Instructions malfunction

Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 57, Visits: 172
I am having an issue in my script where in the middle of the trials, the instructions, which I programed to be only at the beginning, appear. 
This is not ideal because, I would only like these instructions to show up  at the beginning of each experiment/run. But instead these instructions appear both at the beginning and in the middle of all the trials. 
I thought I had programed the instructions to only show up before the 1st trials with the "pre-instructions" functions, but something is going wrong. I will post my script down below. 

Thank you for your help in advance, its is much appreciated.


Group 1: Rep: Orange, Dem: Purple

Demplus_G1: Contains Demplus Purple and Repminus Orange
Repplus_G1: Conatins Demminus Purple and Repplus Orange

Group 2: Rep: Purple, Dem: Orange

Demplus_G2: Contains Demplus Orange and Repminus Purple
Repplus_G2: Contains Demminus Orange and Repplus Purple

RepBI_O: Better Repliblican scores, letter I, color Orange
RepBI_P: Better Repliblican scores, letter I, color Purple

RepBE_P: Better Repliblican scores, letter E, color Purple
RepBE_O: Better Repliblican scores, letter E, color Orange

DemBE_P: Better Democartic scores, letter E, color Purple
DemBE_O: Better Democratic scores, letter E, color Orange

DemBI_P: Better Democratic scores, letter I, color Purple
DemBI_O: Better Democratic scores, letter I, color Orange

/instructionIndex = 0
/progresswidth = 0

/progress = 0.10% * values.progresswidth

/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ windowsize = (80%, 80%)
/txcolor = black



Group 1 instructions:
<page g1page1>
^^Informed Consent Here.
^^Press space to Continue

<page g1page2>
^^Thank you for participating in today's study!
^^Political debates are an influential way for candidates in America to speak directly to voters.During these debates, candidates make a lot of claims, some of which are more true or accurate than others. It is often difficult for voters to assess the accuracy of candidates while the debate is happening because it takes time for claims to be fact-checked
^^In this task you will be presented with fact-check ratings taken from a recent debate between a Republican and Democrat candidate in a tight race
^^These fact-check ratings were acquired from a commonly used, nonpartisan website that reports on the accuracy of each claim made across a wide range of topics. As we are interested in the fact-check ratings themselves and not the topic being rated, each topic will be represented with a random letter from the alphabet that disguises the actual topic. Each fact-check score ranges from 0 (completely inaccurate) to 100 (completely accurate) and can be interpreted as percentages of factually correct statements on that topic
^^Fact-check ratings from a Democrat and Republican candidate will move across the screen from left to right. Your task is to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible about which candidate you believe is more honest about a given policy
^^Once you make your decision, you will be provided with feedback as to if you were correct or incorrect
^^Press space to Continue

<page g1page3>
^^The scores in orange represent fact-check ratings from the Republican candidate while scores in purple represent scores from the Democrat candidate. If you believe the Republican candidate was more honest, click the key 'e'; if you think the Democrat candidate was more honest, click the key 'i'
^^Please click on the space bar when you are ready to begin
^^Press space to Continue

<page g1page4>
^^Practice Trials Begin Here
^^Press space to Continue

Group 2 Instrcutions:

<page g2page1>
^^Informed Consent Here.
^^Press space to Continue

<page g2page2>
^^Thank you for participating in today's study!
^^Political debates are an influential way for candidates in America to speak directly to voters.During these debates, candidates make a lot of claims, some of which are more true or accurate than others. It is often difficult for voters to assess the accuracy of candidates while the debate is happening because it takes time for claims to be fact-checked
^^In this task you will be presented with fact-check ratings taken from a recent debate between a Republican and Democrat candidate in a tight race
^^These fact-check ratings were acquired from a commonly used, nonpartisan website that reports on the accuracy of each claim made across a wide range of topics. As we are interested in the fact-check ratings themselves and not the topic being rated, each topic will be represented with a random letter from the alphabet that disguises the actual topic. Each fact-check score ranges from 0 (completely inaccurate) to 100 (completely accurate) and can be interpreted as percentages of factually correct statements on that topic
^^Fact-check ratings from a Democrat and Republican candidate will move across the screen from left to right. Your task is to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible about which candidate you believe is more honest about a given policy
^^Once you make your decision, you will be provided with feedback as to if you were correct or incorrect
^^Press space to Continue

<page g2page3>
^^The scores in orange represent fact-check ratings from the Democrat candidate while scores in purple represent scores from the Republican candidate. If you believe the Republican candidate was more honest, click the key 'i'; if you think the Democrat candidate was more honest, click the key 'e'
^^Please click on the space bar when you are ready to begin
^^Press space to Continue

<page g2page4>
^^Practice Trials Begin Here
^^Press space to Continue

Group 3 Instructions:

<page g3page1>
^^Informed Consent Here.
^^Press space to Continue

<page g3page2>
^^Thank you for participating in today's study!
^^Political debates are an influential way for candidates in America to speak directly to voters.During these debates, candidates make a lot of claims, some of which are more true or accurate than others. It is often difficult for voters to assess the accuracy of candidates while the debate is happening because it takes time for claims to be fact-checked
^^In this task you will be presented with fact-check ratings taken from a recent debate between a Republican and Democrat candidate in a tight race
^^These fact-check ratings were acquired from a commonly used, nonpartisan website that reports on the accuracy of each claim made across a wide range of topics. As we are interested in the fact-check ratings themselves and not the topic being rated, each topic will be represented with a random letter from the alphabet that disguises the actual topic. Each fact-check score ranges from 0 (completely inaccurate) to 100 (completely accurate) and can be interpreted as percentages of factually correct statements on that topic
^^Fact-check ratings from a Democrat and Republican candidate will move across the screen from left to right. Your task is to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible about which candidate you believe is more honest about a given policy
^^Once you make your decision, you will be provided with feedback as to if you were correct or incorrect
^^Press space to Continue

<page g3page3>
^^The scores in purple represent fact-check ratings from the Democrat candidate while scores in orange represent scores from the Republican candidate. If you believe the Republican candidate was more honest, click the key 'i'; if you think the Democrat candidate was more honest, click the key 'e'
^^Please click on the space bar when you are ready to begin
^^Press space to Continue

<page g3page4>
^^Practice Trials Begin Here
^^Press space to Continue

Group 4 Instructions:

