survey> <expt bid> / blocks = [1=bid] </expt> If you want the image to remain on.-screen, use an <image> element displayed via the <surveypage>'s /questions attribute, not a <picture> element displayed via the page's /stimulusframes.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
Visits: 133
+x+xPFA the simplified code for my problem. Basically I have a stimulusframe and a textbook in my surveypage. Response is required in the textbox. When the user tries to move forward by clicking next without filling the textbook, the stimulus frame disappears. I want to retain the screen until the textbook is filled. Please tell me the a solution which will require the least change in my script. PS - Save any dummy pic named "anypic.png" in the same folder as this iqx to run the script. <picture anypic> / items = ("anypic.png") /size = (50%,50%) / vposition = 30 / valign = Center </picture> <values> / price = 100 </values> <text variable_text> / items = ("The quoted price for this painting is <% values.price %>.") / position = (10%, 60%) / halign = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </text> <textbox reader> / caption = "If you wanted to buy this painting, what amount would you offer (in dollars) for this painting?" / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) / position = (10%, 75%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </textbox> <surveypage readerpage> / caption = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / questions = [1=reader] / stimulusframes = [1=anypic;2=variable_text] / itemspacing = 0.5% / showquestionnumbers = false / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <survey bid> /pages = [1=readerpage] /screencolor = white /txcolor = black </survey> <expt bid> / blocks = [1=bid] </expt> If you want the image to remain on.-screen, use an <image> element displayed via the <surveypage>'s /questions attribute, not a <picture> element displayed via the page's /stimulusframes. Thanks that did the trick, but what about the other <text variable_text>, I need that retained as well. I can't put it it in caption or sub caption because it contains an expression value.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
Visits: 133
+x+x+xPFA the simplified code for my problem. Basically I have a stimulusframe and a textbook in my surveypage. Response is required in the textbox. When the user tries to move forward by clicking next without filling the textbook, the stimulus frame disappears. I want to retain the screen until the textbook is filled. Please tell me the a solution which will require the least change in my script. PS - Save any dummy pic named "anypic.png" in the same folder as this iqx to run the script. <picture anypic> / items = ("anypic.png") /size = (50%,50%) / vposition = 30 / valign = Center </picture> <values> / price = 100 </values> <text variable_text> / items = ("The quoted price for this painting is <% values.price %>.") / position = (10%, 60%) / halign = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </text> <textbox reader> / caption = "If you wanted to buy this painting, what amount would you offer (in dollars) for this painting?" / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) / position = (10%, 75%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </textbox> <surveypage readerpage> / caption = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / questions = [1=reader] / stimulusframes = [1=anypic;2=variable_text] / itemspacing = 0.5% / showquestionnumbers = false / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <survey bid> /pages = [1=readerpage] /screencolor = white /txcolor = black </survey> <expt bid> / blocks = [1=bid] </expt> If you want the image to remain on.-screen, use an <image> element displayed via the <surveypage>'s /questions attribute, not a <picture> element displayed via the page's /stimulusframes. Thanks that did the trick, but what about the other <text variable_text>, I need that retained as well. I can't put it it in caption or sub caption because it contains an expression value. Wait. Sorry I can put it in caption but it disappears when I click the next button. Any work around to this problem?
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
Visits: 133
+x+x+x+xPFA the simplified code for my problem. Basically I have a stimulusframe and a textbook in my surveypage. Response is required in the textbox. When the user tries to move forward by clicking next without filling the textbook, the stimulus frame disappears. I want to retain the screen until the textbook is filled. Please tell me the a solution which will require the least change in my script. PS - Save any dummy pic named "anypic.png" in the same folder as this iqx to run the script. <picture anypic> / items = ("anypic.png") /size = (50%,50%) / vposition = 30 / valign = Center </picture> <values> / price = 100 </values> <text variable_text> / items = ("The quoted price for this painting is <% values.price %>.") / position = (10%, 60%) / halign = left / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </text> <textbox reader> / caption = "If you wanted to buy this painting, what amount would you offer (in dollars) for this painting?" / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false) / position = (10%, 75%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) </textbox> <surveypage readerpage> / caption = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false) / questions = [1=reader] / stimulusframes = [1=anypic;2=variable_text] / itemspacing = 0.5% / showquestionnumbers = false / nextbuttonposition = (90%, 90%) / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <survey bid> /pages = [1=readerpage] /screencolor = white /txcolor = black </survey> <expt bid> / blocks = [1=bid] </expt> If you want the image to remain on.-screen, use an <image> element displayed via the <surveypage>'s /questions attribute, not a <picture> element displayed via the page's /stimulusframes. Thanks that did the trick, but what about the other <text variable_text>, I need that retained as well. I can't put it it in caption or sub caption because it contains an expression value. Wait. Sorry I can put it in caption but it disappears when I click the next button. Any work around to this problem? Never mind. I have got a work around for that. I can put the text with expressions in text box caption or in the survey page's caption, either of them works fine. So, conclusively I have to avoid putting anything in the stimulusframe of the surveypage, so that it does not disappear. Still intriguing why it happens that way.