okey, so thats the other code. sorry for the long post but i thought its better when you see the whole thing.
its my first time using inquisit sorry.
Script Author: Katja Borchert, Ph.D. (
katjab@millisecond.com) for Millisecond Software LLC
Date: 08-17-2012
last updated: 09-04-2014 by K. Borchert for Millisecond Software
Copyright © 09-04-2014 Millisecond Software
/ file = "aat_sequencegenerator.iqx"
EDITABLE CODE: The code in this section can be easily altered (look for additional instructions were indicated)
Editable Values
/Startheight_ratioA = 0.5
/Startheight_ratioB = 0.5
/MinHeight_ratioA = 0.05
/MinHeight_ratioB = 0.05
/intertrialinterval = 300
Editable Stimuli
item 1-25 are non-alc stimuli
item 25-50 are alc stimuli
<item targets>
/1 = "HighPoly_0000_HP_64.png"
/2 = "HighPoly_0001_HP_63.png"
/3 = "HighPoly_0002_HP_62.png"
/4 = "HighPoly_0004_HP_59.png"
/5 = "HighPoly_0005_HP_58.png"
/6 = "HighPoly_0010_HP_53.png"
/7 = "HighPoly_0064_HP_01.png"
/8 = "HighPoly_0020_HP_43.png"
/9 = "HighPoly_0015_HP_48.png"
/10 = "HighPoly_0065_HP_01.png"
/11 = "HighPoly_0028_HP_35.png"
/12 = "HighPoly_0016_HP_47.png"
/13 = "HighPoly_0034_HP_29.png"
/14 = "HighPoly_0035_HP_28.png"
/15 = "HighPoly_0038_HP_25.png"
/16 = "HighPoly_0042_HP_21.png"
/17 = "HighPoly_0050_HP_13.png"
/18 = "HighPoly_0019_HP_44.png"
/19 = "HighPoly_0045_HP_18.png"
/20 = "HighPoly_0051_HP_12.png"
/21 = "HighPoly_0054_HP_09.png"
/22 = "HighPoly_0020_HP_43.png"
/23 = "HighPoly_0057_HP_06.png"
/24 = "HighPoly_0061_HP_02.png"
/25 = "HighPoly_0063_HP_01.png"
/26 = "HighPoly_0003_HP_60.png"
/27 = "HighPoly_0006_HP_57.png"
/28 = "HighPoly_0009_HP_54.png"
/29 = "HighPoly_0043_HP_20.png"
/30 = "HighPoly_0013_HP_50.png"
/31 = "HighPoly_0014_HP_49.png"
/32 = "HighPoly_0022_HP_41.png"
/33 = "HighPoly_0023_HP_40.png"
/34 = "HighPoly_0024_HP_39.png"
/35 = "HighPoly_0025_HP_38.png"
/36 = "HighPoly_0026_HP_37.png"
/37 = "HighPoly_0029_HP_34.png"
/38 = "HighPoly_0055_HP_08.png"
/39 = "HighPoly_0031_HP_32.png"
/40 = "HighPoly_0032_HP_31.png"
/41 = "HighPoly_0036_HP_27.png"
/42 = "HighPoly_0037_HP_26.png"
/43 = "HighPoly_0039_HP_24.png"
/44 = "HighPoly_0040_HP_23.png"
/45 = "HighPoly_0041_HP_22.png"
/46 = "HighPoly_0049_HP_14.png"
/47 = "HighPoly_0056_HP_07.png"
/48 = "HighPoly_0059_HP_04.png"
/49 = "HighPoly_0060_HP_03.png"
/50 = "HighPoly_0047_HP_16.png"
<item practicestimuli>
/1 = "Beer_Probe.png"
/2 = "Water_Probe.png"
Editable Instructions
<instruct >
/ windowsize = (80%, 60%)
/ fontstyle = ("Book Antique", 2.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
<item instructions>
/ 1 = "In the following task, you will be presented alcoholic or non-alcoholic images.
~n~nYour task is to:
~n* PULL the joystick towards you if you see a non-alcoholic image
* PUSH the joystick away from you if you see an alcoholic image
~nWhen you PUSH, the image will shrink.
When you PULL, the image will enlarge.
~nYou need to PUSH/PULL until the joystick is FULLY extended in that direction
(aka cannot go any further).
Afterwards you need to bring the joystick back into the rest position
and a new image will be presented.
~n~nMove the joystick to the left to start practice."
