Group: Forum Members
Posts: 57,
Visits: 172
I hope you are all in good health.
In my script, I am trying to get 40 numbers to flow across the screen 1 second apart.
However, I'm having an issue with having the number show up every 1 second even though I programed 1 second into the trials. When I am running an experiment, the first trial always works well and there are always 40 numbers running across the screen. However once I continue on to the second trial and get to about 20 numbers and there are long gaps and sometimes not all 40 of the stimuli appear. I also notice that when there are large gaps the numbers pile to the right and change there. I have no idea why this happens
Could someone point out where I can fix this issue? I would be very grateful.
Here is my script:
Group 1: Rep: Orange, Dem: Purple
Demplus_G1: Contains Demplus Purple and Repminus Orange Repplus_G1: Conatins Demminus Purple and Repplus Orange
Group 2: Rep: Purple, Dem: Orange
Demplus_G2: Contains Demplus Orange and Repminus Purple Repplus_G2: Contains Demminus Orange and Repplus Purple
RepBI_O: Better Repliblican scores, letter I, color Orange RepBI_P: Better Repliblican scores, letter I, color Purple
RepBE_P: Better Repliblican scores, letter E, color Purple RepBE_O: Better Repliblican scores, letter E, color Orange
DemBE_P: Better Democartic scores, letter E, color Purple DemBE_O: Better Democratic scores, letter E, color Orange
DemBI_P: Better Democratic scores, letter I, color Purple DemBI_O: Better Democratic scores, letter I, color Orange *************
<values> /instructionIndex = 0 /progresswidth = 0 </values>
<expressions> /progress = 1% * values.progresswidth </expressions>
<instruct> /fontstyle = ("Snell Roundhand", 1.43%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) /txcolor = black /nextlabel = "Press the space bar to continue" </instruct>
<item Instructions> /1= "Welcome to the Poltical Party Study ~nThis study is aimed to..... ~nYou will be given a political honestly scores and asked to pick which poltical party you see as most honest ~nBefore you start the study you will run a few practice trials ~nScores will run across the screen and you will place you finger on I and E ~nPress the spacebar to begin ~nIf you make an error a red X will appear" /2= "Second page of Instructions is here" </item>
<text Instructions> / items = Instructions / position = (10%, 25%) / halign = left / valign = top / hjustify = left / vjustify = center / size = (80%, 50%) / select = values.instructionIndex </text>
<trial testinstruct> /ontrialbegin = [ values.progresswidth += 10 ; values. instructionIndex +=1] / stimulustimes = [1=Instructions, progressbar, progressbar_fill] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / correctmessage = false </trial>
***Error message****
<text error> / position = (50%, 40%) / items = ("Incorrect") / color = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true) </text>
<text corrrect> / position = (50%, 40%) / items = ("Correct") / color= black /fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true) </text>
**Progress bar***
<shape progressbar> /shape = rectangle / size = (70%, 2%) / color = gray / position = (15%, 95%) / halign = left / valign = top </shape>
<shape progressbar_fill> /shape = rectangle / size = (expressions.progress, 2%) / color = black / position = (15%, 95%) / halign = left / valign = top </shape>
***Policy Labels***
<item PolALabel> /1= "Policy A" </item>
<text PolALabel> / items = PolALabel / valign = top / halign = center / position = (50%, 20%) / txcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text>
<item PolBLabel> /1= "Policy B" </item>
<text PolBLabel> /items= PolBLabel / valign = top / halign = center / position = (50%, 20%) / txcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text>
<item PolCLabel> /1= "Policy C" </item>
<text PolCLabel> /items= PolCLabel / valign = top / halign = center / position = (50%, 20%) / txcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text>
<item PolDLabel> /1= "Policy D" </item>
<text PolDLabel> /items= PolDLabel / valign = top / halign = center / position = (50%, 20%) / txcolor = black / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text>
<item Demplus> /1 = "67" /2 = "70" /3 = "75" /4= "81" /5= "55" /6= "54" /7= "59" /8= "63" /9= "64" /10= "53" /11= "96" /12= "81" /13= "25" /14= "72" /15= "76" /16= "82" /17= "51" /18= "73" /19= "83" /20= "88" /21= "44" /22= "58" /23= "74" /24= "74" /25= "92" /26= "63" /27= "75" /28= "80" /29= "72" /30= "74" /31= "62" /32= "82" /33= "59" /34= "51" /35= "75" /36= "88" /37= "64" /38= "88" /39= "83" /40= "51" /41= "85" /42= "58" /43= "45" /44= "75" /45= "64" /46= "63" /47= "68" /48= "55" /49= "68" /50= "76" </item>
<item Demminus> /1 = "52" /2 = "54" /3 = "63" /4= "41" /5= "61" /6= "58" /7= "67" /8= "59" /9= "79" /10= "65" /11= "46" /12= "54" /13= "55" /14= "51" /15= "58" /16= "52" /17= "63" /18= "87" /19= "44" /20= "61" /21= "66" /22= "59" /23= "78" /24= "79" /25= "63" /26= "81" /27= "66" /28= "41" /29= "48" /30= "80" /31= "59" /32= "46" /33= "55" /34= "50" /35= "65" /36= "78" /37= "67" /38= "51" /39= "63" /40= "62" /41= "64" /42= "68" /43= "72" /44= "72" /45= "65" /46= "66" /47= "48" /48= "77" /49= "96" /50= "77" </item>
