Giving Feedback with Radiobuttons

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Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Hey all, 

I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit.
I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example:

<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo>
/ caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

Then I created for each Item a surveypage.
Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1").

I tried doing it like this :

Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>.

But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier"
I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked.

Can somebody help me out, where I made an error?

Thank you all a lot!

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
nash - 4/14/2020
Hey all, 

I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit.
I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example:

<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo>
/ caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

Then I created for each Item a surveypage.
Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1").

I tried doing it like this :

Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>.

But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier"
I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked.

Can somebody help me out, where I made an error?

Thank you all a lot!

Attach the full script and I'll tell you where the error is. The provided code snippet is not sufficient to do so
Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Dave - 4/14/2020
nash - 4/14/2020
Hey all, 

I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit.
I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example:

<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo>
/ caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

Then I created for each Item a surveypage.
Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1").

I tried doing it like this :

Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>.

But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier"
I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked.

Can somebody help me out, where I made an error?

Thank you all a lot!

Attach the full script and I'll tell you where the error is. The provided code snippet is not sufficient to do so

Thank you a lot !! :)

I've started now rewriting it and using /ontrialend with values, but I'd rather use this, if it is possible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
****** Definition of the experiment ******

******(G) Definition of general parameters******

******(G-a) Definition of screenparameters for instruction presentations******

*instruction format*
/ nextlabel = "Weiter"
/ prevlabel = "Zurück "
/ lastlabel = "Weiter"
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ font = ("Arial", -24, 400, 0, 34)
/ windowsize = (100%,100%)

/ screencolor = (255,255,255)
/ canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ quitcommand = (Ctrl+'W')