<page g4page1>
^^Informed Consent Here.
^^Press space to Continue

<page g4page2>
^^Thank you for participating in today's study!
^^Political debates are an influential way for candidates in America to speak directly to voters.During these debates, candidates make a lot of claims, some of which are more true or accurate than others. It is often difficult for voters to assess the accuracy of candidates while the debate is happening because it takes time for claims to be fact-checked
^^In this task you will be presented with fact-check ratings taken from a recent debate between a Republican and Democrat candidate in a tight race
^^These fact-check ratings were acquired from a commonly used, nonpartisan website that reports on the accuracy of each claim made across a wide range of topics. As we are interested in the fact-check ratings themselves and not the topic being rated, each topic will be represented with a random letter from the alphabet that disguises the actual topic. Each fact-check score ranges from 0 (completely inaccurate) to 100 (completely accurate) and can be interpreted as percentages of factually correct statements on that topic
^^Fact-check ratings from a Democrat and Republican candidate will move across the screen from left to right. Your task is to respond as quickly and as accurately as possible about which candidate you believe is more honest about a given policy
^^Once you make your decision, you will be provided with feedback as to if you were correct or incorrect
^^Press space to Continue

<page g4page3>
^^The scores in orange represent fact-check ratings from the Democrat candidate while scores in purple represent scores from the Republican candidate. If you believe the Republican candidate was more honest, click the key 'e'; if you think the Democrat candidate was more honest, click the key 'i'
^^Please click on the space bar when you are ready to begin
^^Press space to Continue

<page g4page4>
^^Practice Trials Begin Here
^^Press space to Continue

<page endpage1>
The task is now complete! Please continue with the following surveys

<page endpage2>
The survey is now complete! Please Read the debriefing form here.
Thank you and have a nice day!

*********** Survey ***************

<survey All>
/ pages = [1=NCS; 2=PolAff; 3=CRT; 4=BDM; 5=SCES]
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ itemspacing = 2%
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showbackbutton = false
/ file = "SurvB"

*********** NCS Scale*************

<surveypage NCS>
/ caption = "Please rate yourself on a scale of 1 (least likely) to 7 (most likely) based off these questions."
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=NCS1; 2=NCS2; 3=NCS3; 4=NCS4; 5=NCS5; 6=NCS6]
/ recorddata = true


<radiobuttons NCS1>
/ caption = "I would prefer complex to simple problems"
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

<radiobuttons NCS2>
/ caption = "I like to have responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking"
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

<radiobuttons NCS3>
/ caption = "Thinking is not my idea of fun."
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

<radiobuttons NCS4>
/ caption = "I would rather do something that requires little thought than somethign that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities"
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

<radiobuttons NCS5>
/ caption = "I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems"
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

<radiobuttons NCS6>
/ caption = "I would prefer a task taht is intellectual, difficult, and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought."
/ options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7")

*********** poltical affiliation**********

<surveypage PolAff>
/ questions = [1=PolAff1]

<radiobuttons PolAff1>
/ caption = "When it comes to politics, would you describe yourself as liberal, conservative, or neither liberal or conservative?"
/ options = ("Very liberal", "Somewhat liberal", "Closer to liberals", "Neither liberal nor conservative", "Closer to conservatives", "Somewhat conservative", "Very conservative")

*********** 3 items scale (Fredrick/CRT)*************

<surveypage CRT>
/ caption = "Below are three items that vary in difficulty. Answer as many as you can."
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=CRT1; 2=CRT2; 3=CRT3]

<textbox CRT1>
/ caption = "A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?"
/ mask = dollars
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox CRT2>
/ caption = "If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox CRT3>
/ caption = "In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

*********** 5 item scale (BDM) with 30,50,70,80,90*************

<surveypage BDM>
/ caption = "Below are five items that vary in difficulty. Answer as many as you can."
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=BDM1_30; 2=BDM2_50; 3=BDM3_70; 4=BDM4_80; 5=BDM5_90]

<textbox BDM1_30>
/ caption = "In the ACME PUBLISHING SWEEPSTAKES, the chance of winning a car is 1 in 1000. What percent of tickets of ACME PUBLISHING SWEEPSTAKES win a car?"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox BDM2_50>
/ caption = "Suppose that 1 out of every 10 000 doctors in a certain region is infected with the SARS virus; in the same region, 20 out of every 100 people in a particular at-risk population also are infected with the virus. A test for the virus gives a positive result in 99% of those who are infected and in 1% of those who are not infected. A randomly selected doctor and a randomly selected person in the at-risk population in this region both test positive for the disease. Who is more likely to actually have the disease?"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox BDM3_70>
/ caption = "Imagine that you are taking a class and your chances of being asked a question in class are 1% during the first week of class and double each week thereafter (i.e., you would have a 2% chance in Week 2, a 4% chance in Week 3, an 8% chance in Week 4). What is the probability that you will be asked a question in class during Week 7?"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox BDM4_80>
/ caption = "If the chance of getting a disease is 20 out of 100, this would be the same as having a _____% chance of getting the disease."
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

<textbox BDM5_90>
/ caption = "Which of the following numbers represents the biggest risk of getting a disease? (1 in 100, 1 in 1000, or 1 in 10)"
/ mask = integer
/ range = (0,100)

*********** SCES 12 item scale ************

<surveypage SCES>
/ caption = "Please indicate the extent to which you feel positive or negative towards each issue. Scores of 0 indicate greater negativity, and scores of 100 indicate greater positivity. Scores of 50 indicate that you feel neutral about the issue."
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 14pt, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ questions = [1=SCES1_S; 2=SCES2_E; 3=SCES3_S; 4=SCES4_S; 5=SCES5_E; 6=SCES6_E; 7=SCES7_S; 8=SCES8_S; 9=SCES9_E; 10=SCES10_E; 11=SCES11_S; 12=SCES12_S]

<slider SCES1_S>
/ caption = "Abortion."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES2_E>
/ caption = "Limited Government."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES3_S>
/ caption = "Military and national security."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES4_S>
/ caption = "Religion."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES5_E>
/ caption = "Welfare Benefits."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES6_E>
/ caption = "Gun Ownership."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES7_S>
/ caption = "Traditional Marriage."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES8_S>
/ caption = "Traditional Values."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES9_E>
/ caption = "Fiscal Responsibility."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES10_E>
/ caption = "Business."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES11_S>
/ caption = "The family unit."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)

<slider SCES12_S>
/ caption = "Patriotism."
/ range = (0, 100)
/ slidersize = (60%, 5%)


<item Instructions>
/1= "Click the space when you are ready"

page endpage>
The task is now complete! Thank you for your participation
Debriefing Here