<item Repplus> /1 = "67" /2 = "70" /3 = "75" /4= "81" /5= "55" /6= "54" /7= "59" /8= "63" /9= "64" /10= "53" /11= "96" /12= "81" /13= "25" /14= "72" /15= "76" /16= "82" /17= "51" /18= "73" /19= "83" /20= "88" /21= "44" /22= "58" /23= "74" /24= "74" /25= "92" /26= "63" /27= "75" /28= "80" /29= "72" /30= "74" /31= "62" /32= "82" /33= "59" /34= "51" /35= "75" /36= "88" /37= "64" /38= "88" /39= "83" /40= "51" /41= "85" /42= "58" /43= "45" /44= "75" /45= "64" /46= "63" /47= "68" /48= "55" /49= "68" /50= "76" </item>
<item Repminus> /1 = "52" /2 = "54" /3 = "63" /4= "41" /5= "61" /6= "58" /7= "67" /8= "59" /9= "79" /10= "65" /11= "46" /12= "54" /13= "55" /14= "51" /15= "58" /16= "52" /17= "63" /18= "87" /19= "44" /20= "61" /21= "66" /22= "59" /23= "78" /24= "79" /25= "63" /26= "81" /27= "66" /28= "41" /29= "48" /30= "80" /31= "59" /32= "46" /33= "55" /34= "50" /35= "65" /36= "78" /37= "67" /38= "51" /39= "63" /40= "62" /41= "64" /42= "68" /43= "72" /44= "72" /45= "65" /46= "66" /47= "48" /48= "77" /49= "96" /50= "77" </item>
Group 1: Rep: Orange, Dem: Purple
<text Demplus1_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex
<text Demplus2_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus3_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus4_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus5_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus6_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus7_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus8_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus9_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus10_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus11_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus12_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus13_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus14_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus15_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text> <text Demplus16_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus17_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus18_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus19_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demplus20_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<list Demplusitems_1> / poolsize = 50 / selectionrate = always / replace =true </list>
<text Demminus1_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus2_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus3_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus4_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus5_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus6_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus7_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus8_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus9_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus10_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus11_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus12_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus13_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus14_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus15_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus16_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus17_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus18_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus19_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Demminus20_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demminus /txcolor = (purple) /txbgcolor = (white) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<list Demminusitems_1> / poolsize = 50 / selectionrate = always / replace =true </list>
<text Repplus1_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus2_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus3_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus4_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus5_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus6_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus7_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus8_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus9_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus10_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus11_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus12_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus13_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus14_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus15_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus16_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus17_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus18_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus19_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus20_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex </text> <list Repplusitems_1> / poolsize = 50 / selectionrate = always / replace =true </list>