/ 2 = "This is practice.
~nYou will be you will be presented alcoholic or non-alcoholic images.
~n* PULL the joystick towards you if you see a non-alcoholic image
* PUSH the joystick away from you if you see an alcoholic image
~nRemember to PULL/PUSH until the joystick is fully extended and then
bring it back into the rest position to start the next trial.
~n~n~nBe as fast and accurate as you possibly can.
~n~nMove the joystick to the left to start the practice trials."
/ 3 = "This is the real task.
~nYou will be you will be presented alcoholic or non-alcoholic images.
~nJust like you did during practice,
~n* PULL the joystick towards you if you see a non-alcoholic image
* PUSH the joystick away from you if you see an alcoholic image
~n~nBe as fast and accurate as you possibly can. There will be 150 images total.
~nMove the joystick to the left to start."
<page End>
Thats the end of the task. Thank you for your participation.
Editable Lists
AAT lists contain the indices of the target stimuli for each category
category1 = alc
category2 = non-alc
<list category1>
/ items=(26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50)
/ replace = false
<list category2>
/ items=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25)
/ replace = false
DATA: this section contains data file information
raw data
date, time, subject: date and time script was run with the current subjectnumber
/expcondition: used for counterbalancing experimental conditions
1: push for landscape, pull for portrait
2: pull for landscape, push for portrait
blockcode, blocknum: the name and number of the current block
trialcode, trialnum: the name and number of the currently recorded trial
(Note: not all trials that are run might record data)
/stimulus: the presented stimulus
/targetcategory: the targetcategory of the targetstimulus, 1 - 4
/targetformat : the targetformat of the targetstimulus (l = landscape; p = portrait)
/initialresponse: stores the original response to the stimulus
/correct: stores the correctness of the initial response
/finalresponse: stores the final response (at time joystick is fully extended)
/changedirection: stores whether and how often participant changed direction during zooming (0 = no change)
/RT: stores the latency of the initial response (in ms)
/completeRT: stores how long it takes until the joystick is fully extended in whatever direction (in ms)
<data >
/file = "AAT_raw.iqdat"
/ separatefiles = true
/ columns = [date, time, subject, group, values.expcondition, blockcode, blocknum, values.trialcode, trialnum, values.stimulus,
values.initialresponse, values.correct, values.finalresponse, values.changedirection,
values.RT, values.completeRT, values.completeRTminusRT]
summary data
script.elapsedtime: time it took to run script (in ms)
completed: 0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)
uncorrecte AAT Difference Scores for each of the 4 main categories,
Diff Scores = median latency for Push trials - median latency for Pull trials
!!! NOTE: NOT corrected for accuracy, latency only for original response (not until joystick is fully extended)
/sequence: the experimental sequence generated for the participant
<summarydata >
/file = "ATT_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed, values.expcondition,
expressions.aat_diffscore_cat1, expressions.AAT_Median_NTR, expressions.AAT_Median_ALK]
REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only
requires Inquisit
<defaults >
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/minimumversion = ""
/ inputdevice = joystick
/joystickthreshold = 30
VALUES: automatically updated
AAT code:
/nextstimulus : the number of the next targetstimulus to be presented
/selectstimulus: the index of targetstimulus (in item )
/targetcategory: the targetcategory of the targetstimulus, 1 - 4
/targetformat : the targetformat of the targetstimulus (l = landscape; p = portrait)
/sumRTcorrect_1- sumRTcorrect_8 : the sum of latencies for stimuli of (e.g.) category 1 - only for correct responses
/sumRT_1 - sumRT_8: the sum of latencies for stimuli of (e.g.) category 1 - regardless of accuracy
/repeat: helper variable: counts how often a change trial has run itself
/selectpracticepicture: helper variable: dictates which rectangle (landscape/portrait) to select for practice
/starttime: determines the starttime of a trial (measured at beginning of a picture trial)