<text Instructions>
/ items = Instructions
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ select = values.instructionIndex

/ halign = left
/ valign = top
/ hjustify = left
/ vjustify = center

<trial testinstruct>
/ontrialbegin = [ values.progresswidth += 5 ; values. instructionIndex +=1]
/ stimulustimes = [1=Instructions, progressbar, progressbar_fill, ]
/ correctresponse = (" ")
/ errormessage = false
/ correctmessage = false

***Error message****

<text error>
/ position = (50%, 40%)
/ items = ("Incorrect")
/ color = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

<text corrrect>
/ position = (50%, 40%)
/ items = ("Correct")
/ color= black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, true)

**Progress bar***

<shape progressbar>
/shape = rectangle
/ size = (70%, 2%)
/ color = gray
/ position = (15%, 95%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top

<shape progressbar_fill>
/shape = rectangle
/ size = (expressions.progress, 2%)
/ color = black
/ position = (15%, 95%)
/ halign = left
/ valign = top

***Policy Labels***

<item PolALabel>
/1= "Policy A"

<text PolALabel>
/ items = PolALabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolBLabel>
/1= "Policy B"

<text PolBLabel>
/items= PolBLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolCLabel>
/1= "Policy C"

<text PolCLabel>
/items= PolCLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolDLabel>
/1= "Policy D"

<text PolDLabel>
/items= PolDLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolELabel>
/1= "Policy E"

<text PolELabel>
/items= PolELabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolFLabel>
/1= "Policy F"

<text PolFLabel>
/items= PolFLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolGLabel>
/1= "Policy G"

<text PolGLabel>
/items= PolGLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolHLabel>
/1= "Policy H"

<text PolHLabel>
/items= PolHLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolILabel>
/1= "Policy I"

<text PolILabel>
/items= PolILabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

<item PolJLabel>
/1= "Policy J"

<text PolJLabel>
/items= PolJLabel
/ valign = top
/ halign = center
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)

*****Key Labels******

Group 1:Key E= REP, Key I= DEM
Group 4: Key E= REP, Key I= DEM

Group 2: Key I= REP, Key E= DEM
Group 3: Key I = REP, Key E= DEM

Group 1 and 4, Republican

<item group1_4Rep>
/ 1 = "Press key E for Republican"

<text group1_Rep>
/items= group1_4Rep
/ hposition = (20)
/ vposition = (90)
/ color = orange

<text group4_Rep>
/items= group1_4Rep
/ hposition = (20)
/ vposition = (90)
/color= purple

Group 1 and 4, Democrat

<item group1_4Dem>
/ 1 = "Press key I for Democrat"

<text group1_Dem>
/items= group1_4Dem
/ hposition = (80)
/ vposition = (90)
/ color = purple

<text group4_Dem>
/items= group1_4Dem
/ hposition = (80)
/ vposition = (90)
/ color = orange

Group 2 and 3, Democrat

<item group2_3Dem>
/ 1 = "Press key E for Democrat"

<text group2_Dem>
/items= group2_3Dem
/ hposition = (20)
/ vposition = (90)
/ color = orange

<text group3_Dem>
/items= group2_3Dem
/ hposition = (20)
/ vposition = (90)
/color= purple

Group 2 and 3, Repblican

<item group2_3Rep>
/ 1 = "Press key I for Republican"

<text group2_Rep>
/items= group2_3Rep
/ hposition = (80)
/ vposition = (90)
/color= purple

<text group3_Rep>
/items= group2_3Rep
/ hposition = (80)
/ vposition = (90)
/color= orange

<item Demplus>
/1 = "67"
/2 = "70"
/3 = "75"
/4= "81"
/5= "55"
/6= "54"
/7= "59"
/8= "63"
/9= "64"
/10= "53"
/11= "96"
/12= "81"
/13= "25"
/14= "72"
/15= "76"
/16= "82"
/17= "51"
/18= "73"
/19= "83"
/20= "88"
/21= "44"
/22= "58"
/23= "74"
/24= "74"
/25= "92"
/26= "63"
/27= "75"
/28= "80"
/29= "72"
/30= "74"
/31= "62"
/32= "82"
/33= "59"
/34= "51"
/35= "75"
/36= "88"
/37= "64"
/38= "88"
/39= "83"
/40= "51"
/41= "85"
/42= "58"
/43= "45"
/44= "75"
/45= "64"
/46= "63"
/47= "68"
/48= "55"
/49= "68"
/50= "76"

<item Demminus>
/1 = "52"
/2 = "54"
/3 = "63"
/4= "41"
/5= "61"
/6= "58"
/7= "67"
/8= "59"
/9= "79"
/10= "65"
/11= "46"
/12= "54"
/13= "55"
/14= "51"
/15= "58"
/16= "52"
/17= "63"
/18= "87"
/19= "44"
/20= "61"
/21= "66"
/22= "59"
/23= "78"
/24= "79"
/25= "63"
/26= "81"
/27= "66"
/28= "41"
/29= "48"
/30= "80"
/31= "59"
/32= "46"
/33= "55"
/34= "50"
/35= "65"
/36= "78"
/37= "67"
/38= "51"
/39= "63"
/40= "62"
/41= "64"
/42= "68"
/43= "72"
/44= "72"
/45= "65"
/46= "66"
/47= "48"
/48= "77"
/49= "96"
/50= "77"

<item Repplus>
/1 = "67"
/2 = "70"
/3 = "75"
/4= "81"
/5= "55"
/6= "54"
/7= "59"
/8= "63"
/9= "64"
/10= "53"
/11= "96"
/12= "81"
/13= "25"
/14= "72"
/15= "76"
/16= "82"
/17= "51"
/18= "73"
/19= "83"
/20= "88"
/21= "44"
/22= "58"
/23= "74"
/24= "74"
/25= "92"
/26= "63"
/27= "75"
/28= "80"
/29= "72"
/30= "74"
/31= "62"
/32= "82"
/33= "59"
/34= "51"
/35= "75"
/36= "88"
/37= "64"
/38= "88"
/39= "83"
/40= "51"
/41= "85"
/42= "58"
/43= "45"
/44= "75"
/45= "64"
/46= "63"
/47= "68"
/48= "55"
/49= "68"
/50= "76"