***** Questionnaires*******
***** Items *******

<radiobuttons SRSI_01_Ko>
/ caption = "Ich habe die Anweisung gelesen"
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_02_Ko>
/ caption = "Ich bin bereit, alle Fragen offen zu beantworten."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo>
/ caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_04_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich bin selten guter Laune."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_05_YMo>
/ caption = "An manchen Tagen kann ich den linken Arm zu nichts gebrauchen, an anderen den rechten."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_06_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich bin häufig erschöpft."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_07_XAn>
/ caption = "Ich leide an Albträumen von dem, was mir passiert ist."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_08_KP>
/ caption = "Ich bin kerngesund."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_09_YCo>
/ caption = "Ich kann mich auf überhaupt nichts mehr konzentrieren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_10_XCo>
/ caption = "Mein Denken ist nicht mehr so klar, wie ich es gewohnt war."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_11_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich erwache morgen früher als gewöhnlich."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_12_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich bin nervöser als früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_13_YAn>
/ caption = "Ich erinnere mich nicht, was mit mir passiert ist, aber ich träume ständig davon."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_14_YMo>
/ caption = "Manchmal ist das linke Bein ganz schwach, manchmal das rechte."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_15_XPa>
/ caption = "Schmerzen behindern mich im täglichen Leben."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_16_XCo>
/ caption = "Erledigungen vergesse ich häufger als früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_17_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich habe kaum zu etwas Lust."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_18_YMo>
/ caption = "Ich habe kaum zu etwas Lust."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_19_YSe>
/ caption = "Nach Überanstrengung zuckt meine Hand noch stundenlang."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_20_XPa>
/ caption = "An machen Tagen riecht alles übel."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_21_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich suche häufig zur Schmerzbehandlung Ärzte auf."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_22_YAn>
/ caption = "Kleinigkeiten können mich aus der Ruhe bringen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_23_YCo>
/ caption = "Alles um mich herum macht mir Angst."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_24_YSe>
/ caption = "Bei völliger Stille pocht es laut in meinem Kopf."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_25_XPa>
/ caption = "Ich habe schon vieles versucht, um meine Schmerzen zu lindern."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_26_YPa>
/ caption = "Schmerzmittel verschlimmern meine Schmerzen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_27_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich kann mich nicht mehr so gut konzentrieren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_28_XAn>
/ caption = "Ein schreckliches Ereignis wiederholt sich vor meinem “inneren Auge”, wie in einem Film"
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_29_KP>
/ caption = "Mir geht es gesundheitlich ausgezeichnet."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_30_YAn>
/ caption = "Jeden Tag entdecke ich neue Dinge, die mir Furcht bereiten."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_31_YCo>
/ caption = "Es fällt mir schwer, mich an meine eigene Adresse zu erinnern."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_32_XCo>
/ caption = "Ich begreife langsamer als früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_33_XDe>
/ caption = "Mein Schlaf ist unruhig und gestört."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_34_YMo>
/ caption = "An manchen Tagen ist meine Zunge so schwer, dass ich kaum sprechen kann."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_35_YPa>
/ caption = "Bei besonders starken Schmerzen sehe ich doppelt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_36_XAn>
/ caption = "Mir ist etwas Furchtbares passiert, das mein ganzes Leben verändert hat."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_37_XPa>
/ caption = "Bisher habe ich keine wirklich gute Therapie gegen meine Schmerzen gefunden´."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_38_YAn>
/ caption = "An manchen Tagen bin ich so traurig, dass ich am ganzen Körper zittere."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_39_YAn>
/ caption = "Jede Nacht wache ich schweißgebadet wegen schrecklicher Träume auf."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_40_YMo>
/ caption = "Selbst im Schlaf zittert mein ganzer Körper."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_41_XCo>
/ caption = "Ich kann nicht mehr so schnell geistig umschalten."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_42_XPa>
/ caption = "Mein größtes Problem sind Schmerzen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_43_YPa>
/ caption = "Schon bei leichter Berührung zucke ich vor Schmerz zusammen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_44_XSo>
/ caption = "Tagsüber bin ich oft müde."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_45_YCo>
/ caption = "Ich habe überhaupt kein Zeitgefühl mehr."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_46_XCo>
/ caption = "Wörter, die ich kenne, fallen mir häufig nicht ein."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_47_XPa>
/ caption = "Mein Leben wird durch Schmerzen geprägt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_48_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich fühle mich abgeschlafft."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_49_KP>
/ caption = "Ich bin so leistungsfähig wie früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_50_YMo>
/ caption = "Beim Luftholen verschlucke ich mich oft."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_51_YAn>
/ caption = "Wenn ich etwas Lustiges im Fernsehen sehe, werde ich noch trauriger."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_52_YSe>
/ caption = "Immer wieder ist mein Nacken ganz taub."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_53_XDe>
/ caption = "In letzter Zeit denke ich oft an den Tod."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_54_XAn>
/ caption = "Ich bin schreckhaft geworden."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_55_XSo>
/ caption = "Es fällt mir schwer, mich auf mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig zu konzentrieren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_56_YCo>