<text Repminus1_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus2_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus3_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus4_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus5_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus6_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus7_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus8_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus9_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus10_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus11_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus12_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus13_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus14_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus15_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus16_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus17_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus18_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus19_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<text Repminus20_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repminus /txcolor = (orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) /select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex </text>
<list Repminusitems_1> / poolsize = 50 / selectionrate = always / replace = true </list>
Group 2: Rep: Purple, Dem: Orange
<text Demplus1_O> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Demplus /txcolor = (Orange) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
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<text Repplus2_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus3_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
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<text Repplus6_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus7_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
<text Repplus8_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
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<text Repplus12_P> / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) /size= (5%, 5%) /items = Repplus /txcolor = (Purple) /animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 75%, 100%, 75%) / select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex </text>
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<list Repminusitems_2> / poolsize = 50 / selectionrate = always / replace = true </list>
<list Demplus_G1> /items = (text.Demplus1_P, text.Demplus2_P, text.Demplus3_P, text.Demplus4_P,text.Demplus5_P, text.Demplus6_P, text.Demplus7_P, text.Demplus8_P, text.Demplus9_P, text.Demplus10_P,text.Demplus11_P,text.Demplus12_P,text.Demplus13_P,text.Demplus14_P,text.Demplus15_P,text.Demplus16_P,text.Demplus17_P,text.Demplus18_P,text.Demplus19_P, text.Demplus20_P, text.Repminus1_O, text.Repminus2_O, text.Repminus3_O, text.Repminus4_O, text.Repminus5_O, text.Repminus6_O, text.Repminus7_O, text.Repminus8_O, text.Repminus9_O, text.Repminus10_O, text.Repminus11_O,text.Repminus12_O,text.Repminus13_O,text.Repminus14_O,text.Repminus15_O,text.Repminus16_O,text.Repminus17_O,text.Repminus18_O,text.Repminus19_O,text.Repminus20_O) /selectionrate =always /selectionmode =random /replace = false </list>
<list Repplus_G1> /items = (text.Demminus1_P,text.Demminus2_P,text.Demminus3_P, text.Demminus4_P, text.Demminus5_P, text.Demminus6_P, text.Demminus7_P, text.Demminus8_P, text.Demminus9_P, text.Demminus10_P, text.Demminus11_P,text.Demminus12_P,text.Demminus13_P,text.Demminus14_P,text.Demminus15_P,text.Demminus16_P,text.Demminus17_P,text.Demminus18_P,text.Demminus19_P,text.Demminus20_P, text.Repplus1_O, text.Repplus2_O, text.Repplus3_O, text.Repplus4_O, text.Repplus5_O, text.Repplus6_O, text.Repplus7_O, text.Repplus8_O, text.Repplus9_O, text.Repplus10_O,text.Repplus11_O,text.Repplus12_O,text.Repplus13_O,text.Repplus14_O,text.Repplus15_O,text.Repplus16_O,text.Repplus17_O,text.Repplus18_O,text.Repplus19_O,text.Repplus20_O) /selectionrate =always /selectionmode =random /replace = false </list>
<list Demplus_G2> /items = (text.Demplus1_O, text.Demplus2_O, text.Demplus3_O, text.Demplus4_O, text.Demplus5_O, text.Demplus6_O, text.Demplus7_O, text.Demplus8_O, text.Demplus9_O, text.Demplus10_O, text.Demplus11_O,text.Demplus12_O,text.Demplus13_O,text.Demplus14_O,text.Demplus15_O,text.Demplus16_O,text.Demplus17_O,text.Demplus18_O,text.Demplus19_O,text.Demplus20_O, text.Repminus1_P, text.Repminus2_P, text.Repminus3_P, text.Repminus4_P, text.Repminus5_P, text.Repminus6_P, text.Repminus7_P, text.Repminus8_P, text.Repminus9_P, text.Repminus10_P, text.Repminus11_P,text.Repminus12_P,text.Repminus13_P,text.Repminus14_P,text.Repminus15_P,text.Repminus16_P,text.Repminus17_P,text.Repminus18_P,text.Repminus19_P,text.Repminus20_P) /selectionrate =always /selectionmode =random /replace = false </list>