<item Repminus>
/1 = "52"
/2 = "54"
/3 = "63"
/4= "41"
/5= "61"
/6= "58"
/7= "67"
/8= "59"
/9= "79"
/10= "65"
/11= "46"
/12= "54"
/13= "55"
/14= "51"
/15= "58"
/16= "52"
/17= "63"
/18= "87"
/19= "44"
/20= "61"
/21= "66"
/22= "59"
/23= "78"
/24= "79"
/25= "63"
/26= "81"
/27= "66"
/28= "41"
/29= "48"
/30= "80"
/31= "59"
/32= "46"
/33= "55"
/34= "50"
/35= "65"
/36= "78"
/37= "67"
/38= "51"
/39= "63"
/40= "62"
/41= "64"
/42= "68"
/43= "72"
/44= "72"
/45= "65"
/46= "66"
/47= "48"
/48= "77"
/49= "96"
/50= "77"

Group 1: Rep: Orange, Dem: Purple

<text Demplus1_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex


<text Demplus2_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)

<text Demplus3_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus4_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus5_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus6_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus7_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus8_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus9_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus10_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus11_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus12_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus13_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus14_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus15_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex
<text Demplus16_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus17_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus18_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus19_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demplus20_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_1.nextindex

<list Demplusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Demminus1_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus2_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus3_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus4_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus5_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus6_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus7_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus8_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus9_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus10_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus11_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus12_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus13_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus14_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus15_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus16_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus17_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus18_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus19_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Demminus20_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (purple)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_1.nextindex

<list Demminusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repplus1_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus2_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus3_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus4_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus5_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus6_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus7_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus8_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus9_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus10_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus11_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus12_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus13_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus14_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus15_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus16_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus17_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus18_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus19_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repplus20_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_1.nextindex

<list Repplusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repminus1_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus2_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus3_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus4_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus5_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus6_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus7_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus8_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus9_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus10_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus11_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus12_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus13_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus14_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus15_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus16_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus17_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus18_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus19_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<text Repminus20_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_1.nextindex

<list Repminusitems_1>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

Group 2: Rep: Purple, Dem: Orange

<text Demplus1_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus2_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus3_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus4_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus5_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus6_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus7_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus8_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus9_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus10_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus11_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus12_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus13_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus14_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus15_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus16_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus17_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demplus19_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demplus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demplusitems_2.nextindex

<list Demplusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Demminus1_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
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/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txbgcolor = (white)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txbgcolor = (white)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus10_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus12_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
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/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus13_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus14_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus15_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus16_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus17_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus18_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus19_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Demminus20_O>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Demminus
/txcolor = (Orange)
/txbgcolor = (white)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Demminusitems_2.nextindex
<list Demminusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repplus1_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus2_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
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/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
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/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
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/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

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/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus11_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus12_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus13_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus14_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus15_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus16_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus17_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus18_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus19_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repplus20_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repplus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/ select = list.Repplusitems_2.nextindex

<list Repplusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace =true

<text Repminus1_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus2_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus3_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus4_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus5_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus6_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus7_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus8_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus9_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus10_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus11_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus12_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus13_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus14_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus15_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus16_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus17_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus18_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus19_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<text Repminus20_P>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%)
/size= (5%, 5%)
/items = Repminus
/txcolor = (Purple)
/animation = path (5000, 1, 0%, 55%, 100%, 55%)
/select = list.Repminusitems_2.nextindex

<list Repminusitems_2>
/ poolsize = 50
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = true

<list Demplus_G1>
/items = (text.Demplus1_P, text.Demplus2_P, text.Demplus3_P, text.Demplus4_P,text.Demplus5_P, text.Demplus6_P, text.Demplus7_P, text.Demplus8_P, text.Demplus9_P, text.Demplus10_P,text.Demplus11_P,text.Demplus12_P,text.Demplus13_P,text.Demplus14_P,text.Demplus15_P,text.Demplus16_P,text.Demplus17_P,text.Demplus18_P,text.Demplus19_P, text.Demplus20_P, 
text.Repminus1_O, text.Repminus2_O, text.Repminus3_O, text.Repminus4_O, text.Repminus5_O, text.Repminus6_O, text.Repminus7_O, text.Repminus8_O, text.Repminus9_O, text.Repminus10_O, text.Repminus11_O,text.Repminus12_O,text.Repminus13_O,text.Repminus14_O,text.Repminus15_O,text.Repminus16_O,text.Repminus17_O,text.Repminus18_O,text.Repminus19_O,text.Repminus20_O)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

<list Repplus_G1>
/items = (text.Demminus1_P,text.Demminus2_P,text.Demminus3_P, text.Demminus4_P, text.Demminus5_P, text.Demminus6_P, text.Demminus7_P, text.Demminus8_P, text.Demminus9_P, text.Demminus10_P, text.Demminus11_P,text.Demminus12_P,text.Demminus13_P,text.Demminus14_P,text.Demminus15_P,text.Demminus16_P,text.Demminus17_P,text.Demminus18_P,text.Demminus19_P,text.Demminus20_P,
text.Repplus1_O, text.Repplus2_O, text.Repplus3_O, text.Repplus4_O, text.Repplus5_O, text.Repplus6_O, text.Repplus7_O, text.Repplus8_O, text.Repplus9_O, text.Repplus10_O,text.Repplus11_O,text.Repplus12_O,text.Repplus13_O,text.Repplus14_O,text.Repplus15_O,text.Repplus16_O,text.Repplus17_O,text.Repplus18_O,text.Repplus19_O,text.Repplus20_O)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

<list Demplus_G2>
/items = (text.Demplus1_O, text.Demplus2_O, text.Demplus3_O, text.Demplus4_O, text.Demplus5_O, text.Demplus6_O, text.Demplus7_O, text.Demplus8_O, text.Demplus9_O, text.Demplus10_O, text.Demplus11_O,text.Demplus12_O,text.Demplus13_O,text.Demplus14_O,text.Demplus15_O,text.Demplus16_O,text.Demplus17_O,text.Demplus18_O,text.Demplus19_O,text.Demplus20_O,
text.Repminus1_P, text.Repminus2_P, text.Repminus3_P, text.Repminus4_P, text.Repminus5_P, text.Repminus6_P, text.Repminus7_P, text.Repminus8_P, text.Repminus9_P, text.Repminus10_P, text.Repminus11_P,text.Repminus12_P,text.Repminus13_P,text.Repminus14_P,text.Repminus15_P,text.Repminus16_P,text.Repminus17_P,text.Repminus18_P,text.Repminus19_P,text.Repminus20_P)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

