+x Dave - 4/30/2020+x abhi - 4/30/2020Thanks Dave.Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following. I have 10 sounds. Sounds to be randomly presented. In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad. In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad. Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.<sound mysound>/ items = sounditems/ select = values.sounditem</sound><item sounditems>/ 1 = "sound01.wav".../ 10 = "sound10.wav"</item><values>/ sounditem = 1</values><list sounditemnumbers>/ poolsize = 10</list><slidertrial slidertrial1>/ ontrialbegin = [ values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex]/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><slidertrial slidertrial2>/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><block myblock>/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]</block>
+x abhi - 4/30/2020Thanks Dave.Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following. I have 10 sounds. Sounds to be randomly presented. In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad. In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad. Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.
+x abhi - 5/1/2020+x Dave - 4/30/2020+x abhi - 4/30/2020Thanks Dave.Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following. I have 10 sounds. Sounds to be randomly presented. In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad. In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad. Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.<sound mysound>/ items = sounditems/ select = values.sounditem</sound><item sounditems>/ 1 = "sound01.wav".../ 10 = "sound10.wav"</item><values>/ sounditem = 1</values><list sounditemnumbers>/ poolsize = 10</list><slidertrial slidertrial1>/ ontrialbegin = [ values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex]/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><slidertrial slidertrial2>/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><block myblock>/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]</block>Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.
+x Dave - 5/1/2020+x abhi - 5/1/2020+x Dave - 4/30/2020+x abhi - 4/30/2020Thanks Dave.Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following. I have 10 sounds. Sounds to be randomly presented. In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad. In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad. Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.<sound mysound>/ items = sounditems/ select = values.sounditem</sound><item sounditems>/ 1 = "sound01.wav".../ 10 = "sound10.wav"</item><values>/ sounditem = 1</values><list sounditemnumbers>/ poolsize = 10</list><slidertrial slidertrial1>/ ontrialbegin = [ values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex]/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><slidertrial slidertrial2>/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]...</slidertrial><block myblock>/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]</block>Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc. Yes, you can use script.abort() /onexptbegin if the computer.platform property doesn't match the platforms you want to allow. Or you can check whether the device has a physical keyboard available, which should be even easier.<expt>/ onexptbegin = [ if (!computer.haskeyboard) { script.abort(); }]...</expt>