/ caption = "Es ist schon vorgekommen, dass ich mich nicht einmal an meinen Namen erinnern konnte."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_57_XCo>
/ caption = "Ich kann mir kaum noch Namen merken."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_58_YPa>
/ caption = "Wenn ich den Kopf schnell drehe, habe ich Kopfschmerzen, als wenn mein Gehirn zurückbleibt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_59_YAn>
/ caption = "Wenn ich das Haus verlasse, stelle ich mir vor, was alles Furchtbares passieren kann."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_60_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich bekomme in letzter Zeit kaum noch etwas zustande."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_61_XAn>
/ caption = "Aus Furcht vor den Erinnerungen versuche ich bestimmte Situationen zu vermeiden."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_62_YSe>
/ caption = "Es ist schon vorgekommen, dass ich die Umgebung nur noch wie durch einen Tunnel gesehen habe."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_63_YCo>
/ caption = "An bestimmten Tagen habe ich den Eindruck, dass ich gar kein Gedächtnis mehr habe."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_64_XCo>
/ caption = "Ich benötige für vieles mehr Zeit als früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_65_YMo>
/ caption = "Ich kann beide Schultern kaum noch anheben."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_66_YSe>
/ caption = "Ich habe ein Wattegefühl in beiden Ohren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_67_YPa>
/ caption = "Oft habe ich so starke Kopfschmerzen, dass ich gegen meinen Kopf schlage."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_68_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich bin nicht mehr so leistungsfähig wie früher."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_69_XPa>
/ caption = "Ohne Schmerzen wäre ich ein anderer Mensch."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_70_YCo>
/ caption = "Manchmal erkenne ich mich im Spiegel nicht."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_71_XAn>
/ caption = "Bestimmte Ereignisse würde ich am liebsten aus meinem Gedächtnis streichen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_72_YPa>
/ caption = "Auf einer Skala von 0 (schmerzfrei) bis 10 (maximale Schmerzen) sind meine Schmerzen nahezu ständig bei “10”."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_73_YSe>
/ caption = "Meine Körpergröße kommt mir manchmal verändert und fremd vor."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_74_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich habe in den letzten beiden Monaten wohl mehr als 5kg an Gewicht verloren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_75_KP>
/ caption = "Ich bin fröhlich und unbeschwert."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_76_YCo>
/ caption = "Beim Lesen kommt es mir manchmal vor, als wenn die Buchstaben auf dem Kopf stehen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_77_XAn>
/ caption = "Bestimmte Bilder und Szenen von etwas Schrecklichem, das mir passiert ist, kommen mir immer wieder in den Kopf."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_78_YSe>
/ caption = "Manchmal meine ich zu sehen, dass sich die Dinge bewegen, obwohl das nicht sein kann."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_79_YPa>
/ caption = "Meine Schmerzen sind oft so stark, dass ich am ganzen Körper zittere."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_80_XCo>
/ caption = "Ich habe Angst, dass mein Gedächtnis noch weiter nachlässt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_81_XDe>
/ caption = "Mir ist oft grundlos nach Weinen zumute."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_82_XPa>
/ caption = "Manchmal nehme ich ein Schmerzmittel."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_83_YAn>
/ caption = "Ich ertappe mich oft dabei, dass ich mir Unfallfotos ansehe."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_84_XSo>
/ caption = "Auch ausreichenden Schlaf erlebe ich nicht mehr als erholsam."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_85_YPa>
/ caption = "Beim Atmen habe ich Schmerzen in der ganzen Wirbelsäule."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_86_YAn>
/ caption = "Fast täglich erlebe ich etwas, das mich furchtbar erschreckt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_87_YMo>
/ caption = "Wenn ich mich stark konzentriere, klappern und knirschen meine Zähne."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_88_XAn>
/ caption = "Ich versuche, an bestimmte Dinge nicht zu denken, weil sie so schrecklich waren."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_89_YSe>
/ caption = "Mein Geschmackssinn ist vollständig verloren gegangen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_90_XPa>
/ caption = "Rückenschmerzen gehören zu meinem Alltag."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_91_YCo>
/ caption = "An manchen Tagen kann ich nicht einmal zwei Zahlen zusammenrechnen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_92_YSe>
/ caption = "Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck, dass sich die Farben der Dinge ändern."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_93_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich habe in meinem Leben sehr viel falsch gemacht."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_94_YPa>
/ caption = "Meine Schmerzen sind so stark, dass ich oft nichts mehr höre."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_95_KP>
/ caption = "Meine geistigen Leistungen sind ausgezeichnet."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_96_YMo>
/ caption = "Manchmal greift eine meiner Hände gegen meinen Willen nach einem Gegenstand."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_97_XAn>
/ caption = "Manchmal bricht angestaute Wut aus mir heraus."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_98_XDe>
/ caption = "Ich bin an meinem Unglück selbst schuld."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_99_YAn>
/ caption = "Ich habe immer wieder schlimme Träume, die sich ganz genau wiederholen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_100_YPa>
/ caption = "Wenn ich schlucke oder kaue, schmerzt mein Genick."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_101_YCo>
/ caption = "Sobald ich beginne nachzudenken, werde ich müde."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_102_XSo>
/ caption = "Ich fühle mich jeden Morgen unausgeschlafen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_103_YSe>
/ caption = "Ich sehe in meiner Umgebung Dinge, Tiere oder Menschen, die andere nicht sehen."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_104_XCo>
/ caption = "Wenn ich etwas lese, vergesse ich es oft wieder."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_105_XAn>
/ caption = "Manchmal bin ich so aufmerksam, dass ich jede Kleinigkeit einer Situation wahrnehme."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_106_XPa>
/ caption = "Schmerzen zermürben mich."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