/endtime: determines the endtime of a zooming (measured at end of zoom trials)
/expcondition: used for counterbalancing experimental conditions
/format1/forma2: helper variables for instruction purposes; set in expt
/startheight_A/startheight_B: sets the default height of the A(landscape)/B (portrait) picture
/Maxheight_px: maximum height for pictures (display.canvasheight) in pixels
/joystick_y: helper variable to track the y-position of the joystick
/completeRT: stores how long it takes until the joystick is fully extended
/changedirection: stores whether and how often participant changed direction during zooming
(0 = no change)
/joystickchange: stores the absolute change in joystick y-positions from one zoom trial to the next
/trialcode: stores the trialcode of the trial
/RT: stores the latency of the initial response
/correct: stores the correctness of the initial response
/stimulus: stores the stimulus
/initialresponse: stores the initial response
/finalresponse: stores the final response (at time joystick is fully extended)
completed: 0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)
<values >
/nextstimulus = 0
/selectstimulus = 0
/targetcategory = 0
/targetformat = ""
/sumRTcorrect_1 = 0
/sumRT_1 = 0
/sumRTcorrect_2 = 0
/sumRT_2 = 0
/sumRTcorrect_3 = 0
/sumRT_3 = 0
/sumRTcorrect_4 = 0
/sumRT_4 = 0
/repeat = 0
/selectpracticepicture = 0
/starttime = 0
/endtime = 0
/expcondition = 0
/format1 = 0
/format2 = 0
/startheight_A = 0
/startheight_B = 0
/Maxheight_px = display.canvasheight
/joystick_y = 0
/completeRT = 0
/changedirection = 0
/joystick_change = 0
/trialcode = 0
/RT = 0
/correct = 0
/stimulus = 0
/initialresponse = ""
/finalresponse = ""
/completed = 0
/completeRTminusRT = 0
uncorrecte AAT Difference Scores for each of the 4 main categories,
Diff Scores = median latency for Push trials - median latency for Pull trials
!!! NOTE: NOT corrected for accuracy, latency only for original response (not until joystick is fully extended)
/maxheightchange_px: max pixel height change of picture
noch offen:
<expressions >
/ AAT_Diffscore_Cat1 = if (values.expcondition == 1) trial.ALK.medianlatency - trial.NTR.medianlatency else
trial.ALK.medianlatency - trial.NTR.medianlatency
/ AAT_Median_NTR = trial.NTR.medianlatency
/ AAT_Median_ALK = trial.ALK.medianlatency
/maxheightchange_px = if (values.targetformat == "alk") {(values.Startheight_ratioA - values.MinHeight_ratioA) * values.Maxheight_px} else
{(values.Startheight_ratioB - values.MinHeight_ratioB) * values.Maxheight_px}
<text instruction>
/items = instructions
/select = sequence
/position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Book Antique", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/txcolor = black
/resetinterval = 3
/size = (80%, 80%)
<trial instructions>
/stimulusframes = [1 = instruction]
/validresponse = ("left")
/recorddata = false
/branch = [trial.instruct_joystickrest]
Note: trial.instruct_joystickrest & trial.instruct_pause make sure that Joystick is brought back into
rest position
<trial instruct_joystickrest>
/validresponse = (change)
/branch = [if (monkey.monkeymode == 1) trial.instruct_pause]
/branch = [if (joystick.y == 0 && joystick.x == 0) trial.Instruct_Pause else trial.instruct_joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
<trial Instruct_Pause>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = eraser]
/ timeout = 0
/ recorddata = false
<picture targetstimulus>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.selectstimulus
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ erase = false
***helper stimulus
<shape eraser>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = white
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ erase = false
Practice Stimuli
<text error>
/ items = ("X")
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Book Antique", 5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txcolor = (white)
/txbgcolor = (red)
Practice Stimuli
picture.practicetarget selects the target via
values.selectpracticepicture (this value is set in the
practice trials, see below)
<picture practicetarget>
/ items = practicestimuli
/ select = values.selectpracticepicture
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ erase = false
Practice Trials
NOTE: practice trials report error feedback to participant.
