+xHello everyone,
I posted a few weeks ago a topic on inquisit 4. The problem we had couldnt be fixed because Inquisit 4 is outdated.
So now we bought the new Inquisit 6 version, but we have some new problems.
If we click yes at rdaiobuttons Fenstefragen31 and press continue everything works.
But if we choose no, cotinue and then go back (like we would have changed our mind), we can rechoose but still the next part (skip1) will be skipped.
Why is that? is the value saved ?
Its the same with <radiobuttons Fensterfragen32>
/caption = "Können Nachbarn aus den umliegenden Häusern in Ihre Zimmer schauen?"
/options = ("Ja", "Nein")
/optionvalues = ("1", "0")
/ required = true
In Inquisit 4 i had to change every branch into skip and it worked.
Im thankful for any answers,
Greetings Linus
Once a page is skipped, it's skipped for good, yes. If you don't want that, you can use /branch instead as in
<survey example>
/ pages = [1=wind9; 2=wind10; 3=wind11; 4 = final]
<surveypage wind10>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/questions = [1 = Fensterfragen29, Fensterfragen30, Fensterfragen31]
/ branch = [
if (radiobuttons.Fensterfragen31.response != 0) {
return surveypage.skip1;
<surveypage skip1>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/questions = [1 = skip1, skip2, skip3]
/ branch = [
if (radiobuttons.skip3.response != 0) {
return surveypage.skip1zusatz;
<surveypage skip1zusatz>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/ questions = [1= skip4]
<surveypage wind11>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/questions = [1 = Fensterfragen32]
/ branch = [
if (radiobuttons.Fensterfragen32.response != 0) {
return surveypage.skip2;
<surveypage skip2>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/questions = [1 = skip5, skip6, skip7]
/ branch = [
if (radiobuttons.skip7.response != 0) {
return surveypage.skip2zusatz;
<surveypage skip2zusatz>
/caption = ""
/subcaption = " "
/ questions = [1= skip8]
or something along those lines.