<list Repplus_G2>
/items = (text.Demminus1_O,text.Demminus2_O,text.Demminus3_O, text.Demminus4_O, text.Demminus5_O,text.Demminus6_O, text.Demminus7_O, text.Demminus8_O, text.Demminus9_O, text.Demminus10_O, text.Demminus11_O,text.Demminus12_O,text.Demminus13_O,text.Demminus14_O,text.Demminus15_O,text.Demminus16_O,text.Demminus17_O,text.Demminus18_O,text.Demminus19_O,text.Demminus20_O,
text.Repplus1_P,text.Repplus2_P, text.Repplus3_P, text.Repplus4_P, text.Repplus5_P, text.Repplus6_P, text.Repplus7_P, text.Repplus8_P, text.Repplus9_P, text.Repplus10_P, text.Repplus11_P, text.Repplus12_P, text.Repplus13_P, text.Repplus14_P, text.Repplus15_P, text.Repplus16_P, text.Repplus17_P, text.Repplus18_P, text.Repplus19_P, text.Repplus20_P)
/selectionrate =always
/selectionmode =random
/replace = false

/ columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, script.sessionid,
    blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, stimulusonset, response, correct, latency,
    values.stim1, stimulusitem, values.stim2, stimulusitem, values.stim3, stimulusitem, values.stim4, stimulusitem,    values.stim5, stimulusitem,
    values.stim6, stimulusitem, values.stim7, stimulusitem, values.stim8, stimulusitem, values.stim9, stimulusitem, values.stim10, stimulusitem,
    values.stim11, stimulusitem, values.stim12, stimulusitem, values.stim13, stimulusitem, values.stim14, stimulusitem,    values.stim15, stimulusitem,
    values.stim16, stimulusitem, values.stim17, stimulusitem, values.stim18, stimulusitem, values.stim19, stimulusitem, values.stim20, stimulusitem,
    values.stim21, stimulusitem, values.stim22, stimulusitem, values.stim23, stimulusitem, values.stim24, stimulusitem,    values.stim35, stimulusitem,
    values.stim26, stimulusitem, values.stim27, stimulusitem, values.stim28, stimulusitem, values.stim29, stimulusitem, values.stim30, stimulusitem,
    values.stim31, stimulusitem, values.stim32, stimulusitem, values.stim33, stimulusitem, values.stim34, stimulusitem,values.stim35, stimulusitem,
    values.stim36, stimulusitem, values.stim37, stimulusitem, values.stim38, stimulusitem, values.stim39, stimulusitem, values.stim40, stimulusitem)
/ file = "Data_Results(50_trials).xlsx"


<trial DemBI_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.DemBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial RepBI_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.RepBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial DemBE_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.DemBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial RepBE_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.RepBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G1.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial DemBI_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.DemBI_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial RepBI_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("I")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.RepBI_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial DemBE_O>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.DemBE_O.insertstimulustime(list.Demplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<trial RepBE_P>
/ validresponse = ("E", "I")
/ correctresponse = ("E")
/ beginresponseframe = 0
/ontrialbegin = [
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 0);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 1000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 2000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 3000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 4000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 5000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 6000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 7000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 8000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 9000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 10000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 11000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 12000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 13000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 14000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 15000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 16000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 17000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 18000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 19000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 20000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 21000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 22000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 23000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 24000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 25000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 26000);
  trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 27000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 28000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 29000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 30000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 31000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 32000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 33000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 34000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 35000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 36000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 37000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 38000);
    trial.RepBE_P.insertstimulustime(list.Repplus_G2.nextvalue, 39000);
/ posttrialpause = 100

<block trial1A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)
/ preinstructions = (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3,page.g1page4)

<block trial2A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial3A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial4A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial5A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial6A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial7A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial8A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial9A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial10A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial11A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial12A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial13A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial14A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial15A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial16A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial17A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial18A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial19A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial20A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial21A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial22A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial23A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial24A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial25A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial26A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial27A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial28A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial29A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial30A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial31A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial32A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial33A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial34A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial35A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial36A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial37A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial38A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial39A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial40A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial41A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial42A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial43A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial44A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial45A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial46A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial47A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial48A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial49A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial50A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct;2= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)

<block trial1B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    
/preinstructions = (page.g2page1, page.g2page2, page.g2page3,page.g2page4 )

<block trial2B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial6B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial7B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial8B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial9B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial10B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial11B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial12B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial13B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial14B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial15B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial16B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial17B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial18B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial19B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial20B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial21B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial22B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial23B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial24B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial25B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial26B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial27B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial28B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial29B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial30B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial31B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial32B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial33B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial34B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial35B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial36B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial37B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial38B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial39B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial40B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial41B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel)
/trials= [1= testinstruct; 2= replace(RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial42B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial43B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial44B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial45B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial46B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial47B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial48B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial49B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial50B>
/ bgstim = (PolBLabel, group2_Dem, group2_Rep )
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_P, DemBE_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial1C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)
/ preinstructions = (page.g3page1, page.g3page2, page.g3page3,page.g3page4 )    

<block trial2C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial6C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial7C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial8C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial9C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial10C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial11C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial12C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial13C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial14C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial15C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial16C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial17C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial18C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial19C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial20C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial21C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial22C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial23C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial24C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial25C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial26C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial27C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial28C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial29C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial30C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial31C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial32C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial33C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial34C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial35C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial36C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial37C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial38C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial39C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial40C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial41C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial42C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial43C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial44C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial45C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial46C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial47C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial48C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial49C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial50C>
/ bgstim = (PolCLabel, group3_Dem, group3_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBI_O, DemBE_P)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial1D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    
/ preinstructions = (page.g4page1, page.g4page2, page.g4page3,page.g4page4 )

<block trial2D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial3D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial4D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial5D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial6D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial7D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial8D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial9D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial10D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial11D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial12D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial13D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial14D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial15D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial16D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial17D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial18D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial19D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial20D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial21D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial22D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial23D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial24D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial25D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial26D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial27D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial28D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial29D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial30D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial31D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial32D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial33D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial34D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial35D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial36D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial37D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial38D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial39D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial40D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial41D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial42D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial43D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial44D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial45D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial46D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial47D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial48D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial49D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