<radiobuttons SRSI_107_YMo>
/ caption = "An manchen Tagen bin ich vom Becken abwärts gelähmt."
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35)
/ options = ("richtig", "falsch")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ orientation = vertical
/ required = true

***** Surveypages *******
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****** Survey ******

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<text feedback_GB>
/ items = ("Im Bereich potenziell genuiner Beschwerden haben Sie einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_04_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_06_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_07_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_11_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_12_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_15_XPa.response+
radiobuttons.SRSI_90_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_93_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_97_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_98_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_102_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_105_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_106_XPa.response%> erzielt.~n
Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Depressive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_04_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_11_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_17_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_33_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_53_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_60_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_74_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_81_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_93_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_98_XDe.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Schmerzbeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_15_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_20_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_25_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_37_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_42_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_47_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_69_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_82_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_90_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_106_XPa.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Unspezifische somatische Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_6_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_12_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_21_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_27_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_44_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_48_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_55_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_68_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_84_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_102_XSo.response%>
Sie haben auf der Skala Angstbeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_07_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_28_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_36_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_54_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_61_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_71_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_77_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_88_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_97_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_105_XAn.response%>
/ halign = center
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/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ position = (50,50)
<surveypage feedback_GB_trial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=feedback_GB]

<text feedback_PB>
/ items = ("Im Bereich potenziell genuiner Beschwerden haben Sie einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_05_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_09_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_100_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_101_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_103_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_107_YMo+radiobuttons.SRSI_13_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_14_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_18_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_19_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_22_YAn.response+
radiobuttons.SRSI_76_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_78_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_79_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_83_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_85_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_86_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_87_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_89_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_91_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_92_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_94_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_96_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_99_YAn.response%> erzielt.~n
Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Pseudobeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_09_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_23_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_31_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_45_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_56_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_63_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_70_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_76_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_91_YCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_101_YCo.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Motorische Pseudobeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_05_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_14_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_18_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_34_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_40_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_50_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_65_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_87_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_96_YMo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_107_YMo.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Sensorische Pseudobeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_19_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_24_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_52_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_62_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_66_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_73_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_78_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_89_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_92_YSe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_103_YSe.response%>.
Sie haben auf der Skala Schmerz-Pseudobeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_26_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_35_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_43_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_58_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_67_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_72_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_79_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_85_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_94_YPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_100_YPa.response%>
Sie haben auf der Skala Psychische Pseudobeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_13_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_23_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_30_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_38_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_39_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI__51_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_59_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_83_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_86_YAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_99_YAn.response%>
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<surveypage feedback_PB_trial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=feedback_PB]

<text feedback_AK>
/ items = ("Sie haben bei der A-priori Kooperativität einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_01_Ko.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_02_Ko.response%>."
/ halign = center
/ valign = center
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ position = (50,50)
<surveypage feedback_AK_trial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=feedback_AK]

<text feedback_KP>
/ items = ("Von den fünf Konsistenz-Items haben Sie <%radiobuttons.SRSI_08_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_29_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_49_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_75_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_95_KP.response%> bejaht.")
/ halign = center
/ valign = center
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ position = (50,50)
<surveypage feedback_KP_trial>
/ stimulustimes = [1=feedback_KP]

<survey summary>
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/ finishlabel = "Weiter"
/ nextlabel = "Weiter"
/ backlabel = "Zurück"
/ responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25)
/ showpagenumbers = false

<expt SRSI>
/ blocks = [1 = SRSI; 2=summary]

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K

Can you please attach the script instead of pasting the code into a post's body. +Insert -> Add File:

Thank you.

Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Ah I'm sorry, here you go!

srsi.iqx (196 views, 60.00 KB)
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
nash - 4/14/2020
Ah I'm sorry, here you go!


In several portions you refer to


there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_6_XSo> element in the script. The element is called <radiobuttons SRSI_06_XSo>.

Similarly, you refer to


but there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_23_YAn> element. There is one called <radiobuttons SRSI_22_YAn>.

You refer to


but that's a typo and ought to read

radiobuttons.SRSI_51_YAn.response (only one underscore between SRSI and 51, not two.)

srsi.iqx (221 views, 60.00 KB)
Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)Associate Member (219 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 14, Visits: 26
Dave - 4/14/2020
nash - 4/14/2020
Ah I'm sorry, here you go!


In several portions you refer to


there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_6_XSo> element in the script. The element is called <radiobuttons SRSI_06_XSo>.

Similarly, you refer to


but there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_23_YAn> element. There is one called <radiobuttons SRSI_22_YAn>.

You refer to


but that's a typo and ought to read

radiobuttons.SRSI_51_YAn.response (only one underscore between SRSI and 51, not two.)

Thank you a lot!! :)

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