COVID-19 and Remote Testing with Inquisit Web

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 1.3K, Visits: 5.7K
Millisecond is here to support you during these uncertain and quickly changing times. Thankfully, our team has always worked remotely, so we are operating as normal and ready to meet your program’s needs.

As you know, with the closing of university campuses and social distancing protocols in effect, many research programs involving in-person participation have come to a halt. Not to worry, much of your research could resume by migrating to remote data collection with Inquisit Web. With Inquisit Web, researchers can send participants a link to download and run an experiment on their computer, tablet, or phone from the safety of their homes. When the tests are complete, the results are uploaded to your account on where you can login and access the data from your browser anytime and from anywhere. Inquisit Web now supports data collection within the EU, making GDPR compliance easier for European researchers.

See Inquisit license options and prices

Inquisit comes with hundreds of well-known, pre-programmed tests from all areas of psychology, so your test procedure may already be in our library. Our tests are open source and fully customizable. You can also program novel procedures or hire our fast and affordable programming services to program them for you. Contact for a quote.

If your research is NIH-sponsored, you may qualify for supplemental funding for uncovered costs resulting from COVID-19. For details, see the NIH notice Guidance for NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19. The latest COVID-19 updates from NIH can be found here.

If your research is directly involved in fighting the pandemic, please let us know how we can help. The Millisecond team is here for you during this very challenging time, we will get through this together.

Edited 5 Years Ago by seandr

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