<block trial50D>
/ bgstim = (PolDLabel, group4_Dem,group4_Rep)
/trials = [1= testinstruct; 2=replace (RepBE_P, DemBI_O)]
/errormessage = true( error, 1000)    
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)    

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A; 6= block.trial6A; 7=block.trial7A; 8=block.trial8A; 9= block.trial9A; 10= block.trial10a;
11= trial11A ; 12= trial12A; 13=block.trial13A; 14= block.trial14A; 15= block.trial15A; 16= block.trial16A; 17=block.trial17A; 18=block.trial18A; 19= block.trial19A; 20= block.trial20A;
21= trial21A ; 22= trial22A; 23=block.trial23A; 24= block.trial24A; 25= block.trial25A; 26= block.trial26A; 27=block.trial27A; 28=block.trial28A; 29= block.trial29A; 30= block.trial30a;
31= trial31A ; 32= trial32A; 33=block.trial33A; 34= block.trial34A; 35= block.trial35A; 36= block.trial36A; 37=block.trial37A; 38=block.trial38A; 39= block.trial39A; 40= block.trial10A;
41= trial1A ; 42= trial2A; 43=block.trial3A; 44= block.trial4A; 45= block.trial5A; 46= block.trial6A; 47=block.trial7A; 48=block.trial8A; 49= block.trial9A; 50= block.trial10A; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

/subjects = (2 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2B; 3=block.trial3B; 4= block.trial4B; 5= block.trial5B; 6= block.trial6B; 7=block.trial7B; 8=block.trial8B; 9= block.trial9B; 10= block.trial10B;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12B; 13=block.trial13B; 14= block.trial14B; 15= block.trial15B; 16= block.trial16B; 17=block.trial17B; 18=block.trial18B; 19= block.trial19B; 20= block.trial20B;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22B; 23=block.trial23B; 24= block.trial24B; 25= block.trial25B; 26= block.trial26B; 27=block.trial27B; 28=block.trial28B; 29= block.trial29B; 30= block.trial30B;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32B; 33=block.trial33B; 34= block.trial34B; 35= block.trial35B; 36= block.trial36B; 37=block.trial37B; 38=block.trial38B; 39= block.trial39B; 40= block.trial40B;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42B; 43=block.trial43B; 44= block.trial44B; 45= block.trial45B; 46= block.trial46B; 47=block.trial47B; 48=block.trial48B; 49= block.trial49B; 50= block.trial50B; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

/subjects = (3 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2C; 3=block.trial3C; 4= block.trial4C; 5= block.trial5C; 6= block.trial6C; 7=block.trial7C; 8=block.trial8C; 9= block.trial9C; 10= block.trial10C;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12C; 13=block.trial13C; 14= block.trial14C; 15= block.trial15C; 16= block.trial16C; 17=block.trial17C; 18=block.trial18C; 19= block.trial19C; 20= block.trial20C;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22C; 23=block.trial23C; 24= block.trial24C; 25= block.trial25C; 26= block.trial26C; 27=block.trial27C; 28=block.trial28C; 29= block.trial29C; 30= block.trial30C;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32C; 33=block.trial33C; 34= block.trial34C; 35= block.trial35C; 36= block.trial36C; 37=block.trial37C; 38=block.trial38C; 39= block.trial39C; 40= block.trial40C;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42C; 43=block.trial43C; 44= block.trial44C; 45= block.trial45C; 46= block.trial46C; 47=block.trial47C; 48=block.trial48C; 49= block.trial49C; 50= block.trial50C; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

/subjects = (4 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2D; 3=block.trial3D; 4= block.trial4D; 5= block.trial5D; 6= block.trial6D; 7=block.trial7D; 8=block.trial8D; 9= block.trial9D; 10= block.trial10D;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12D; 13=block.trial13D; 14= block.trial14D; 15= block.trial15D; 16= block.trial16D; 17=block.trial17D; 18=block.trial18D; 19= block.trial19D; 20= block.trial20D;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22D; 23=block.trial23D; 24= block.trial24D; 25= block.trial25D; 26= block.trial26D; 27=block.trial27D; 28=block.trial28D; 29= block.trial29D; 30= block.trial30D;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32D; 33=block.trial33D; 34= block.trial34D; 35= block.trial35D; 36= block.trial36D; 37=block.trial37D; 38=block.trial38D; 39= block.trial39D; 40= block.trial40D;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42D; 43=block.trial43D; 44= block.trial44D; 45= block.trial45D; 46= block.trial46D; 47=block.trial47D; 48=block.trial48D; 49= block.trial49D; 50= block.trial50D; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Please do not paste entire scripts into a post. Instead please attach the script file to your post.

Also, please be specific: Detail which instructions you are talking about and refer to any elements with their names as given in the script.

Thank you.
Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 57, Visits: 172
Dave - 5/13/2020
Please do not paste entire scripts into a post. Instead please attach the script file to your post.

Also, please be specific: Detail which instructions you are talking about and refer to any elements with their names as given in the script.

Thank you.

Sorry about that, I have give detail below, sorry if its a bit long winded. 
So my instructions are in  pages, labeled <page g(1-4)page(1-4)>. The g1-4 refers to which group the instructions go towards and page1-4 are the four pages of instruction.  For example if its <page g1page1>, its  the first page of instructions for the participant group 1. 
I then placed these instructions in the blocks labeled <block trial1A-D> in the "pre instructions" function as: (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3, page.g1page4).  I placed this "pre instructions" function in the first trial of every group, so for group 1 I placed the "pre instructions" function in <block trial1A>. Then in <experiments> I placed <block trial1A> infront of all the other 50 trials.  

What I want to happen is for the four pages of instructions to appear before all the other 50 trials.
This does happen when the script run but once I got to around 40 trails the instructions appear again. These are the instructions in <page g(1-4)page(1-4)> that should have only appeared in the beginning of all the trials. However, for some reason they are appearing in the middle of the 50 trials again after appearing before all 50 trials. 

I have no idea why this is happening, the way I programed it the instructions should only appear in the beginning of the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

PS: The script should be attached, please let me know if you cant see it. 

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
uni-student92084 - 5/13/2020
Dave - 5/13/2020
Please do not paste entire scripts into a post. Instead please attach the script file to your post.

Also, please be specific: Detail which instructions you are talking about and refer to any elements with their names as given in the script.

Thank you.