*trial.practicetrial_A displays the stimulus of format A (here: landscape) by setting
values.selectpracticepicture = 1
*if a forward movement (=push) is detected -> decrease picture
*if a back movement (=pull) is detected -> increase picture
<trial practicetrial_ALK>
/ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "alk"]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 1]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_A]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""; values.completertminusrt = 0]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget]
/ validresponse = (back, forward)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_ALK.response == "forward") ||
(values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_ALK.response == "back")]
/ errormessage = true(error,0)
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y]
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)]
/ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_ALK"]
/ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_ALK.latency]
/ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_ALK.correct]
/ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_ALK.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH"
else values.initialresponse = "PULL"]
/ branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_ALK.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease]
/ recorddata = false
trial.practicetrial_B displays the stimulus of format B (here: portrait) by setting
values.selectpracticepicture = 2
*if a forward movement (=push) is detected -> decrease picture
*if a back movement (=pull) is detected -> increase picture
<trial practicetrial_NTR>
/ontrialbegin = [values.targetformat = "ntr"]
/ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.repeat = 0]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectpracticepicture = 2]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = values.startheight_B]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""; values.completertminusrt = 0]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget]
/ validresponse = (back, forward)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_NTR.response == "back") ||
(values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_NTR.response == "forward")]
/ errormessage = true(error,0)
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y]
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)]
/ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "practicetrial_NTR"]
/ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.practicetrial_NTR.latency]
/ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.practicetrial_NTR.correct]
/ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.practicetarget.currentitem]
/ontrialend = [if (trial.practicetrial_NTR.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH"
else values.initialresponse = "PULL"]
/ branch = [if (trial.practicetrial_NTR.response == "forward") trial.practicedecrease else trial.practiceincrease]
/recorddata = false
*********ZOOM FEATURE: trial increase/decrease the size of the rectangles depending on participant's response*********
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "back") ||
(values.expcondition == 2 && trial.practicetrial_B.response == "forward")]
<trial practicedecrease>
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "ntr") trial.practicedecrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "alk") trial.practicedecrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height - values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, practicetarget]
/validresponse = (change)
/ monkeyresponse = ("back", "forward")
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y - joystick.y)]
/ontrialend = [trial.practicedecrease.resetstimulusframes()]
/branch = [if (monkey.monkeymode == 1) {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.intertrialinterval}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y <= -1000)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.enddecrease_practice}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y <= values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.practicedecrease}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y > values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.practiceincrease}]
/ recorddata = false
<trial practiceincrease>
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 1 && values.targetformat == "alk") trial.practiceincrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ontrialbegin = [if (values.expcondition == 2 && values.targetformat == "ntr") trial.practiceincrease.insertstimulustime(text.error, 0)]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height + values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget]
/validresponse = (change)
/ monkeyresponse = ("back", "forward")
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y - joystick.y)]
/ontrialend = [trial.practiceincrease.resetstimulusframes()]
/branch = [if (monkey.monkeymode == 1) {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.intertrialinterval}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y >= 1000)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.endincrease_practice}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y >= values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.practiceincrease}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y < values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.practicedecrease}]
/recorddata = false
Note: trials show the last size of the picture
<trial endincrease_practice>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height + values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/stimulusframes = [1 = practicetarget]
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
<trial enddecrease_practice>
/ontrialbegin = [picture.practicetarget.height = picture.practicetarget.height - values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, practicetarget]
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
Practice Block
block.practice_AAT presents 10 practice trials randomly (without replacement) selecting
from format A (landscape) (N=5) and format B (portrait) stimuli (N=5)
<block practice_AAT>
/ trials = [1-2 = instructions; 3-12 = noreplace(practicetrial_ALK, practicetrial_NTR)]
Trial Sequence for each targetstimulus:
trial.AAT_start -> (e.g.) trial.AAT_1 -> (e.g. depending on response) trial.decrease ->....-> trial.decrease (until a set amount of trial.decrease have run)
trial that selects the next targetstimulus category (1-8)
trial.AAT_start is only necessary if a preestablished sequence of target categories is used
(either generated at the beginning of the experiment or by selecting from a
pool of pregenerated sequences). The trial determines the next target
category via values.nextstimulus and calls the corresponding trial for that category (e.g. trial.AAT_1).
