STROOP not identifying incorrect responses

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I adapted the aggression Stroop from the library to be a suicide-specific emotional Stroop task, so 5 conditions (suicide, positive, negative, neutral, practice words) with two possible responses (blue and red). 

When I run it, if I choose a wrong answer it does not reliably identify it as incorrect—so definitely something has gone awry! I think it has to do with a certain area of code that I changed, but as I’m not sure. Here is one area of code I edited (because I was going from 4 colors down to 2) 

Under each condition section (e.g, suicide, neutral) I changed this code:

/ontrialend = [

    trial.NeutralWord.resetstimulusframes(); = text.NeutralWord.currentitem;
        if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == yellow)
        values.color = "yellow"
    else if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == red)
        values.color = "red"
    else if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == blue)
        values.color = "blue"
        values.color = "green";
      if (trial.NeutralWord.correct) {
        values.correct_neutralwords += 1;
        values.sumrt_neu += trial.neutralword.latency;}
/ errormessage = true(x, 400)


To look like this:

/ontrialend = [

    trial.suicideword.resetstimulusframes(); = text.suicideword.currentitem;
    if (text.suicideword.textcolor == blue)
       values.color = "blue"
    else if (text.suicideword.textcolor == red)
        values.color = "red";
     if (trial.suicideword.correct) {
        values.correct_suicidewords += 1;
        values.sumrt_Sui += trial.suicideword.latency};
/ errormessage = true(x, 400)

Any thoughts of what I may have done wrong? I also added the whole script below in case that is helpful. Thanks in advance, any help is so appreciated! 

stroop 2_13_20.iqx (216 views, 26.00 KB)
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emmahazard - 3/10/2020
I adapted the aggression Stroop from the library to be a suicide-specific emotional Stroop task, so 5 conditions (suicide, positive, negative, neutral, practice words) with two possible responses (blue and red). 

When I run it, if I choose a wrong answer it does not reliably identify it as incorrect—so definitely something has gone awry! I think it has to do with a certain area of code that I changed, but as I’m not sure. Here is one area of code I edited (because I was going from 4 colors down to 2) 

Under each condition section (e.g, suicide, neutral) I changed this code:

/ontrialend = [

    trial.NeutralWord.resetstimulusframes(); = text.NeutralWord.currentitem;
        if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == yellow)
        values.color = "yellow"
    else if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == red)
        values.color = "red"
    else if (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == blue)
        values.color = "blue"
        values.color = "green";
      if (trial.NeutralWord.correct) {
        values.correct_neutralwords += 1;
        values.sumrt_neu += trial.neutralword.latency;}
/ errormessage = true(x, 400)


To look like this:

/ontrialend = [

    trial.suicideword.resetstimulusframes(); = text.suicideword.currentitem;
    if (text.suicideword.textcolor == blue)
       values.color = "blue"
    else if (text.suicideword.textcolor == red)
        values.color = "red";
     if (trial.suicideword.correct) {
        values.correct_suicidewords += 1;
        values.sumrt_Sui += trial.suicideword.latency};
/ errormessage = true(x, 400)

Any thoughts of what I may have done wrong? I also added the whole script below in case that is helpful. Thanks in advance, any help is so appreciated! 

The problem is in your /iscorrectresponse attributes where you have a trailing logical OR (||) that needs to be eliminated:

<trial practiceword>
/iscorrectresponse = [        (text.practiceword.textcolor == red && trial.practiceword.response == parameters.keyred) ||
                            (text.practiceword.textcolor == blue && trial.practiceword.response == parameters.keyblue) ||]
/ errormessage = true(x, 400)

<trial suicideword>
/iscorrectresponse = [        (text.suicideword.textcolor == red && trial.suicideword.response == parameters.keyred) ||
                            (text.suicideword.textcolor == blue && trial.suicideword.response == parameters.keyblue) ||]

<trial PositiveWord>
/iscorrectresponse = [        (text.PositiveWord.textcolor == red && trial.PositiveWord.response == parameters.keyred) ||
                            (text.PositiveWord.textcolor == blue && trial.PositiveWord.response == parameters.keyblue) ||]

<trial NegativeWord>
/iscorrectresponse = [        (text.NegativeWord.textcolor == red && trial.NegativeWord.response == parameters.keyred) ||
                            (text.NegativeWord.textcolor == blue && trial.NegativeWord.response == parameters.keyblue) ||]

<trial NeutralWord>
/iscorrectresponse = [        (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == red && trial.NeutralWord.response == parameters.keyred) ||
                            (text.NeutralWord.textcolor == blue && trial.NeutralWord.response == parameters.keyblue) ||]
stroop 2_13_20.iqx (211 views, 26.00 KB)
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Thank you so much, that fixed the problem! 

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