Sorry about that, I have give detail below, sorry if its a bit long winded. 
So my instructions are in  pages, labeled <page g(1-4)page(1-4)>. The g1-4 refers to which group the instructions go towards and page1-4 are the four pages of instruction.  For example if its <page g1page1>, its  the first page of instructions for the participant group 1. 
I then placed these instructions in the blocks labeled <block trial1A-D> in the "pre instructions" function as: (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3, page.g1page4).  I placed this "pre instructions" function in the first trial of every group, so for group 1 I placed the "pre instructions" function in <block trial1A>. Then in <experiments> I placed <block trial1A> infront of all the other 50 trials.  

What I want to happen is for the four pages of instructions to appear before all the other 50 trials.
This does happen when the script run but once I got to around 40 trails the instructions appear again. These are the instructions in <page g(1-4)page(1-4)> that should have only appeared in the beginning of all the trials. However, for some reason they are appearing in the middle of the 50 trials again after appearing before all 50 trials. 

I have no idea why this is happening, the way I programed it the instructions should only appear in the beginning of the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

PS: The script should be attached, please let me know if you cant see it. 

Thanks for taking the time to explain. That is someting I can work with. <block trial1A> presents your instructions:

<block trial1A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)
/ preinstructions = (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3,page.g1page4)

As you can see in the above screenshot, you are running that block twice in the 1st <expt>. Once as block number 1, and a second time as block number 41.

In fact, this whole section here is wrong:

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A; 6= block.trial6A; 7=block.trial7A; 8=block.trial8A; 9= block.trial9A; 10= block.trial10a;
11= trial11A ; 12= trial12A; 13=block.trial13A; 14= block.trial14A; 15= block.trial15A; 16= block.trial16A; 17=block.trial17A; 18=block.trial18A; 19= block.trial19A; 20= block.trial20A;
21= trial21A ; 22= trial22A; 23=block.trial23A; 24= block.trial24A; 25= block.trial25A; 26= block.trial26A; 27=block.trial27A; 28=block.trial28A; 29= block.trial29A; 30= block.trial30a;
31= trial31A ; 32= trial32A; 33=block.trial33A; 34= block.trial34A; 35= block.trial35A; 36= block.trial36A; 37=block.trial37A; 38=block.trial38A; 39= block.trial39A; 40= block.trial10A;
41= trial1A ; 42= trial2A; 43=block.trial3A; 44= block.trial4A; 45= block.trial5A; 46= block.trial6A; 47=block.trial7A; 48=block.trial8A; 49= block.trial9A; 50= block.trial10A; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It ought to be

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A; 6= block.trial6A; 7=block.trial7A; 8=block.trial8A; 9= block.trial9A; 10= block.trial10a;
11= trial11A ; 12= trial12A; 13=block.trial13A; 14= block.trial14A; 15= block.trial15A; 16= block.trial16A; 17=block.trial17A; 18=block.trial18A; 19= block.trial19A; 20= block.trial20A;
21= trial21A ; 22= trial22A; 23=block.trial23A; 24= block.trial24A; 25= block.trial25A; 26= block.trial26A; 27=block.trial27A; 28=block.trial28A; 29= block.trial29A; 30= block.trial30a;
31= trial31A ; 32= trial32A; 33=block.trial33A; 34= block.trial34A; 35= block.trial35A; 36= block.trial36A; 37=block.trial37A; 38=block.trial38A; 39= block.trial39A; 40= block.trial10A;
41= trial41A ; 42= trial42A; 43=block.trial43A; 44= block.trial44A; 45= block.trial45A; 46= block.trial46A; 47=block.trial47A; 48=block.trial48A; 49= block.trial49A; 50= block.trial50A; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

Further, this is wrong:

/subjects = (3 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2C; 3=block.trial3C; 4= block.trial4C; 5= block.trial5C; 6= block.trial6C; 7=block.trial7C; 8=block.trial8C; 9= block.trial9C; 10= block.trial10C;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12C; 13=block.trial13C; 14= block.trial14C; 15= block.trial15C; 16= block.trial16C; 17=block.trial17C; 18=block.trial18C; 19= block.trial19C; 20= block.trial20C;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22C; 23=block.trial23C; 24= block.trial24C; 25= block.trial25C; 26= block.trial26C; 27=block.trial27C; 28=block.trial28C; 29= block.trial29C; 30= block.trial30C;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32C; 33=block.trial33C; 34= block.trial34C; 35= block.trial35C; 36= block.trial36C; 37=block.trial37C; 38=block.trial38C; 39= block.trial39C; 40= block.trial40C;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42C; 43=block.trial43C; 44= block.trial44C; 45= block.trial45C; 46= block.trial46C; 47=block.trial47C; 48=block.trial48C; 49= block.trial49C; 50= block.trial50C; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It should be 1C.

Similarly, this is also wrong:

/subjects = (4 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2D; 3=block.trial3D; 4= block.trial4D; 5= block.trial5D; 6= block.trial6D; 7=block.trial7D; 8=block.trial8D; 9= block.trial9D; 10= block.trial10D;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12D; 13=block.trial13D; 14= block.trial14D; 15= block.trial15D; 16= block.trial16D; 17=block.trial17D; 18=block.trial18D; 19= block.trial19D; 20= block.trial20D;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22D; 23=block.trial23D; 24= block.trial24D; 25= block.trial25D; 26= block.trial26D; 27=block.trial27D; 28=block.trial28D; 29= block.trial29D; 30= block.trial30D;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32D; 33=block.trial33D; 34= block.trial34D; 35= block.trial35D; 36= block.trial36D; 37=block.trial37D; 38=block.trial38D; 39= block.trial39D; 40= block.trial40D;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42D; 43=block.trial43D; 44= block.trial44D; 45= block.trial45D; 46= block.trial46D; 47=block.trial47D; 48=block.trial48D; 49= block.trial49D; 50= block.trial50D; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It should be 1D.

Edited 5 Years Ago by Dave
Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)Partner Member (722 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 57, Visits: 172
Dave - 5/13/2020
uni-student92084 - 5/13/2020
Dave - 5/13/2020
Please do not paste entire scripts into a post. Instead please attach the script file to your post.

Also, please be specific: Detail which instructions you are talking about and refer to any elements with their names as given in the script.

Thank you.

