Run Batch file based on participant ID and session number

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Dave - 4/2/2020
jparong - 4/1/2020
I am trying to run a batch script and assign files based on participant ID and session number. I want to have all participants do the tasks in session 1, split the groups to do 2 different versions of tasks in session 2 with odd participant IDs doing version A and even participant IDs doing version B, and then all participants would do all the tasks again in session 3. I tried the script below and it doesn't seem to work. Any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks!

<batch Task1>
/ sessions = (1 of 3)
/ file="Task1.iqx"

<batch Task2A>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2A.iqx"

<batch Task2B>
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2B.iqx"

<batch Task3>
/ sessions = (3 of 3)
/ file="Task3.iqx"

The way you've defined the <batch> elements,

<batch Task2A>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2A.iqx"

will be executed if either

/ subjects = (1 of 2)

is true (i.e. the subject number is odd), or

/ sessions = (2 of 3)

is true., or both.

The way to do this, then, is to simply define three sessions

<batch Task1>
/ sessions = (1 of 3)
/ file="Task1.iqx"

<batch Task2>
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2.iqx"

<batch Task3>
/ sessions = (3 of 3)
/ file="Task3.iqx"

and have "Task2.iqx" be a simple shim that runs either version A or version B based on the subject number being odd vs even:

/ precondition = [
    mod(script.subjectid, 2) == 1;
/ file = "task2a.iqx"

/ precondition = [
    mod(script.subjectid, 2) == 0;
/ file = "task2b.iqx"

Thank you for the quick reply, Dave!
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jparong - 4/1/2020
I am trying to run a batch script and assign files based on participant ID and session number. I want to have all participants do the tasks in session 1, split the groups to do 2 different versions of tasks in session 2 with odd participant IDs doing version A and even participant IDs doing version B, and then all participants would do all the tasks again in session 3. I tried the script below and it doesn't seem to work. Any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks!

<batch Task1>
/ sessions = (1 of 3)
/ file="Task1.iqx"

<batch Task2A>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2A.iqx"

<batch Task2B>
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2B.iqx"

<batch Task3>
/ sessions = (3 of 3)
/ file="Task3.iqx"

The way you've defined the <batch> elements,

<batch Task2A>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2A.iqx"

will be executed if either

/ subjects = (1 of 2)

is true (i.e. the subject number is odd), or

/ sessions = (2 of 3)

is true., or both.

The way to do this, then, is to simply define three sessions

<batch Task1>
/ sessions = (1 of 3)
/ file="Task1.iqx"

<batch Task2>
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2.iqx"

<batch Task3>
/ sessions = (3 of 3)
/ file="Task3.iqx"

and have "Task2.iqx" be a simple shim that runs either version A or version B based on the subject number being odd vs even:

/ precondition = [
    mod(script.subjectid, 2) == 1;
/ file = "task2a.iqx"

/ precondition = [
    mod(script.subjectid, 2) == 0;
/ file = "task2b.iqx"

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Posts: 2, Visits: 30
I am trying to run a batch script and assign files based on participant ID and session number. I want to have all participants do the tasks in session 1, split the groups to do 2 different versions of tasks in session 2 with odd participant IDs doing version A and even participant IDs doing version B, and then all participants would do all the tasks again in session 3. I tried the script below and it doesn't seem to work. Any advice would be very appreciated! Thanks!

<batch Task1>
/ sessions = (1 of 3)
/ file="Task1.iqx"

<batch Task2A>
/ subjects = (1 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2A.iqx"

<batch Task2B>
/ subjects = (2 of 2)
/ sessions = (2 of 3)
/ file="Task2B.iqx"

<batch Task3>
/ sessions = (3 of 3)
/ file="Task3.iqx"


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