Recording Stimuli

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 40
Hello! I wanted to ask for help about this script again. I made another blog post about it, but I seem to encounter another problem. 

So how this all is supposed to work is that participants make a judgement based off numbers that go across the screen. The numbers/stimulus going across are all numbers from a data set that we implemented using <item> and it's being called into a <list> and randomized in there. The <trial> is supposed to call these randomized numbers, and it should be recorded in the data file using a <data> command. However, in the data command, the stimuli being saved in the file are actually being weirdly sorted.

In the data file, the first trial of stimulus that was recorded (recall that all of these numbers are being randomized) are all correct; I quickly wrote the numbers that appeared to confirm they're correct. The second trial, every other number for the stimulus was correct. The first number of that second trial isn't correct, but the 2nd one is, and the 4th one, and the 6th one, and so on are all correct. The third trial, every 2nd number for the stimulus was correct. The first two numbers of that third trial were not the numbers that appeared, but the third one, sixth one, ninth one, and so on are all correct. 

So I'm not sure how I can actually fix this? I'm also wondering if there's a way to record what color the stimulus shows up. The numbers in the data file are either orange or purple, so is there a way to code that in?

Thank you!


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