Sorry about that, I have give detail below, sorry if its a bit long winded. 
So my instructions are in  pages, labeled <page g(1-4)page(1-4)>. The g1-4 refers to which group the instructions go towards and page1-4 are the four pages of instruction.  For example if its <page g1page1>, its  the first page of instructions for the participant group 1. 
I then placed these instructions in the blocks labeled <block trial1A-D> in the "pre instructions" function as: (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3, page.g1page4).  I placed this "pre instructions" function in the first trial of every group, so for group 1 I placed the "pre instructions" function in <block trial1A>. Then in <experiments> I placed <block trial1A> infront of all the other 50 trials.  

What I want to happen is for the four pages of instructions to appear before all the other 50 trials.
This does happen when the script run but once I got to around 40 trails the instructions appear again. These are the instructions in <page g(1-4)page(1-4)> that should have only appeared in the beginning of all the trials. However, for some reason they are appearing in the middle of the 50 trials again after appearing before all 50 trials. 

I have no idea why this is happening, the way I programed it the instructions should only appear in the beginning of the script. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

PS: The script should be attached, please let me know if you cant see it. 

Thanks for taking the time to explain. That is someting I can work with. <block trial1A> presents your instructions:

<block trial1A>
/bgstim = (PolALabel, group1_Dem,group1_Rep)
/trials = [1= replace(RepBE_O, DemBI_P)]
/errormessage = true(error, 1000)
/ correctmessage = true(corrrect, 1000)
/ preinstructions = (page.g1page1, page.g1page2, page.g1page3,page.g1page4)

As you can see in the above screenshot, you are running that block twice in the 1st <expt>. Once as block number 1, and a second time as block number 41.

In fact, this whole section here is wrong:

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A; 6= block.trial6A; 7=block.trial7A; 8=block.trial8A; 9= block.trial9A; 10= block.trial10a;
11= trial11A ; 12= trial12A; 13=block.trial13A; 14= block.trial14A; 15= block.trial15A; 16= block.trial16A; 17=block.trial17A; 18=block.trial18A; 19= block.trial19A; 20= block.trial20A;
21= trial21A ; 22= trial22A; 23=block.trial23A; 24= block.trial24A; 25= block.trial25A; 26= block.trial26A; 27=block.trial27A; 28=block.trial28A; 29= block.trial29A; 30= block.trial30a;
31= trial31A ; 32= trial32A; 33=block.trial33A; 34= block.trial34A; 35= block.trial35A; 36= block.trial36A; 37=block.trial37A; 38=block.trial38A; 39= block.trial39A; 40= block.trial10A;
41= trial1A ; 42= trial2A; 43=block.trial3A; 44= block.trial4A; 45= block.trial5A; 46= block.trial6A; 47=block.trial7A; 48=block.trial8A; 49= block.trial9A; 50= block.trial10A; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It ought to be

/subjects = (1 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1A ; 2= trial2A; 3=block.trial3A; 4= block.trial4A; 5= block.trial5A; 6= block.trial6A; 7=block.trial7A; 8=block.trial8A; 9= block.trial9A; 10= block.trial10a;
11= trial11A ; 12= trial12A; 13=block.trial13A; 14= block.trial14A; 15= block.trial15A; 16= block.trial16A; 17=block.trial17A; 18=block.trial18A; 19= block.trial19A; 20= block.trial20A;
21= trial21A ; 22= trial22A; 23=block.trial23A; 24= block.trial24A; 25= block.trial25A; 26= block.trial26A; 27=block.trial27A; 28=block.trial28A; 29= block.trial29A; 30= block.trial30a;
31= trial31A ; 32= trial32A; 33=block.trial33A; 34= block.trial34A; 35= block.trial35A; 36= block.trial36A; 37=block.trial37A; 38=block.trial38A; 39= block.trial39A; 40= block.trial10A;
41= trial41A ; 42= trial42A; 43=block.trial43A; 44= block.trial44A; 45= block.trial45A; 46= block.trial46A; 47=block.trial47A; 48=block.trial48A; 49= block.trial49A; 50= block.trial50A; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

Further, this is wrong:

/subjects = (3 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2C; 3=block.trial3C; 4= block.trial4C; 5= block.trial5C; 6= block.trial6C; 7=block.trial7C; 8=block.trial8C; 9= block.trial9C; 10= block.trial10C;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12C; 13=block.trial13C; 14= block.trial14C; 15= block.trial15C; 16= block.trial16C; 17=block.trial17C; 18=block.trial18C; 19= block.trial19C; 20= block.trial20C;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22C; 23=block.trial23C; 24= block.trial24C; 25= block.trial25C; 26= block.trial26C; 27=block.trial27C; 28=block.trial28C; 29= block.trial29C; 30= block.trial30C;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32C; 33=block.trial33C; 34= block.trial34C; 35= block.trial35C; 36= block.trial36C; 37=block.trial37C; 38=block.trial38C; 39= block.trial39C; 40= block.trial40C;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42C; 43=block.trial43C; 44= block.trial44C; 45= block.trial45C; 46= block.trial46C; 47=block.trial47C; 48=block.trial48C; 49= block.trial49C; 50= block.trial50C; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It should be 1C.

Similarly, this is also wrong:

/subjects = (4 of 4)
/blocks = [1= trial1B ; 2= trial2D; 3=block.trial3D; 4= block.trial4D; 5= block.trial5D; 6= block.trial6D; 7=block.trial7D; 8=block.trial8D; 9= block.trial9D; 10= block.trial10D;
11= trial11B ; 12= trial12D; 13=block.trial13D; 14= block.trial14D; 15= block.trial15D; 16= block.trial16D; 17=block.trial17D; 18=block.trial18D; 19= block.trial19D; 20= block.trial20D;
21= trial21B ; 22= trial22D; 23=block.trial23D; 24= block.trial24D; 25= block.trial25D; 26= block.trial26D; 27=block.trial27D; 28=block.trial28D; 29= block.trial29D; 30= block.trial30D;
31= trial31B ; 32= trial32D; 33=block.trial33D; 34= block.trial34D; 35= block.trial35D; 36= block.trial36D; 37=block.trial37D; 38=block.trial38D; 39= block.trial39D; 40= block.trial40D;
41= trial41B ; 42= trial42D; 43=block.trial43D; 44= block.trial44D; 45= block.trial45D; 46= block.trial46D; 47=block.trial47D; 48=block.trial48D; 49= block.trial49D; 50= block.trial50D; 51= All]
/groupassignment = groupnumber
/ postinstructions = (page.endpage1, page.endpage2)

It should be 1D.

Thank you so much for helping me out and sorry if I took up too much of your time, seeing as this was a simple mistake! I really appreciate it!
Have a good rest of your day/night!

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