Emotional N-Back

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I am attempting to recreate Levens & Gotlib's (2010) Emotional N-Back Task into Inquisit but I've run into a few difficulties. 

For the 0-Back:
- I would like to have 3 blocks of trials (one with sad faces, one with happy faces, and one with neutral faces), and would like to counterbalance face gender across blocks ie., 2 blocks of male and 1 block female, or vice versa. Besides creating two separate testing programs, is there any other way I could manually counterbalance gender in that task? How do I tell Inquisit to select only female blocks? Right now, I currently have different stimuli variables according to expression and gender ie., femalesad, femalehappy, etc., 

For the 2-Back (3 blocks of female faces and 3 blocks of male faces):
- Participants are asked to indicate whether the emotional expression is the same or different as that presented two faces earlier (using two separate keys). The authors identify 4 different types of trials:
1) Match-set trials ("same" response trial), where the currently presented facial expression is the same as that presented two trials earlier
2) Break-set trial ("different" response trial), which immediately follows a match-set trial; "The facial expression presented three trials earlier, which must be discarded, was one expression in a matched pair."
3) Perseveration-set trial ("different response trial), similar to break-set trial in that they must follow a match-set trial. In perseveration set trials, however, the current face is the same valence as the face presented three trials earlier, the stimulus that must be removed from WM (ie., a happy face (n+6) immediately follows a happy face (n+5) when a happy was present at (n+3)
4) No-set trials ("different" response trial), does not follow a match-set. Participants simply need to determine that there is no match between the current picture and that presented 2 trials earlier.
My question is: is there anyway Inquisit can identify these trials for me to analyze more easily, or will I need to sort through the data myself and analyze the RT based on the faces that were presented?

For the entire task
- Is there any way I can have 3 0-Back blocks followed by 6 2-Back blocks into one experiment? I would like them to follow one another, as opposed to having participants alternate between the two tasks (as is currently the case in the n-back script on Inquisit)

Thank you so much in advance,


Elise Grimm

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elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                         Now, as the next step, let's take the above and add in the...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                             Thank you so much, this is incredible, and I am eternally grateful!...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                 Just set up separate <list> elements for female and male:...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                     Thank you so much. I have one last question and I will try to figure...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                         That's not possible with an instruction <page>. The way to do...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                             How can I make sure that the "happytrial instruction" runs in the...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                                 In the same way the type of block is determined in the first place....
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                                     Hello, Thank you for all of your input. I would like to avoid having...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                                         There's no script attached here. Regardless, the item numbers are...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                                             Here is the script. If I add the "noreplacenorepeat" or "noreplace" to...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                                                 That list has 22 items -- 1 to 22. noreplacenorepeat makes no sense,...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                                                     Thank you, will this prevent images from repeating within one block?
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago
                                                                         Yes, but if and only if the list is not sampled more often from than...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                                                             Attaching a version with the /onblockbegin resets in place and .bmp...
Dave - 5 Years Ago
                                                                                 Amazing, it works great and is now online. Thank you so much for all...
elisegrimm - 5 Years Ago

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