Slider with sound

Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 114, Visits: 558
Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
abhi - 5/1/2020
Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  

Yes, you can use script.abort() /onexptbegin if the computer.platform property doesn't match the platforms you want to allow. Or you can check whether the device has a physical keyboard available, which should be even easier.

/ onexptbegin = [
    if (!computer.haskeyboard) {

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)Guru (7.5K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 114, Visits: 558
Dave - 5/1/2020
abhi - 5/1/2020
Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  

Yes, you can use script.abort() /onexptbegin if the computer.platform property doesn't match the platforms you want to allow. Or you can check whether the device has a physical keyboard available, which should be even easier.

/ onexptbegin = [
    if (!computer.haskeyboard) {

Thanks Dave

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