<list Repplus_G2> /items = (text.Demminus1_O,text.Demminus2_O,text.Demminus3_O, text.Demminus4_O, text.Demminus5_O,text.Demminus6_O, text.Demminus7_O, text.Demminus8_O, text.Demminus9_O, text.Demminus10_O, text.Demminus11_O,text.Demminus12_O,text.Demminus13_O,text.Demminus14_O,text.Demminus15_O,text.Demminus16_O,text.Demminus17_O,text.Demminus18_O,text.Demminus19_O,text.Demminus20_O, text.Repplus1_P,text.Repplus2_P, text.Repplus3_P, text.Repplus4_P, text.Repplus5_P, text.Repplus6_P, text.Repplus7_P, text.Repplus8_P, text.Repplus9_P, text.Repplus10_P, text.Repplus11_P, text.Repplus12_P, text.Repplus13_P, text.Repplus14_P, text.Repplus15_P, text.Repplus16_P, text.Repplus17_P, text.Repplus18_P, text.Repplus19_P, text.Repplus20_P) /selectionrate =always /selectionmode =random /replace = false </list>
<trial DemBI_P> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 0); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000); trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial RepBI_O> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 0); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000); trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial DemBE_P> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 0); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000); trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial RepBE_O> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 0); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000); trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial DemBI_O> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 0); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000); trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial RepBI_P> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 0); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000); trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial DemBE_O> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 0); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000); trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<trial RepBE_P> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / beginresponsetime = 0 /ontrialbegin = [ trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 0); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000); trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);] / posttrialpause = 100 </trial>
<block trial1A> /bgstim = (PolALabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)] /errormessage = true(error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial2A> /bgstim = (PolALabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)] /errormessage = true(error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial3A> /bgstim = (PolALabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)] /errormessage = true(error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial4A> /bgstim = (PolALabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)] /errormessage = true(error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial5A> /bgstim = (PolALabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)] /errormessage = true(error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial1B> / bgstim = (PolBLabel) /trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial2B> / bgstim = (PolBLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial3B> / bgstim = (PolBLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial4B> / bgstim = (PolBLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial5B> / bgstim = (PolBLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial1C> / bgstim = (PolCLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial2C> / bgstim = (PolCLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial3C> / bgstim = (PolCLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial4C> / bgstim = (PolCLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial5C> / bgstim = (PolCLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial1D> / bgstim = (PolDLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial2D> / bgstim = (PolDLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial3D> / bgstim = (PolDLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial4D> / bgstim = (PolDLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<block trial5D> / bgstim = (PolDLabel) /trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)] /errormessage = true( error, 1000) / correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000) </block>
<expt> /subjects = (1 of 4) /blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A ] /groupassignment = groupnumber </expt>
<expt> /subjects = (2 of 4) /blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2B; 3= trial3B; 4= trial4B; 5= trial5B] /groupassignment = groupnumber </expt>
<expt> /subjects = (3 of 4) /blocks = [1= trial1C ; 2= trial2C; 3= trial3C; 4= trial4C; 5= trial5C] /groupassignment = groupnumber </expt>
<expt> /subjects = (4 of 4) /blocks = [1= trial1D ; 2= trial2D; 3= trial3D; 4= trial4D; 5=trial5D] /groupassignment = groupnumber </expt>