<trial AAT_start>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.nextstimulus = substring(values.sequence, values.index, 1);
values.index += 1]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.repeat = 0]
/ timeout = 0
/ branch = [if (values.nextstimulus == 1) trial.ALK]
/ branch = [if (values.nextstimulus == 2) trial.NTR]
/ recorddata = false
trials that select targetstimuli via list.categoryX
and take in initial response
<trial ALK>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category1.nextvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "alk"]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_A]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""; values.completertminusrt = 0]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]
/ validresponse = (back, forward)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.ALK.response == "forward") ||
(values.expcondition == 2 && trial.ALK.response == "forward")]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.ALK.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_1 += trial.ALK.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.sumRT_1 += trial.ALK.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y]
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)]
/ ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "ALK"]
/ ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.ALK.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.ALK.correct]
/ ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.ALK.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH"
else values.initialresponse = "PULL"]
/ branch = [if (trial.ALK.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase]
/recorddata = false
<trial NTR>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.selectstimulus = list.category2.nextvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.targetcategory = 1; values.targetformat = "ntr"]
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = values.startheight_B]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.starttime = script.elapsedtime; values.endtime = 0]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT = 0; values.changedirection = 0; values.finalresponse=""; values.completertminusrt = 0]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]
/ validresponse = (back, forward)
/ iscorrectresponse = [(values.expcondition == 1 && trial.NTR.response == "back") ||
(values.expcondition == 2 && trial.NTR.response == "back")]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.NTR.correct) values.sumRTcorrect_2 += trial.NTR.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.sumRT_2 += trial.NTR.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_y = joystick.y]
/ ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y)]
/ ontrialend = [values.trialcode = "NTR"]
/ ontrialend = [values.RT = trial.NTR.latency]
/ ontrialend = [values.correct = trial.NTR.correct]
/ ontrialend = [values.stimulus = picture.targetstimulus.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [if (trial.NTR.response == "forward") values.initialresponse = "PUSH"
else values.initialresponse = "PULL"]
/branch = [if (trial.NTR.response == "forward") trial.decrease else trial.increase]
/recorddata = false
ZOOM trials that control the size changes of the target stimuli
as dictated by response; zoom trials come to an end when the
joystick is fully extended
<trial decrease>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, targetstimulus]
/validresponse = (change)
/ monkeyresponse = ("back", "forward")
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y - joystick.y)]
/branch = [if (monkey.monkeymode == 1) {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.intertrialinterval}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y <= -1000)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PUSH"; trial.enddecrease}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y <= values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.decrease}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y > values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.increase}]
/ recorddata = false
<trial increase>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]
/validresponse = (change)
/ monkeyresponse = ("back", "forward")
/ontrialend = [values.joystick_change = abs(values.joystick_y - joystick.y)]
/branch = [if (monkey.monkeymode == 1) {values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.intertrialinterval}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y >= 1000)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.endtime = script.elapsedtime; values.finalresponse = "PULL"; trial.endincrease}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y >= values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; trial.increase}]
/branch = [if (joystick.y < values.joystick_y)
{values.joystick_y = joystick.y; values.changedirection += 1; trial.decrease}]
/recorddata = false
Note: trials show the last size of the picture
<trial endincrease>
/ ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height + values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/stimulusframes = [1 = targetstimulus]
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
<trial enddecrease>
/ontrialbegin = [picture.targetstimulus.height = picture.targetstimulus.height - values.joystick_change/1000 * expressions.maxheightchange_px]
/stimulusframes = [1 = eraser, targetstimulus]
/timeout = 0
/branch = [trial.joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
Helper Trials:
*trial.joystickrest: tracks that joystick was moved back into the rest position
*trial. InterTrialInterval : sets a predetermined InterTrialInterval
(and stores all relevant data in the data file to have one complete dataline for each trial)
<trial joystickrest>
/isvalidresponse = [trial.joystickrest.response =="change"]
/branch = [if (joystick.y == 0 && joystick.x == 0) trial.InterTrialInterval else trial.joystickrest]
/recorddata = false
/ monkeyresponse = ("change")
<trial InterTrialInterval>
/ontrialbegin = [values.completeRT= values.endtime - values.starttime]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = eraser]
/ timeout = values.intertrialinterval
/ recorddata = true
/ontrialbegin = [values.completeRTminusRT = values.completeRT - values.RT]
Note: if you adjust values.totaltrialcount, you need to adjust the number of trials called by block.AAT
<block AAT>
/ onblockbegin = [values.index = 0]
/ trials = [1 = instructions; 2-151 = AAT_start]
Note: trial.AAT_start uses a pregenerated trialsequence, if the order of the trial
can be random use the following code:
block AAT>
/ trials = [1 = instructions; 2-81 = noreplace(AAT_1, AAT_2, AAT_3, AAT_4, AAT_5, AAT_6, AAT_7, AAT_8)]
format/direction counterbalanced by group number
<expt >
/ onexptbegin = [values.expcondition = 1]
/ onexptbegin = [values.startheight_A = values.Startheight_ratioA*values.Maxheight_px]
/ onexptbegin = [values.startheight_B = values.Startheight_ratioB* values.Maxheight_px]
/ blocks = [1 = SequenceGenerator; 2 = practice_AAT; 3 = AAT]
/ postinstructions = (End)
/ onexptend = [values.completed = 1]
**** Anpassen Sequenz
**** exp condition: alc ranziehen 1; neutral 2